장음표시 사용
Ηo overthrow also the tables of the mone changers in the temple, and exclaimed, Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
fleshly circumcision, and Sabbaths, and soasis V
cised according to tho flesti, have need of our circumcision ;but me, having the lalter, do not require the formeri For itit mere necessary, as you suppose, God mould not have made Adam uncircumcised; would not have had respect to the osts of Abel When, being uncircumcised, ho offered sacrifice; and would not have been pleased mitti the uncircumcision ofEnoch, who Was not sound, because God had translated him. Lot, Ming uncircumcised, Was saVed hom Sodom, the angelsthemsolves and the Lord sending him oui. Noah Was thobeginning of our race; yet, uncircumcised, along with his childron he went lato the aa. Melchizedeli, the priest os the Most Hi , was uncircumcised; in Whom also Abraham, the firat who received circumcision aster the flesti, gave tithes, and ho blessed him: astor hoso order God declared, by thomouth os David, stat Ho Would tablisti this avortasting
sary, in order that the peoplo may be no Mose, and the nation
aster thom Abraham with ali his descendanis untii Moses,
114 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. are approaching, and who hold to falso Sabbaths; who lio
nant into thy mouth l But thou hast haled instruction, and cast my Words bellind theo. When thou sa est a thios, thou consentedst with him; and hast been partahor with the adulterer. Thy mouin has framed evit, and thy longue hasensoldod decoit. Thou sitiosi and speahest against thy brother;
thou standerest thine own mother's son. These things hast
inio nolisti opinions, as is it urere not the fame God who existed in the times of Enoch and ali tho rest, Who neithermere circumcised aster the flesti, nor observed Sabbatiis, norany other rites, feeing that Moses onjoined such observances; or that God has not wished cach race of mankind contin alty to perform the fame righteous actions: to admit Whicli,
suoms to bo ridiculous and absurd. Therelare ure must confess stat He, Who is ever the fame, has commanded theseand such like institutions on account os sinsul men, and wemust declaro Him to be benevolent, foreknowing, needing
116 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. nothing, righteous and good. But it this be not so, teli me,
sin What you think of those matters whicli me arct investiga, ingI And when no one responded: μ Whereiore, Trypho, I mill proclaim to yοu, and to those Who Wish to b omeproselytes, the divino message whicli I heard hom that man. Do Du see stat the elements are not idie, and heep no Sabbaths' Remain as you mere born. For is there Was nonood os circumcision besore Abraham, or of the observance of Sabbaths, of se is and sacrifices, betore Moses; no more need is there of them noW, after that, according to the willos God, Josus Christ the Son os God has boon born without sin, os a Virgin sprung from the stock of Abraham. Forwhon Abraham himself was in uncircumcision, he Was justi- sed and blessed by reason of the faith which lis reposed in
God, as the Scripture telis. Moreover, the Scriptures and tho facts themsolves compei us to admit that He received circumcision for a sign, and not for righteousness. So that
CHAP. XXV.-The I-s boast in vata that they are 3ons of Abraham.
CHAP. XXVI.-NO salvation to the Iews eaecept through Christ.
And I replied, - Ι do not say so; but those Who have persecuted and do persecute Christ, it they do not repent,