Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


THE OFFICE OF THE INSTRUCTOR. S thors are theso three things in the case of man, habita, actions, and passiona; habita aro tho d partinent appropriated is hortatou discouris the

Ali actions, again, are the province of preceptive disco se; While persuasive disco se applies iraeis to heal the passions. It is, ho-Ver, one and tho seis amo Word Which res ea manhom tho custom of this Worid in Which he has been reared,

and traius him in the ono salvation of faith in God. When, then, the heavenly mide, the Word, vas invitingmen to salvation, the appellation os hortat γ Was properbapplied in Um: this fame mord Was called musing thewholo hom a part . For the whole os piety is hortator' engendering in tho Endred faculty of reason a yearning after true lue noW and is coma. But nori bring at onm curatimand preceptive, solioWing in His o n Meps, ΗΕ mahes Whathad Men prescribed ius subject os persuasion, promising thecure of the passiona Mihin us. Let us then designate this Word appropriately by tho one name Trior da gue,



The Instructor being practical, not theoretices, His aim isthus to improve the foui, not to leach, and to train it up toa virtuous, not in an intellectual lite. Although this famoword is didactic, but not in the present instance. For theword Whicli, in matters of doctrine, explains and reueias, is that whose province it is to reach. But our Educator boing practical, first exhoris to the attainment of right dispositions

and character, and then persuades us to the energetic practice of our duties, enjoining on us pure commandmenta, and exhibiting to such as come aster representations os those Whosormerly wandered in error. Both are os the hi est utili ,- that whicli assumes the form of counselling to obedience, and that whicli is presented in the form os examplo; whicli latteris of two hinds, corresponding to the former duali ,-the onehaving for ita purpose that we should choose and imitato thegood, and the oster that me aliould rejeci and turn a V srom the opposite. Hence accordingly ensues the healing of our passions,

in consequence of the assuagements of those examples;

the Paedagogue strengthening our fouis, and by His benigncommands, as by gentie medicines, guiding the sich to thoperiect knoreledge of tho truth. Thoro is a wide differenco belweon health and knowledge; for tho latior is produced by learning, the former by healing. One, who is ili, Will not thereiore learn any branch of instruction illi ho is quite meli. For neister to learnere norto the sicli is each injunction invariably expressed similarly; but to the tormer in such a Way as to lead to knowledge, and to the lalter to health. As, then, for those of us Whoaro diseraed in body a physician is required, so also those who ars diseased in soci require a paedagogue to cum ourmaladies; and then a reacher, to train and guide the foui toali requisite knowledgo when it is mado ablo to admit tho revelation os the Word. Eagerly destring, then, to periectus is a gradation conducive to salvation, suiled for em clous discipline, a beautiful arrangement is observed by the all-benignant Word, Who fidit exhoris, then trains, and finalty inaches.


He is to us a spoliess imago; to Him We are to tW with altour might to assimilate our fouis. Ηe is wholly Deo homhuman passions; Whereiore also He alone is judgo, because Ηe alone is sintem. far, hoWever, as Me can, let us try tosin as litile as possibie. For nothing is so urgent in the fidit placo as deliverance hom passions and disordera, and thentho cheching oi our liabiliu in tali into sins that have becomo habituat. It is best, thereiore, not in sin at ali in any Way, which Wo assert to be the prerogative of God Mone; nexi tokeep clear of Voluntary transgressions, whicli is characteristicos the wise man ; thirdly, not in tali into many involuntaryoffences, whicli is peculiar in those Who have been excellentlytrain . Not to continus long in sins, let that be rankodiast. But this also is salutary to those Who are called bachio repentance, to reneW ths contest.




ME INSTRUCTOR 117 and strat tway the infirm man received strength. And tothe dead He said, Lazarus, go fortii ; ' and the dead manissued hom his cossin such as he was ere ho dieri haring

sius M sorgiven thee.' We, hoWeVer, as soon as He conceived the thought, be- came His children, having had assignia us tho best and most secure rank is His orderly arrangement, Whicli fidit circles out the worid, tho heavens, and the sun's circuit' and occupies itself with the motions of the rest of tho Mars forman's hoos, and then bustis iueis mith man himself, on hom est ita care is concentralia; and regataing him astra greatest Work, regulated his mul by Wisdom and temperance, and tempered the body With beau and proportion. And whatevet in human actions is right and regular, is tho est of tho inspiration os ita rectitude and ordor.


contemplation os mysteries. But let it stand over for tho present. NoW, it is incumbent on us to return His love, who

os the Master according to His similitude, and so fulfil What Scripture says as is our being made in His image and likeness. For, Wandering in lite M in deop darhnem, me need a Mido that cannot alumbie or stray; and our guide is the best, notbliud, as the Scripture says, leading the blind into pila.' But tho Word is heen-sighted, and scans the recesses of thelieart. Α' thon, that is not light vhicli enii tens not, nor



is that good Which profidi nes, nor Mides to salvation. Letus then iam at the sulfilment of the commmdments by tho moris of tho Lord; for the Word Himself also, haring openlybeeomo flesh, exhibitod the samo viriue, both practical and contemplative. Wheres o let us regard the Word as law, and His commands and counseis as tho aliori and stratot passis to immortality; ior His precepis are tuli os persuasion,


And thois whoso liso is common, have common grace and a common Salvation; common to thom ara love and training.


HAT, then, Paedagon is the training of childron

παίδων πιωγή), is clear from the word iraeli. It remains for us to consider the chil Men whom Scripturo potnis to; then to ove the paedagogue chargo of them. We are the children. In many Ways Scripture celebrates us, and describes us in manifold figures