Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


Then, after relating the combat bet oen the Hebre and

the Egyptian, and the burying of the Egyptian in the sand,

he says of the other contest:

os God. And when the Egyptians gave no heed to the effecisos that pomer, thrquo their Aolisti insaluation diaboliovinnthen, as is sald, tho children knem' What was done; and the Hobrems asterWards going sorth, departed carming muchspoil srom the Egyptians, not for avarice, as the cavillers say, sor God did not persuado them in comi What belonged toothera. But, in the fidit place, they took Wages lar tho services they had rendored the Egyptians ali the time; and then in a Way recompensed the Egyptians, by afficting themin requitat as avaricio , by the abstraction os the booty, asthoy had dono the Hebrows by enflaring them. Whether, then, as may be alleged is done in War, they thought it prope



hostilities. The Hebrows camo as supplianis to the Egyptians on account oi famine; and they, reducing their guesisto sime , compelled them to serve them after the manneros captives, giving them no recompense ; or as in peace, took the spoli as Wages against the will of those Who for a longperiod had given them no recompense, but rather had robbed


UR Moses thon is a prophet, a legislator, ailled in

military tactics and strategy, a politician, a phil sophor. d in What sense he Was a prophet, inali bo by and by told, When me como to treatos prophecy. Tactim belong to militam command, and theabili in command an amy is among the attributes of hinglyriae. Legislation, again, is also one of the functions of tho



poso in themselves as their cnd tho gratification of the passions to the ulmost. But the instrument of regat sWay-tho instrument at oneo os that which overcomes by Viriue, and that which does so by force-is tho poWer os managing or tact). And it varies according to the nature and the materies. In the case of arnas and of fighting animais the ordering po eris the foui and minii, by means animate and inanimate; and in the case of the passions of the foui, which we master MViriue, reason is tho ordering poWer, by assixing the seat os continence and self-rostraint, along With holiness, and found knowledge with truth, mining tho result of the wholo toterminato in piety toWards God. For it is Wisdom whlehregulates in the case of those Who εο pracilae Viriue; and divine things ars ordered by Wisdom, and human affaire is

then, Who goveras according to the laWs, and possesses thoskill to sWay willing subjecta. Such is the Lord, Who receives ali who bellovo on Him and by Him. For tho Fathor has dolivored and subjected ali to Christ our Κing, that at thoname of Jesus overy Enee may bo' os things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth, and everytonguo confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God tho Father. λNoW, generalfhip involves three ideas et caution, enterprise, and tho union of the two. And each of theso consista of

means conjointly at tho fame time.

sorth, suspecting that the Egyptians Would puraue, leti the


inori and direct mute, and turned to the dosori, and marchedmostly by night. For it Was another hind of arrangoment bywhich tho Hebrows wero trained in the great Wilderness, andior a protracted timo, in bellet in the existenco os one Godalone, being inured by the wise discipline os enduranco towhicli they were subjectod. The strategy of Moses, thereiore, shows tho necessi os discerning What mill be of servicobesore the approach os dangers, and w to encounter them. It turned out precisoly as he suspected, ior the Egyptians puraued With horses and chariora, but mere quickly destroyed by the sea breahing ou them and over holming thom withtheir horsos and chariois, so that not a remnant of them Waslest. Astorwards the pillis of fi re, Whicli accompanted thom for it Wont betare them as a guide), conducted tho Hebre sby night through an untrodden region, training and bracingiliem, by totis and hardships, to manliness and endurance, that alter their experience of What appeared formidabio dissi- culties, tho benefits of the land, to whicli from tho trachlessdesert he was conducting them, might become apparent. Furinermore, he put to flicti and slew the hostile occupants

of tho land, falling upon them from a desert and rugged lineos march such was the excellence of his generalfhip). Fortho taking of tho land of thoso hostilo tribos was a work of shili and strategy. Perceiving this, Miltiades, the Athenian generat, Who conquered the Ρerstans in batile at Marathon, imitated itin tho follo ing sashion. Marching over a trachless deseri, ho ted on the Athenians by night, and eluded the barbarians that mere set to match him. For Hippias, who had desertodirem tho Athenians, conducted tho barbarians into Attica, and soleted and held tho minis os Vantage, in consequence of having a knowledge of the ground. The task was thon to elude Hippias. Whencs rightly Miltiades, traversing the desert and attaching by night the Perstans commanded by Dates, ted his soldiere to Victory. But further, When Thrasybulus mas bringing bach thooxiles hom Phyla, and wished to elude observation, a pillar


