장음표시 사용
It you Wish, then, to cast aside these vain phantasies, and bidadisu to evit custom, say to vian opinion et
For What, thiis you, O men, is the Hermes of Typho, and thatos Andocides, and that of yetus ' D it not evitant to allthat they aro stones, as is the verit te Hormes himself the Halo is not a Dd, and as the Dis is not a god, but arestates of the atmosphere and of the clouds; and as, Ithe se, a day is not a gori nor n year, nor time, Which is mado vos these, so nesther is sun nor mo , by Which each of those mentioned above is determined. Who, then, in his right senses, ean imagine Correction, and Punishment, and Justice, and Retribution to be goti For nesther the Furios, nor the Fates, nor Destiny are god' since netther Goverament, nor
What belongs to Him, hoW can it mitti justico bo alienated 'For that whicli is alienatod, being deprived of the properties that belonged in it, is alio deprived of truth. For, after thes hion os Niobe, or, to express myself more mysticatly, lihetho Hebrem moman called by the ancients Loes vise, are Πnot turned into a state os insensibili l This Woman, me have heard, Was turned into stone for her love of Sodom. And thoso who are godlem, addicted to implet' hardaearledand toolisti, aro Sodomites. Bellove that these ulterances amaddrossed to you srom God. For thinh not that stones, and stocis, and birds, and serpents are sacred things, and menare not; but, on the contrary, regard men as truly sacred, and tino boasis and stones for What they are. For there aremiserable Wretches of human hind, Who considor that Godores is unqueation ly a providenco implfng the exertion es divinopo re. That mWer is not exercised by idola or hinthen MM. Thoonly other alternatius is, that it is exercised by the one self-existent
96 EXHORTATION TO THE HEA THEMWhicli sto est her ear, and mill not heis the voice of tho
and good husbands to their Wives, those Who remember the Bridem m; and good mastera to their servandi, those Whohave been redoemed from ulter flavery. Oh, happier fax thobeasta than men involved in errori Who live in ignorance asyou, but do not counterseit the truth. There are no tribes of flatterem among them. Fishes have no superstition: tho
tiving through so many periods of life in impie , mal ingyourseives more irrational than tho irrational creatures u
a space by the Lord, Who, though despised as to appearance, Was in reali adored, the expiator of sin, the Saviour, theclement, the Divine Word, He stat is truly most manifestDelu, He that is made equat to tho Lord of the universe; because Ho was His Son, and the Word was in God, noldisbelloved in by ail When He Was fimi proached, nor est
gether unknown When, assuming the character of man, and
with flosh-Ο divine mysteryl-vanquished the Serpent, and onflaved the tyrant death; and, most marvellous of ali, manthat had been deceived by pleasure, and bound fast tocorruption, had his hands unloosed, and was set Dee. Ο mystic Wonderi Tho Lord Was laid lo' and man roseup; and he that seli from Paradiso receives as the re ardos obedience something greater filian ParadisH-namely, heaven itself. Whereiore, since the Word Himself has come to us from heaven, We need not, I rechon, M a more in search of human learning to Athens and the restos Greece, and to Ionia. For ii me have as our teachor Him that filiod the universo with His holy energies in creation, salvation, beneficence, legislation, prophe , teaching, wo have tho Teacher from Whom ali instruction comes; and the wholo Worid, with Athens and Greece, has atready be-
is noliner barbarian, nor Je , nor Greeh, netther male nor semese, but a nem man,' transformed by God's Ηoly Spirit. Further, the other cou eis and precepta are unimportant, and respect particular things,-as, sor example, ii one may
only command that is universal, and over the whole co se of existence, at ali times and in ali circumstances, tenda to thohi est end, via. lita, is pie ,-Hl that is necessa , in orderthat me may lius for ever, being that Wo live in accordance With it. Philosophy, ho ever, as the ancients say, is a long- lived exhortation, Wooing tho eternat love of wisdom ; ' whilotho commmdment of the Lord is fa shining, enli tening the Ves.' Receive Christ, receive figlit, receive thy lio
and been illuminated by Him, Wo fhould have been nowiso different frem fowis that are being fed, saltened in dactness, and nourished for death. Let us then admit the li that momay admit God; let us admit tho light, and become discipiesto the Lota. This, ino, Ho has been promised to tho Father: AI Will declaro Thy namo in my brethran; in the micit of the Aureli mill I presso Thee.' ' Presso and declam to me Thy Faster God; Thy ulterances fave; Thy hymn teaches that
102 EXHORTATION TO THE MATHEMhistorto I have mandered in error, seehing God. But since Thou leadest me to tho light, o Lord, and I find God throuo Thee, and receivo the Father from Thoe, I beeome Thy
minting ont the favo able signa and musing tho nationari good Woris, pulting them in tand of the true a tenance