Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류



supplication to the Lord: for this is tho meaning of the expression Hosanna When rendered into Grook. d tho Scriptum appears in me, in allusion to the prophecy justinentioned, reproachsully to upbraid the thoughtless : Have ye never read, out of the mouilis of babes and sucklings Thou hast perfected praiso In this way the Lota in tho Gospeis spure on His discipies, urging them to attend to Him, hastening as Ηe Was in the Father; rendering His hearere more eager by the intimation that aster a littio IIo was todepari, and sho ing them stat it Was requisito that theyaliould inhe more unsparing advantago of the truth than everbeiore, as the Word Was to ascend to heaven. Aguin, there-

maidens are stili called παι δίσκαι, and servant-giris et αδ σκάρια; and that those last also are, on account of the bl m

lambs in nature, not men ; and the lambs ΗΘ counts Worthyos preference, imm tho superior regard Ηe has to that ten- demess and simplicity of disposition in men which constitutes innocence. Main, When He says, suching calves,' Heagain alludes figuratively to us; and as an innocent and




ar ' using the figurativo appellation os lambs, Which arestili more tender than ineep, to express simplici . d alio in truth, hono ing tho fairest and most perfeci objecta in lito mith an appellation derived hom the word child, havenamed training mro eis, and discipline παιδαγωγία. Disci



care of the things of this morid, and exhorting them to adheroto the Fathor alone, in imitation os chilhen. Whereiore also in What follows He says : Tahe no anxious thought for thomorroW; sussicient unio the day is the evit thereos. Thus He enjoins them to lay aside tho cares of this sila, and dependon the Father Hone. d he who sulfils this commandmentis in reali ty a child and a son in God and to the world,-to the one as deceived, to the other as beloved. And is moliave one Master in heaven, as the Scripture says, then is common consent those on the earth mill be rightly callod di cipies. For so is the truth, that perfection is With the Lord, Who is alWays reaching, and insancy and childistinem Withus, Whο are alWays learning. Thus prophecy hath hono ed

'ersention, by applying to it the appellation man. For i stance, by David, He says of tho devit: μ Tho Lota abhors

And writing to the Ephesians, he has unsolded in the clearest manner the polat in question, speahing to the folio ingo ei: Till wo ali attain to the uniu of the faith, and of

the knowledge of God, to a perfeci man, to the measum os the stature of the lalness os Christ: that se bo no longerchildren, tossed in and fro by every Wind of doctrine, by the crast os men, by their cunning in the stratagems of demit; but, speahing the truth in love, may grow up to Him in allthings,' saying theso things in order to the odification oftho boh of Christ, Who is the head and man, the only one


THE INSTRUCTOR 127 dieated of the silly: sor the silly man is called νηπυτιος; and

suta is sto virgin speech, tender, and Dee os fraud; Whenceatio a virgin is mont in be called a tender bride,' anda child tende heisted.' And we are tender Who arepitant to the pomer of persuasion, and are eastly draWn togoodness, and are mild, and Deo of the stata os malico and

perversenem, sor the ancient race Was perverse and har&

fantile in tho old solly. Os late, then, God Was known by



to the adoption os chilhen, knows them as genue, and lovesinose alone, and alti and fictis for them ; and thereiore Hebestoma in them the name os child. Tho Word Isaac I also connect with child. Isaac means laughter. ΗΘ Was Mensporting With his Miso and helpmeet Rebecca by the pryingking. The hing, whose name mas Abimelech, appears tome to represent a supramundane Wisdom contemplating the mystery os spori. Thev interpret Rebecca to mean en- durance. O Wise spori, laughter also assisted by endurance. und the hing as spectatori The spirit of those that are chiudron in Christ, Whose lives are ordered in Endurance, rejesce. And this is tho divine sport. Such a spori, of his o ,



129 Jove sporis,' says Heraclitus. For What other employment isseemly for a Wiss and perfeci man, than to spori and be gladin tho endurance of What is good, and, in the administrationof What is good, holding festivat with God That whlehis signified by the prophel may be interpreted differentinnamely, of our rejoicing sor salvation, as Isaac. Ηe also,

his spouse, Who Was the type of tho Helper of our salvation, ins church, to whom the stable name of endurance is oven ;for this cause s ely, because aho alone remains to ali gener tions, rejοicing ever, subsisting M she does by the endurance of us bellavera, Who are the members of Christ. And the witnem os inoso that have endured to tho end, and the re-joicing on stela account, is tho mystic spori, and the salvation accompanted With decorous solace Which brings M aid.

but suffer, as Was right, yielding the precedence in sufferingto the Word. Furthermore, there is an intimation of the divini os tho Lord in His not boing flain. For Jesus roseagain aster His buriat, having suffered no ham, lihe Isaac rete ed from sacrifice. d in defence of tho potnt tobo established, I shali adduco another consideration of the




impar et ' It tho lalter, thero is somo addition Ho requires yet to miss. But for Him to mine any addition to His knowledgo is absurd, since He is God. For none can be superiorto the Word, or the inacher of the onb Teacter. Will thoynot then O , though reluctant, that the perfect Word bornos tho perfect Father Was Mytteu in periection, accor ing to oeconomic sor ordination ' And ii He was perfeci, by Was He, the perieci one, baptized 3 It was necessarn



not. But He is perfected by the Washing-os baptismalone, and is sanctified by the descent of tho Spiriti Suchis tho case. The fame also tahes place in Our case, Whose

exemplar Christ became. Being baptized, me aro illuminated; illuminaled, We become sons; being made fons, We are madeperieci; being made persect, me are made immortal. I,Vsays He, have said that ys aro gods, and ali sons of tho Hi est.' in This moin is variousj cassed grace,' and illumination, and persection, and Washing: Washing, by Which v ocleanse aWay our sins; grace, by Whicli the penalties accruingio transgressions are remitted; and illumination, by whicli that

unis you, He that heareth my Words, and belloveth on Himiliat sent me, hassi eternal lise, and cometh not into condemnation, but halli passed from death to liso. 3 Thus belleving alone, and regeneration, is periection in lito; sor