Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 2: Justin Martyr and Athenagoras

발행: 1867년

분량: 487페이지


분류: 미분류


CHAP. III. ust in marrates the manner of his conversion.

no means contemptibio in appearance, exhibiting meeli and Venerable manners, followed me at a littio distance. And

and right Nason, prudenee Would not be present to any man. Wherelare it is necessary for every man to philosophige, and

y milesogn used hero is denoto the exercise of the rea8on. Philology, used hero in denote the exercise of speech. Tho tWMoldum es λόγος ratio and ratio ought to be hept in vie.. The old manusea it in the formor, Jualm in the lalter sense.



though, indoed, ii they bo made to depend on philosophy,

they are os moderato value, and Worthy of acceptance; but deprived of it, and not accompanying it, they ars Vulgar and

whicli reatly exisis, and a clear perception of the truth; and happiness is the reWard of such knowledgo and wisdom But what do you cali God ' said he. That whicli always maintains the fame nature, and in the fame manner, and is the cause of ali oster things hat, indood, is God.' So I answorod him; and lis listened to me With pleasure, and thus again interrogated me: Is not knowledge a term common to different matters 'For in aris of ali hinds, he who knows any one os them is callod a skilfui man, in the art of generalfhip, or of ruling, or of healing equally. But in divino and human assaim it is not so. Is there a knowledgo which assords underetanding of human and divine things, and then a thorouo acquaintanee


by tho Hesy Spirit '


CHAP. V.- The foui is nos in iis oren nature immortal.

in existence, for they Were made on account of men and other


propheta alane.


demonstration in their troatises, feeing that they Were Wi nesses to the truth above ali demonstration, and w thy of belles; and thoso evenis Which have happeneri and those Whicli ars happening, compet you to assent to the ulterances made by them, although, indeeri they mero entived to crediton account of the miracles Which they perio ed, since

by ali, but Only by the man to whom God and His Christ


Vating endurance, self-control, and moderation, raster than

λ According to one interpretation, this clause is applied to God: Ityou belleve in God, feeing He is not indifferent to the matter,' etc. Maranus mys that it means: A Joπ who reada Eo much of Christ in thooed Testament, cannot be indifferent to the thinga which pertain to Him.' Literassy: having become perfeci. Some reser the Worci to persectiones character; somo to initiation by baptism. β Latin version, belaved Pompeius. VOL. II. G
