Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 2: Justin Martyr and Athenagoras

발행: 1867년

분량: 487페이지


분류: 미분류


but sinners to repentance. y For the heavenly Father destres rather the repentance stan the punishment of the

sun to rise on sinners, and the righteous, and the wiched.



though they profess With the lip the precepta os Christ; sex


22 THE FTRST APOLOGI OF JUSTI account according to the poWor he has received hom God, as Christ intimated when IIo said, To Whom God has given

since sensation remalias to ali Who have over lived, and

that theso things are true. For let even necromaney, and

matters-let these persuade Fou that even aster death soulsare in a state of sensation; and those Who are seiged and

cast about by the spirits of the dead, whom ali cali daemoniacsor madmen; ' and What you repute as oracles, both of Amphia

second παρέδρους.

' Justin is not tho only author in ancient or recent times Who has classed daemoniaca and maniaca together; nesther dom he stand alone


loclius, Dodona, Pytho, and as many other such as exist; and the opinions of your authors, Empedocles and Pythagoras, Plato and Socrates, and the pit os Homony and tho descontos Uysses to inspect theso things, and est that has beon ultored os a like Lind. Such famur as Du grant to these, grant also to us, Who not less but more fi ly than in

bellove in God; since We expect to receive again our OWn

among the ancients in the opinion that daemoniaca mere possessed by the spirita es departed men. Referencis mill be found in Troilopo's note.


an- by this revolution; but we underetand that God, thocreator os ali things, is superior to tho things that ars to bochanged. Is, thereiore, on soms potnis me teach the samethings as the poets and philosophers Whom you hono , andon other potnis are fuller and more divine in οὐ teachinnand is κε alone inord proos of What me assert, Wis are WEunjustly haled more than ali ostera i For While me say thatali things havo been produced and arranged into a morid is G , - shali seem to ulter the doctrine of Ρlato; and whilo me say that there mill be a burning up os ali, me inali seemto ultor the doctrine of the Stoics; and whilo me affirm that

λ Μati. xix. 26. ' Mati. x. 28. ' The Sibylline oraclos are nom generalty rogarded as heathen fragmenta largely interpolared by unscrupulaus men during the early ages of the church. For an interesting account of these mme at perplexing documenta, aes Burion'a Lectures on the Ecclariassical History of the Firat Three Centurio, Leci. xvii. The prophecies of Hystaspes vere also


the fouis of the wiched, being endo ed missi sensation evenalter death, are punished, and that those of the good being desivered hom punishment spend a blessed existence, meshali seem to say the fame inings as the poets and philos phers ; and while me maintain that inen ought not to morshiptho works of their hands, we say the very things which havo been said by the comic poet Menander, and other similarwriters, for they have declared that the woaman is greater

than the wOct.

Was a great physician, Was struch by a inunderboli, and soascended to heaven ; and Bacchus too, after he had been tomlimb Dom limb; and Horculos, whon ho had committed hi- soli to the flamos to oscapo his totis; and the fons of Leda, the Dioscuri; and Perseus, son os Danao ; and Bellerophon, Who, though sprung DOm mortals, rose to heaven on the horae Pegasus. For What shali I say of Ariadne, and thoso Who, lihe her, have been declared to be set among the stars Andwhat of tho emperors Who die among γοurselVes, Whom Dudeem Worthy of deification, and in Whose bellati you produco

Some one Who swears he has seen the burning Caesar rise to

Οιαφοράν καὶ προτροπεν. The irony here is so obvious as to mae thoproposed re ing λοι φθοραν καὶ παρατροπὴν, corruption and depravation)


ihing to imitate the gods. But far be such a thought concerning the gods frem every mell-conditioned foui, as to bellove that Jupiter himself, the governor and creator os est things, Was both a parricide and the son os a parricide, and that being overcome by the love of base and shameful pleasures,lio camo in to Ganymedo and those many Women whom heviolated, and that his sons did like actions. But, as me saidabove, Wiched deviis perpetrated these things. And we havolearnod that those only are deified who havo lived near toGod in holiness and virtuo; and wo belleve that those wholivo wichedly and do not repent are punished in evertasting

dealli are recordod to havo been not ali alitio, but diverse; sothat not even by the peculiari of His suffering does He seemto bo inferior to them; but, on the contra , as We promised in the preceding part of this discourse, We Will noW prove Him

What you accept oi Perseus. And in that wo say that Hemade whole the lame, tho paralytic, and those born blind, meseem to say What is very similar to the deods said to have been dono by Esculapius.


CHAP. XXΙΙΙ.-The argumenti

tauot us by Christ, and by the propheis Who preceded Him,

say things similar to What the Greelis sari me only aro haledon account of the name of Christ, and though me do no Wrong, are put to death as sinnors; other men in other places WOrshipping trees and rivera, and mice and cais and crocodiles,



and many irrationes animais. Nor are the samo animais estoemed by ali; but in one place one is Worshipped, and another in another, so that ali are profano in the ju mentos one another, on account of their not morisipping the samo objocis. And this is the sole accusation Du bring against us, that We do not reverenee the fame gods as Fou do, nor offerto tho doad libations and the savour of fat, and crowns fortheir statues, and sacrifices. For you very Well -- that the fame animais are With some estoemed gods, with otherswild beasis, and with othors sacrificiat victims. CHAP. XXV.-False go is Mandoned by Christians. Αnd, secondiy, because We-Whο, out of e-π race of men,

as it is sitameful even to mention), and Proserpine and Venus who were maddened With love of Adonis, and whose mysteries also Du celebrate , or Esculapius, or some one or other of those Who are called gods-have nom throuo Jesus Christ, learned to despise these, though me bo threatened with deathior it, and limo dedicated oursei vos to the unbegotten and impassibie God; of Whom We are persuaded that never Washo maded by lust of Antiope, or such other Women, or of Ganymede, nor Was rescued by that hundredinandod giant whose aid was obtainod through Thetis, nor Was anxious onthis account' that her son Achilles should destroy many of tho Greelis bocause of his concubino Briseis. Those whobelieve these inings Wo pity, and those Who invented thum Woknow to bo deviis. CΠΛP. XXVI.-Massicians not trusted is Christians. And, thiriiij, because after Chrises ascension into heaven the deviis put forWard certain men who said that they them-Selves mere gods; and they Were not only not persecuted

λ ἐν γραφαις στεφάνους.. The oesy conjecture Which geoma at ali pro-hablo is that of the Benedictine editor solio in here. i.e. on account of the assistance gainod ior him is Thetis, and inreturn for it.