Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


la restored on tho seventh day. At this period, to' occurredine sign of Jona; and Tobias, throuo tho assistaneo of thoanget Raphael, married Sara the demon haring killed herseven fidit initora; and after tho marriago es Tobias, his father Tobit remvered his si t. At that time Zorobabel, haringis his misdom overcome his opponent' and obtained leave from Darius for the rebullding of Jerusalem, returned Mithiadras to his native tand; and by him the redemption os thepe te and the revisat and restoration of the inspired oraclos were effected; and the passover of deliverance celebratia, and marriam missi aliens dissolved. Cyrus had, is proclamation, previo ly enjoined the rest ration os the Hebrem. And his promise Ming accompliinedin tho time os Darius, tho feast of the dedication Was held, as also the ferat of tabernacles. Thoro .ere in all, tising in tho duration of the captivitydoWn to tho restoration of the people, from the birili os Moses,ono thousand one hundred and fifty-five years, fix months, and ten dus; and from the reim os David, according to

the transgression, and to Mal sins, and is Wipo oui and misereconciliation for iniqui , and to bring in evertasting right- eo ness, and to sint the vision and the prophet, and to anoint tho Holy of Holies. Know thereiore, and understand, stat iram the ming sortii os the mota commanding an ans er tobs inven, and Jerusalem in be bulli, to Christ tho Prince,



end of the war inali bo cui ost by desolations. Λnd hostiali confirm the covenant mitti many for one Week; and in the middio of the wook tho sacrifice and oblation inalibe tinen away; and in tho holy place shali bo the abomination os desolations, and untii tho consummation os timoinali the consummation be assigned sor desolation. Andin the midst of the weeh shali lie mahe tho incenso offacrifice cease, and of the wing oi destruction, even illi theconsummation, lihe the destruction of tho oblation. in Thatthe templo accordingly Was bulli in seven Weeis, is evident;

sor it is writton in Esdras. And thus Christ becamo Κingos the JeWs, reigning in Jerusalem in tho fulfilment of tho

lius. And Vespasian rose to the supreme poWer, and d

stroyed Jerusalem, and desolated tho holy place. And that such are the facts of the case, is clear to him that is able tounderatand, as the prophel said. On the completion, then, of the elevenin year, in the bo ginning of tho solioWing, in the reim of Joachim, occurred the caroing a V captive to Babylon is Nabuchodonosor the hing, in tho seventh year of his reign over the Assyrians, in the second year os the rei= of Vaphres over the Egyintians, in the archonship os Philip at Athens, in the fidit year of the fori eighth Olympiad. Tho captivity lastedior seventy years, and ended in the second year os Darius

Hystaspes, who had become hing of the Perstans, Assyrians, and Egyptians ; in Whose reim, as I said above, Hamai and Zechariali and the angel of the twolve prophesied. Andthe high priest Was Jostiua the son of Josedec. And in the


THE MISCELLANIES 435 second year of the reim os Darius, Who, Herodotus says, d strved the po er of the Magi, Zorobabel the son os Salathiel

was despalched in resse and adorn the temple at Jerusalem. The times of the Perstans are accordingly summed up thus: Cyrus Digned thirty years; Cambyses, nineisen; Darius, forty-six; Xerxes, tWentPsix; Artaxerxes, fortyone ; Darius, eight; Artaxerxes, fortPtWο; Ochus or Arses, throe. The sum total of the years of the Persian monarchyis two hundred and thirty-five years.

Alexander of Macedon, having despatched this Darius, during this period, Myn to Nign. Similarin the fore, tho times of tho Macedonian kings are thus computed: Alexander, eighteen years; Ptolemy the son of Lagus, forty years; Ptolemy Philadelphus, t enly-seVen years;

Cappadocians for eighteen days. Accordin y the period embraced by the Macedonian kingsis, in ali, threo hundred and tWelve years and eighteen days. Theresors those who prophesied in the timo os Darius Hystaspes, about the second year of his rei ,-Ηamat, and Zechari , and the angel of the twelve, whο prophesied about tho Mst year of the foru-eighth Olympiad,-are demonstratedio be older than 'thagoras, Who is sald to have lived in thosix -second olympiad, and than Thales, the oldest of thowiso men of the Greeta, Who liuod a ut the fiftieth Olympiad. Thoso Mise men that are classed missi Thules merothen contemporaneous, as Andron says in the Tripos. ForHeraclitus Ming posterior to Pythagoras, mentions him in his A. Whence indisputably the firat Olympiad, which was

domonstrated to be Dur hundred and seven years later inantho Trojan war, is found in be prior to the ago of tho a vementioned propheth together With those called the seven mise



men. Accordin y it is easy to perceive that Solomon, Wholivod in tho timo os Menelaus who mas during the Trojan

