Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 2: Justin Martyr and Athenagoras

발행: 1867년

분량: 487페이지


분류: 미분류


who were at one time hariola and unrighteous persons out ofali nations are saved, receiving remission os si , and con

manner, impute much Woahness to God, is you thus liston tostem me ly, and do not investigato the force of the words ohen. Since even Moses Would in this Way bo considoreda transgressor: for he enjoined that no likeness of anythingin heaven, or on earth, or in the sea, be made ; and then hohimself mado a bragen serpent and set it on a standard, and bado thoso who wero bitten look at it: and they were saved


240 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO.whieli is in thom. But is your teachers only expound to Fouwhy iemale cameis are spolien of in this passage, and are notin that; or Why so many measures of fine flour and so many measures of Oil fare useM in the offerings; and do so in alow and sordid manner, While they neVer venture et ther tospeah os ox to expound the potnis Whicli are great and Worthyos investigation, or command you to give no audience to usinite me expound them, and to come not into conversation

investigato the reason Why the name of Oshea the son of


DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. 241lie mas also appotnted successor to Moses, being the only oneos his contemporaries Who came out hom Egypt, he led the

by tot to those Who entered along With him, so also Jesus the Christ wili turn again the dispersion os the people, and will distributo the good land to each one, though not in the fame manner. For tho former gave them a tempora inheri, ance, seeing he Was neither Christ Who is God, nor tho Sonos God; but the lalter, after the holy resurrection,δ shallgive us the eternat possession. The formor, after lio hadbeen named Jesus Jostiua), and aster he had recoluod strengin hom His Spirit, caused the sun to stand stili. ForΙ have proved that it Was Jesus Who appeared is and co versed Mith Moses, and Abraham, and ali the offer patriarchswithout exception, ministering to the will of the Father; whoalso, I say, came to be bom man by the Virgin Μary, and livos for over. For tho lalter is Ho aster' whom and by whom the Fathor mill reneW both tho heaven and tho Oarth; this is Ho who fhail shine an eternal light in Jerusalem; thisis ho who is tho hing of Salem aster tho order of Melchisedek, and the eternat Prien of tho Most Hi . Tho formor is stidio have circumcised the peopte a second time With knivos ofatono which was a sim of this circumcision mith whita Josus Christ Himsolf has circumcisod us from the idols made ossione and of other material0, and to have collected togothorinoso who mere circumcised hom the uncircumcision, i.e.

hom the error of the Worid, in every place by the knives of stone, to Wit, the wotas of our Lord Jesus. For I havo fhown stat Christ Was proclaimed by the propheis in parabies a Stone and a Roch. Accordin ' tho knives of

stone Wo shali tata to mean His Words, is means of Whichso many Who mere in error have been circumcised homuncircumcision mitti tho circumcision of the heari, with



Jacob. Blessed theresore are Wo Who have been circumcised the socond timo With knives of stone. For your firsi ci cumcision Was and is performed by iron instruments, foryou remain hard-hearled; but our circumcision, Whicli is thoseconii, having been instituted alter Fours, circumcises us


irance, at the timo When the revelation mas made to him.

account of the many good mords, but lay hold of tho lituo

heavier account to rendor for your great audacities, Whetherevit actions, or bad interpretations which you obtain by falsi-



But to give you the account of tho revelation of the holyJesus Christ, I tahe up again my discourse, and Ι asseri that

even that revelation mas made sor us who bellove on Christ

commandmenis; and has underisien to provide an eternal

λ Maranus changed ἀποσπῶ into ἀποσπῶν, an emendation adopted inour translation. Otto retiana tho reading of tho ΜM., out of Whicli Jesus the Son os God again matches M. He pro sed that He Wovidolotho us With,' etc. Justin sither confusis Jos a son es Josedech mith Hosea the pro



saying that in every place among the Gentilus sacrifices arepresented to Him Well-pleasing and pure. NON God receives

sacrifices hom no one, except through His priesis. CHAP. CXVΙΙ.-Malacin s propheta concerning the sacrifices of the Christians. It eannot be ta en as referring to the

os contention, you asseri that God does not accepi the sacrifices of thoso who dwolt then in Jerusalem, and were called Israelites; but says that Ho is pluased With the prayers of the individuals of that nation thon dispersed, and calis their prayers Sacrifices. Nom that prayers and giving Oi thantis, When offered by Worthy men, are the only perfeci and well-pleasing sacrifices to God, I also admit. For such alono

Christians have underision to offer, and in the remembran Θ


DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. 247wliat tho Scripture says as referring to those of Dur nationthon in dispersion, and maintain that their prayers and sacrifices offered in every place are pure and Wellileasing, learn

inere are nations among Which none os your race ever dWelt. For there is not one single race os men, Whether barbarians,
