Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


un illingness to: bellevo the truth which declaros that the lawWas divinely given by Moses, whilst they honour Moses in their own writers i They relato that Minos received tho lawssrom Zeus in itine years, by frequenting the cave os Zeus; and Plato, and Aristolle, and Ephorus write that Lycurgus was trainod in legislation by going constantly to Apollo at Delphi. Chamaeleo os Heraclea, in his book On Drunkenneas, and Aristolle in The Polity of Loorians, montion that

Zaleucus the Locrian received the laws frem Athene. But those Who exalt tho credit os Greeli legislation, as saras in them lies, by referring it in a divine Murce, aster themodet os Mosaic prophecy, are sensetem in not oWning the truth, and the archetype of What is related among them.


benefactor; and shali not he who attempla todeli ver the foui from iniquity, as much more appear a friend, as the foui is a more proclous thing than the body Τ Besides, for tho salio of bodily health we submit to incisions, and cauterigations, and medicinal draughts ; and lio who administors them is called saviour aud heater, even though amputating paris, not irom grudge or ill-Will to ards the patient, but as the principies of the ari prescribe, so that tho Aound paris may not peristi along With them, and no One accuses tho physician's art of wicliud noss; and shali me not similarly submit, ior the foui's salie, to ei ther banishment, or punishment, or bonds, provided only irom uiarighteo ness we shallattain to righteousness For tho law, in iis solicitudo for those Who oben trains upto piety, and prescribes What is to be done, and restrains eachone irom sins, imposing penalties even on tesser Sins. But whon it se any one in such a condition as to appear

demna suci, an one to death, as the courae most conduciis to


that, When one falis into any incurable eril,-When taen possession os, sor example, by Wrong or coveto ness, it Willbe sor his mod is ho is put to death. For tho law is beneficent, Ming abis to mahe some righteous from unrighteous, it they Will only givo ear in it, and by releasing othera Dompresent evila; for those Who havo chosen to livo temperatolyand justin it conducis in immortali . To know tho lam is characteristic os a good disposition. And again: Wiehedmen do not undeditand tho law; but they who seeh tho Lord shali havs undornanding in ali that is mod.' MIt is essentiat, certainly, that the providence Which managesial, be both supreme and good. For it is the poWer of both that dispenses salvation-the ono correcting is punishment,as supreme, the other sho ing hindness in tho exerciso os beneficence, as a benefactor. It is in your pomer not to bea son os dis edience, bnt to para from darkness is life, and lending Dur ear to Wisdom, to M tho legat flave of God, in the fidit instanco, and thon in come a fiathsul servant,



But when chariu covors the multitude os sins,' ' by the consummation of the blessed liope, then may We wel me himas one Who has been enriched in iove, and received into tho


sour paris,-into the historic, and that whicli is specialty called the legislative, Whicli mo properlybelong to an ethical treatise; and the stird, that which relates to sacrifice, which belongs in physical science; and the fourth, above est, the depariment of theology, vision,' δwhicli Plato predicates of tho truly great mysteries. And this specios Aristolle calis motaphystcs. Dialectics, according to Plato, is, as he says in The Statesman, a scienco devoted tothe discovery of the explanation of things. And it is to boacquired by the Wise man, not for the sise of saying or

in relation to tho most excellent essence of all, and essus togo Myond to the God of the universe, professing not theknowledge of mortes affaire, but the scienco of things divinoand heavenly; in accordance with which follows a suilablocourse of practice With respect to mords and deed' oven inhuman assaire. Righuy, therelare, the Scripture, in iis desimio mino us such dialecticians, exhorta us: μ Be yo fhilfulmoney-changere, ' rejecting some things, but retaining Whatis good. For this true dialectic is tho scienco whicli analyses



the objecta of thought, and shοws abstractly and by itfelitho individual substratum os existences, or the poWer of dividing things into genera, Which descends to their most species properties, and presenta each individual object to bocontemplated simply such as it is. Wherosors it alono conducis to tho true Wisdom, which is the divine power Which deals With the knowledge οξ entities as entities, Whicli grasps What is perfeci, and is fruod homali passion; not Without the Savio , Who WithdraWs, by the divine Word, tho gloom os ignorance arising iram eviltra ing, which had overapread the Vo of the foui, and besto A the best os gitis,

symbol, or laying dom a precept for right conduci, or asultering a prophe . But I Well know that it belongs in men os fuit agoJ to distinguish and declaro these things. Forthe wholo Scripture is not in ira meming a single Myconos,as the proverbial expression has it; but those who hunt astorino connection os the divino inaching, must approach it Withtho ulmost perfection of the logical facul .