Polyhistor, in his mork on the Jews, has transcribed somε letters of Solomon to Vaphres hing os Ens, and to thohing oi tho Phonicians at Tyro, and theirs in Solomon; in which it is stloKn that Vaphres sent eighty thousand Enytian men to him for the bullding of the temple, and the otheras many, along mith a Tyrian artificer, tho son of a JoWishmother, of tho tribe of Dan, as is there Written, of the nameos Hyperon. Further, Onomacritus tho Athenian, Who issaid to havo been the anthor of tho poems ascribed in o pheus, is ascertained to have lived in the riam of tho Pisi tratidae, about the fiftieth Olympiad. And Orpheus, Whosaited mith Hercules, was the pupil of Musaeus. Amphion precedes tho Trojan War by two generations. And Domodocus and Phemius Were posterior to the capturo os Troy; for theymere famed for playing on tho lyre, the former among the Phaeacians, and the lalter among the sultore. And tho Oraelesascribed to Musaeus aro salil to bo the production of Onom critus, and the Crateres of orpheus the production of Zopyrusos Heraclea, and The Deseent to Hades that os Prodicus of Samos. Ion os Chios relatos in tho Triami,' that Pythagoras ascribed certain morks of his o nJ to Orpheus. Epigenes, in his book respecting The Poet attributed to Orpheus, mys that The Deseent to Hacies and the Mered Diseourse Were tho pr duction os Cecrops the Pythagorean; and the Pepius and the Physies of Brontinus. Some also mine Terpander out ancient. Hellanicus, accordin y, relates that he lived in thotime os indas: but Phanias, who places Lesches the Lesbian

referred to lor a proper name.


beiore Terpander, mahes Terpander Dunger than Archilochus, and relates that Lesches contendod with Arctinus, and gainedilis Victor' Xanthus tho Lydian says that he liuod a ut the eighisentit olympiad; as also Dionysius says that Thasus .as bulli about the fifteenth Olympiad: so that it is cloarthat Archilochus was Hready known aster the twentieth Olympiad. Ηe accordingly relates the destruction os mynetes as having recently ta n place. Simonides is assignedio the timo of Archilochus. Callinus is not much older; for Archilochus resers to Magnetos as destroyed, while thelalter refers in ii as flourishing. Eumelus of Corinth Mingolder, is said is have mei Archias, Who founded Syracuse. Wo were induced in mention these things, becaum thep ta of the epic cycle are placed amongst thom of mostremote antiqui . Already, too, among the Greeri, many diviners are said to have mado their appearance, as the Bacides, one a Boeotian, the other an Arcadian, Who ulteredmany predictions to many. By the connses of Amphiletus tho Athenian, who inowed tho time for the onset, Pisistr tus, too, strengthened his goverament. For me may passover in silenco Cometes of Crete, Cinyras of Cyprus, Admetus tho Thessalian, Aristaeas the Cyrenian, Amphi raus tho Athenian, Timoxeus' ine Corcyraean, Demaenetus

tho Phocian, Epigenes the Thespian, Nicias the Carystian, Aristo tho Thessalian, Dionysius tho Carthaginian, Cle phon tho Corinthian, Hippo tho daughter of Chiro, and Boeo, and Manto, and tho host os Sibyls, the Samian, the Colophonian, the Cumaean, tho Erythraean, the Pythian tho Taraxandrian, tho Macetian, tho Thessalian, and the The protiam And Calchas again, and Mopsus, Who lived during tho Trojan War. Mopsus, ho ever, Was older, having sauedy The passage mema incomplete. The bearing ol the date of thobullding ol Thasos in the determination es the age of Archilochus, maybo, that it ma bulli by Tel ictus his son. δ Callia in Meauso ho ario nod at Athena. His Urinplace


