장음표시 사용
DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. 119 inali not inhorit anything on tho holy mountain. But tho
Gentiles, who have belleved on Him, and have repented of tho sing Whicli they have committed, they shas receive thoinheritance along With the patriarchs and the propheis, and the just men Who are descended from Jacob, even althoughthoy neither heep the Sabbath, nor are circumcised, nor observe the feasis. Assuredly they shali receive tho holy
Thino apparet as from the trodden mine-pressi Thou ari fullof the trodden grape. I have troddon the Wine-press allatone, and of the peopte there is no man with me; and Iliave tramplod them in fury, and crushed them to the ground, and spillod thoir blood on the earth. For tho day of retribution has come upon them, and the year of redemption is present. And I looked, and there Was nono to help ; and Iconsidered, and nono assisted: and my arm delivered; and
λ Isa. xlii. 6, 7. ' συσσεισμόν, a staing, ia the original retaing; but LXX. has σύσσημον, a Mandard or signat, and this most edd. adopt.
hecause such prophecies Were contrary to me, but becaus
they are Hl become useless. There is nono that unde stands, there is not so much as one. With their longues
and Abraham, Who were not circumcised in their foreshin, and observia no Sabbaths-to keop theso institutions 'CHAP. XXVIII.-True righteousness is obtained by Christ.
Then I said, Sineo I bring from tho Scriptures and tho
122 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. Christ; and bohold the fallo ground, good, good and sat,
is in your hearis. For, behold, the days come, salth the Loia, stat Ι will visit ali thom that aro circumcisod in their foreshins; Egypt, and Judali,' and Edom, and the fons os Moab. For ali the nations are uncircumcised, and ali thehouse of Israel aro uncircumcised in their hearis.' ' Do yousue hoW that God does not mean this circumcision which is givon for a signi For it is of no use to the Egyptians, ortho sons of Μoab, or the fons of Edom. But though a manbe a Scythian or a Persian, it ho has the knowledgo os Godand of His Christ, and heeps the evertasting righteous decrees, he is circumcised mitti the good and useful circumcision, and is a Diend of God, and God rejoices in his gitis andossorings. But I Will lay before Fou, my friends, the Verywords of God, When He said to the peopte by Malachi, oneos the twelve propheis, I have no pleasure in you, satin the Lord; and I shali not accept your sacrifices at your hands :for hom tho rising of the sun unio iis Setting my nameshali bo glorified among the Gentiles; and in every place a
sacrifico is offered unio my name, even a pure Sacrifice : for
persuade even those Who are possessed os scanu intelligence. For these Words have netther been prepared by me, nor
priesis, as On other days, so on this, are ordered to offer sacrifices; and there are so many righteous men Who have performed none os theso legat ceremontes, and yet are Wit-
worthy of God to many men, Who had not received grace toknow that your nation Were called to conversion and repent-ance of spirit,' Whilo they were in a sinsul condition and labouring under spirituat disease; and that tho prophecywhich Was announced subsequent to the death of Mosos is evertasting. And this is mentioned in the Psalm,' mylaionds. And that we, Who have been made Wise by them, confess that the statutes of the Lord are sWeeter than honeyand the hone comb, is manifest from the faci that, thoughthreatoned with death, we do not deny Ηis name. MoreoVer,it is also manifest to ali, that we who belleve in Him pray tobe hept by Him hom strange, i.e. from Miched and deceitsul, spiriis; as the word os prophecy, personating one of those who boliove in Him , figuratively declares. For me do con-
Or, repentance of tha Father ; ' πατρός sor πνεύματος. Haranus explaina the confusion on tho ground of the aimilarity belueen the
whom se of old time served, in order that, after our conver
Ηim Helper and Redeemer, the pomer of Whose name eVentho demons do fear; and at this day, When they are exorcised in the name of Jesus Christ, crucified under Pontius Pilate, governor of Judaea, they are OVercome. And thus it is manu
virtve of Whieli demons are subdued to His name, and to thodispensation os His suffering. CHAP. XXXI.-IU Chrises power be now so great, horo muta
and his body destroyed, and given to tho burning flame.
iron, and iis natis os brass; Whicli devoured, made Waste, and stampod the residue mitti iis feet: also about the ten horns
possessed missi a very great astonishment, and my speech Waschanged in me ; yet I hept tho matter in my heart.' ' CHAP. XXXII.-Trypho objecting that Christ is deseribed asglorious is Daniel, Iustin distinguishes treo advenis. And when I had ceased, Trypho said, Theso and such like scriptures, sir, compei us to mait for Him Who, as Sonos man, receives hom the Ancient of dus the evertastingkingdom. But this s called Christ of yours was dishonou able and inglorious, so much so that the last curso containedin tho law of God foli on him, for he was crucified.'
which has been lost by the graeo of tho Lord of Sabaoth forthe eternat salvation. In order, therefore, that the matter.