Plato sald, o Solon, Solon, you Greelis arealWays chilhen, not having in your fouis a single ancient opinion received through tradition homantiquity. And not one of tho Greelis is an old man; ' meaning by old, I suppose, those Who know What belongs to themore remote antiqui , stat is, our literature; and by yοung, those who treat of What is more recent and made the subjectos study by the Greelas,-things of yesterday and of recent late as is they wero old and ancient. Wheroforo lis added, and no study hoary With time; ' for we, in a hind of ba barous Way, deal in homely and rugged metaphor. Τhose, theresore, Whose minds aro rightly constituted approach the interpretation ultorly destituto os artifice. And of the Greehs,ho says that their opinions differ but liuio fram myths.'For neither puerils fabies nor Mories current among chilhenaro fit for listoning to. And ho called the myths themselves children,' as is the progeny of those, Wise in their oWn con

expression he opposed the phraso child sable,' censuring the mythical character of the attempla of tho moderas, ah likechildren, having nothing os ago in them, and affirming both

in common-their fabies and their speeches-to be puerile. Divinely, therelare, tho poWer Whicli spoko in Hemas by revelation sald, The visions and revelations ars for those


random and not With comprehension :

For tha Saturnian framed lor men this Iam: Fiahes, and Masta, and Winged biriis may eat Each other, since no rule ol right is theira;

Whethor, then, it bo tho laπ whieli is connate and naturat, or that given astematas, Whicli is meant, it is certainly os God; and both the laW of nature and that os instruction areone. Thus also Plato, in The State an, says that the laWgiver is one; and in The Laisa, that he who shali underatandmusic is one; teaching by these Words that the Word is one, and God is one. And Moses manifestly calis tho Lord a covenant: Behold I am my Covenant missi thoe, having





of tho dimoverisa ol recent oxplorem, Set tho present editor has is a considerabis extent suppliod tho deficiency; and we may say that, among tho Voluminous producis of thomell-known Minburgh nrem, se oxceed this publication in importaneo and oomplet nem. Chriorian Remembroincer, Ian. 1867. To clemymon theso volumas mill provo not Iess interesting than instructivo and usosvi. Thoological studenta mill fini in them tho most exhaustivo storebouso os facta on thosuriscis existing in tho language, Whilo umn est tho moot minis os Palestinian and Sinaitic geograpny they mill meet With a condensed summary ol au tho argumenta olevery minor of noto, imm tho earlieat ages do n to tho period of tho author's Math. Ina mota, thos' four volumos invo tho essenes of tho entiro litoraturo of tho subject os oveo's and lan age Tho readera of theso Volumes havo overy reason in bo satiassed mith tho resulti But it Would bo impossibio in mention ali tho good things in theas Volumos. - must, hoWevor, say a la. Morda umn Rittor's magnificent monographon ino rituation os Ophir, Whicti Wo rogard Ra oue os tuo gema ol the work. . . . . miter Stroatment of thia apparently hopolosa question is a masterpi e os maturo scholarahi and mund judgmenti Tho Wholo monograph is a modet os ita hind What ws aronoW saying ol tho monograph on the siluation of Ophir is, ho evor, applicabis in ove

in. Gam has, With a persect knowledgo of tho matur in hand, and by tho uso os aclear and lively style, producod a thoroughly readablo book. Datis Reriem By tho publication os this geography ol Palestine, Me m. Clark havo placod Mihinitio reach os a largo numbre of studenta, clerical and lay, an exhaustius and comprehensius Work on biblicai geography, vhich Will greatly sacilitato the study of tho sacred

Tho translator has lulfiusd his inis admirably Tho book is Hemant to read, and Will bo fonnd very interestiun not ovir is biblicat studenta, but by tho publio in

generat. Evangelicia Massagine.