- Another rotaing is Τιμολος; Sylburgius conjectures Τιμόξενος. Tho texi has Φὐτώ, Which Sylburgiua conjecturea has been changed



along With tho Argonauta. And it is said that Battus the Cyrenian composed what is called the Diuination OsMopsus. Dorotheus in the fidit Pandeet relates that Mopsus was the disciplo os Alcyon and Corone. And Pythagoras the Great always applied his mind to prognostication, and Abaris the Hyperborean, and Aristaeas the Proconnesian, and Epimenides the Cretan, Who came to Sparta, and Zoroaster the Mede, and Empedocles of Agrigentum, and Phormion the Lacedaemonian; Polyaratus, i , os Thasus, and Empedotimus of Syracuse; and in addition to these, Socrates the Athenian in particular. For,' he says in the Theages, Ι am attended by a supernatural intimation, whieli has been assigned me from a child is divine appotia,

ment. This is a voice Whicli, When it comes, prevenis What I am about to do, but exhoris never. ' Aud Execestus, thetyrant of tho Phocians, wore two enchanted rings, and by the found whicli they ulterod one against the other dote minod tho proper times for actions. But ho died, nevertheless, troacherousty murdered, although Warnod bosorehand by the found, as Aristolle says in the Polity of the Phocians. of those, too, Who at one timo lived as men among the Egyptians, but Were constituted gods by human opinion, were Hermes the Theban, and Asclepius of Memphis; Tireseus and Manto, again, at Thebes, as Euripides says. Helenus, too, and Laocoon, and innone, and Crenus in Ilium. For Crenus, one of the Heraclidae, is sald to have been a noted prophet. Another Was Jamus in Elis, Domwhom came tho Jamidae; and Polyidus at Argos and Megara, who is mentioned by the trage . Why enumerate Telemus,

Who, being a prophet of tho Cyclops, predicted in Polyphemus the evenis of Ulysses' Wandering ; or Onomacritus at Athens; or Amphiaraus, who campaigned With the sevcnat Τhebes, and is reporied to be a generation older thanthe capture of Troy; or Theoclymenus in Cephalonia, or

Telmisus in Caria, or Galeus in Sicily ΤThere are others, too, besides these: Idmon, Who Was Withthe Argonauta, Phemonoe of Delphi, Alopsus the son of


THE MISCELLANTES. 439 Apollo and Manto in Pamphylia, and Amphilochus the sonos Amphiaraus in Cilicia, Alcmaeon among tho Acarnanians, Anias in Delos, Aristander of Telmessus, Who wasalong With Alexander. Philochorus also relatos in tho finibook of the woa, On Divination, that Orpheus Was a Seer. And Theopompus, and Ephorus, and Timaeus, Write os aseer called Orthagoras; as the Samian Pythocles in the laurthbook of The Italias writos os Caius Julius Nepos. But somo of theso thievos and robbers, tho Scripture says, predicted for the most pari hom observation and probabilities, as physicians and wothsayers judge from naturalaigias ; and othera Were excited by demons, or Wore disturbe lis Watera, and fumigations, and air of a peculiar hind. Butamong the Hebrens the propheta Were moved by the poWerand inspiration of God. Besore the lam Adam spoke propheticalty in respect to the woman, and the naining of thocreatures ; Noah proached repentance; Abraham, Isaac, and

Jacob gave many clear ulterances respecting tutum and present things. Contemporaneous With the laW, Moses and Aaron; and a ter these prophesied Jesus the son of Nave,

Samuel, Gad, Nathan, Achias, Samaeas, Jehu, Elias, Μichaeas, Abdiu, Elisaeus, Abbadonai, Amos, Esaias, Osee, Jonas, Joel, Jeremias, Sophonias the son os Bugi, Egehiel, Urias, Ambacum, Naum, Daniel, Misael, Who vrote thosyllogisms, Aggai, Zacharias, and the angel among the twelve. Theses aro, in ali, fiu and-thiru propheis. And of momen for theso too prophesied), Sara, and Rebecca, and Μariam, and Debbora, and Olda. Then Mihin the samo period Jolin prophosted tili thobaptism os salvation; and astor tho birili os Christ, Annaand Simeon. For Zacharias, Jobn's fallier, is sald in tho G peis to have prophesied before his son. Let us thon draWup the chronology of the Greeis from Moses. Froni tho birili Oi Moses to tho exodus of the Jows homEgypt, eighty years; and the period doWn to his death, othorsor years. The exodus took placo in the time os Inachus, Miare the mandering os Sothis, Moses having gone forin hom