said also in a certain oracle, A pillar to tho Thebana is jπ-inapiring Bacchus,

iram tho histo of the HebreWs. Also Euripides sus, in Antiope,

The pillar indicates that God cannot be portrved. Thepillis of light, too, in addition to ita potnting out that Godcannot be represented, shori s also the stability and the pe manent duration of the Deity, and His unchange te and inexpressibio light. Besore, then, the invention of the forma os images, the ancients erected pillare, and reverenced themas statues of the Dei . Accordiugly, he who composed the

Phoronia Writes, Callithoe, key-bearer of the Olympian quem: Argive Hera, Who fini mith filiola and with fringis The queen's tali column est amund adorned.

Further, tho author os Europia relates that the status of Apollo at Delphi Was a pillar in these Worda:

Apollo, interpreted mysticatly by privation os many, y means the one God. Weli, then, that fire live a pillar, and the fimin tho deseri, is tho symbol oi tho holy light which passed through irem earin and returned again to heaven, by the od Di the crassJ, by Which also the gut os intelleetual


LATO tho philosopher, aided in legislation by the

so calle l.

And ho rosers to tho Creator, as the Statesman o πολιτικός) by Way os eminence, in his book of this name o λιτικός) ; and those Who lead an active and just lise, combined With contemplation, he calis statesmen πολιτικοί). That depariment os politics whicli is called μLa ' ho dividos into administrative magnanimity and privato good orde whicli ho calis ordorlinora, and harmony, and sobrie , hicli ara seen When rulers fuit their subjecta, and subjecisare obedient to their rulere; a result whicli the system of Ioses sedulousty aims at effecting. Further, that the departinent of law is Dundod on generation, that os politics onfriendship and consent, Plato, with tho aid he received, nTrms; and so, coupled With tho laxus tho philosopher in the 'inomis, Who taeW the courso os ali generation, Whichtahes place by the instrumentali of the planeta; and the



student of the motions of the star' and of their sympathyand association with one another, he consequently joined totho poli ' or republic ). Then, in my opinion, the endboth of the statesman, and of him Who lives according to thela , is contemplation. It is necessa , therelare, that publicassairs should be rightly managed. But to philosophiae is best. For he who is mise Will livo concentrating ali his energim on knowledge, directing his liso by good deeds, d spising the opposite, and folio ing the pursuits Whicli contribute to truth. And the law is not what is decided by law forwhat is seen is not vision), nor every opinion not certainlywhat is evil). But law is the opinion Whicli is mod, and what is good is that whicli is true, and what is truo is that whicli finds truo being,V and attains to it. He who is,' sus Moses, sent me.' In accordance With Which, namely, good opinion, somo have called in , right reason, Whichenjoins What is in be done and forbids what is not to be


men in sociat lite. He also handled tho administration ofjustice, Whicli is that branch of knowledgo which doals withtho correction os transgressors in the interesis of justice. C ordinate mitti it is the faculty of dealing With punishmendi, whicli is a lino ledgo of the duo me uro to boobserved in punishmenta. And punishment, in virtus os iis ing so, is the correction of the foui. In a Word, the wholosystem os Moses is suiled sor the training of such as aro



It is the wim man, theresore, alone Whom the philosophera

proclaim hing, legislator, generat, just, holy, Godineloved.

ovor and cares sor the flock of men, establishes the virtve of

men, by sanning into flame, as far as it can, What good thereis in humani . And is the floch figuratively spolien os as bellanging to the Lord is nothing but a flock of men, then IIo Himsoli is thegood Shepherd and Lawgiver of the one floch, os the ineopwho hear Him,' the one Who cares for them, seehing, and finding by the laW and the word, that Which Was tost since, in truth, the law is spiritual and leati in felici . For that which has arisen through the Holy Spirit is spirituat. And