Egypt three hundred and fori fiue years before. From theriae os Moses, and hom Inachus to tho Bood os Deucalion, Imean the second inundation, and to the conflagration os Phaethon, Whicli evenis happenta in the time os Crotopus, s ty generations are enumeraled three generations Mingrechoned sor a centuita . Fram the flood to the conflagration os Ida, and the discovery of iron, and the Idaean Dactyis,are MVenty-three years, according to Thrasyllus; and Domino conflagration of Ida to the rape os Ganymede, aix -fivo years. From this to the expedition os Perseus, When Glaucusosi lished the Isthmian gamos in hono of Melicerta, filimn years; and from tho expedition os Perseus to thobulldiug Oi Tron thiri laur years. From this to the Voyage of the Argo, fixi'sour years. From this in Theseus and the Minotaur, thir -tWo years; then to the seven at ebes, ten years. d to the Olympic contest, WhichHercules instituted in hono of Pelops, three years; and to tho expedition of the Amazons against Athens, and therape of Helen by Theseus, nine years. From this to thedeification os Hercules, eleven years; then to the rape os Helen by Alexander, laur years. From the tising of Troyto the descent of AEneas and tho founding of Lavinium, ten years; and to the goverament of Ascanius, eight years; and to the descent of the Heraclidae, fiat'one Dara; andis the olympiad os Iphitus, thres hundred and thiri

eight years. Eratosthenes thus seis down the datis: Fromthe capturo os Troy to tho descent of the Heraclidae, eightyyears. From this to tho founding oi Ionia, sta years; and tho period fosso ing to the protectorate os Lycurgus, aliundred and fis inins years; and to the first year of the fimi Olympiad, a hundred and eight years. From Whicholympiad to tho invasion os Xerxes, two hundred and ninely-seven years; imm Which to tho Monning of the Peloponnesian War, fori eight years; and to ita close, and the desint of the Athenians, tWent seven years; and to thebatue at Leuctra, stir -four Dara; aster Which to the deathoi Philip, thir -fivo years. And alter this to the deceaseos Alexander, t elue years.


taing of Babylon to tho death of Alexander, a hundred and eight fix years. From this to the victory of Augustus, when Antony hilled himself at Alexandria, two hundred and

ninely-four Dars, When Augustus Was made consul sor the

don rechon a thousand eight hundred and tWentPeight years; and hom Demophon, a thousand tWo hundred and fisu; and hom tho inhing of Troy to the expedition os the Heraclidae,a hundred and tWenty or a hundred and eighty years. Fromthis to the archonship of Evaenetus at Athens, in Whose timo Alexander is sald to have marched into Asia, according to Phanias, aro aeven hundred and fisty years; according to Ephorus, seven hundred and thir -five; according in Thnaeus and Clitarchus, eight hundred and tWenty; according to Er

tosthenes, seven hundred and seven -four. As also Duris,froin the tising of Troy to the march of Alexander into Asia, a thousand years; and iram that to the archonship of Hegesias, in Whoso time Alexander died, eleven years. Fromthis dato to tho Dign os Germanicus Claudius Caesar, threehundred and fixi fiue years. From Whicli time the years summed up to the deast of Commodus are manifesti Alter tho Grecian period, and in accordance With the dates,as computed by the barbarians, veo large intervati are to M



Abraham, a thousand tWo hundred and fisty years. From Isaac to the division os tho land, fix hundred and s leonyears. Then from the judges to Samuel, four hundred and

os the peopte into their own land to the captivity in the timeos Vespasian, are comprised four hundred and ten years. Finalty, irom Vespasian to the death of Commodus, there

Demotrius, in his book, On the Mngs in Iudoea, says that the tribes of Juda, Benjamin, and Levi mere not tinencaptive by Sennacherita; but that thero wero from this captivi to tho last, Whicli Nabuchodonosor made out ofJerusalem, a hundred and tWentPeight years and fix months; and from the time that tho ten tribes mere carried captivo from Samaria illi Ptolemy the Fourth, were five hundredand seventy-three years, nine monilis; and froin the timothat tho captivi from Jorusalem took place, three hundredand thiri eight years and three monilis. Philo himsoli sol down the tangs differently from Demetrius Besides, Eupolemus, in a similar Work, says that ait theyears fram Adam to the fifth year of Ptolemy Demetrius, who reigned tWelvo years in Egypt, When added, amount tofive thousand a hundred and fortymine ; and irom the timothat Moses brought out the de s from Egypt to the abo-- metitioned date, there are, in all, tWo thousand fivo hundredand eighty years. And ironi this time illi the consulfhip in Romo of Caius Domitian and Casian, a hundred and twen