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THE FI EST APOLOGY OF JUSTIM 29 by yω, hut even deemed morthy of hono s. There mas a Samaritan, Simon, a native of the village called Gillo, Who in the reign of Claudius Caesar, and in your myal esty of Rome, did mi acts of magic, is virtve of tho art of thodoviis operating in him. He Was considered a god, and asa god Was honoured by you With a statue, Whicli statue Waserected on the river Tiber, betWeen the two bridges, and borothis inscription, in tho language of Rome:
Simoni Deo Sancto, To Simon the holy God.
And almost ali ino Samaritans, and a feW even os other nations, worship him, and acknowledge him as the fidit Dd; and amoman, Helena, Who Went about With him at that time, and had formerly been a prostitute, they say is the fidit idea generaled by him. d a man, Menander, alio a Samaritan, of the town Capparetaea, a discipis of Simon, and inspiredis deviis, me know to have deceived many Whilo he was in Antioch by his magical art. He persuaded inose Who ad-horod to him that they should never die, and even nominere are some living Who hold this opinion of his. Andthere is Marcion, a man of Pontus, Who is even at this dayalive, and Daching his discipies to bellove in somo other god greater than the Creator. And ho, by the aid of tho deviis, has caused many of every nation to speis blasph mies, and to deo that God is the maher of this unvierae, and
30 THE FIRST APOLOGΥ - JUSTINto asseri stat some oster, being greater than Ηe, has dono greater morks. Alt who tahe their opinions hom these men, are, as Wo before sald, called Christians; just as also thoso who do not agree with tho philosophera in their doctrines, have yot in common With them the name os philosophoragiven to them. And whether they perpetrato those fabulous and shamosul deods the setting of the lamp, and promi cuous interco se, and eating human flesh-Wo know not; but me do know that they are netther persecuted nox put to deathis yοu, at least on account of their opinions. But Ι have atreatiso against ali the herestes that have existed alaeady com
relative, or brother. And there are some Who prostituto eventheir own children and wives, and fonte are openly mutilaled
For among us the prince of the wiched spiriis is callud thoserpent, and Satan, and the devit, as you can learn by lookinginto our Writings. And that he would bo sent into the firowith his host, and tho men who follow him, and would bo punished for an endless duration, Christ foretoid. For thereason why God has delayed to do this, is His rogard for tho
the be nning IIo mado the human race mitti the poWer of thought and of choosing the truth and doing right, so thatali men aro mithout excuso before God; for they have been bom rational and contemplative. d is any ono disbelloves that God caros for theso things,' he will thereby eister insinuato that God does not exist, or he will asseri stat thoughΗo misis He deli is in vice, or exists lihe a stone, and thatneither virtuo nor vice are anything, but only in the opinionos meu these things are rechoned good or erit. And this is the greatest profani and wichedness.
or Whether me decline marriage, Wo live continently. dstat you may underatand that promiscuous interco se is notone of our mysteries, one of our number a Ahori time ago presented to Felix the governor in Alexandria a petition, craring that permission might be given to a surgeon to mahehim an eunuch. . For the Surgeons there said that they mereforbiddon to do this Without the permission of the MVernor.
propheis of God, through Whom the prophetic Spirit pub-
and endeavoured to collect the writings os ali mon, he heardalso of these propheis, and sent to Herod, Who Was at thal
the dead, and being haled, and unreuognised, and crucified, and dying, and rising again, and ascending into heaven, and being, and being called, tho Son os God. We find it also predicted that certain persons should bo sent by Him into every nation to publisti these things, and that rather among the Gentiles filian among the JowH men should belleve onHim. And He was predicted beiore Ηe appeared, firsb5000 years berare, and again 3000, then 2000, then 1000, and yet again 800; for in the succession os generations propheis alter propheis aroSe.
of men there ars somo Who look for Him Who was crucified in Judaea, and after Whose crucifixion tho land was strat Nway surrendered to Fou as spoli of war. And the prophe , binding His raal to tho vino, and washing His robe in theblood of the grap0,' Was a significant symbol of the things
λ Grabe mouid here read, nos σπερμα, but πνευμα, the spirit; but the Benedictine, Otto, and Troilope iat thinh that no change Ehould bo made.
virgin shali conceive,' signifies that a virgin inould conceive Without intercourso. For is ine had had interco se With any one WhateVer, she Was no longer a Virgin ; but the poweros God having come upon the Virgin, overshado ed her, and causod her Whils yet a virgin to conceive. And the anget oi God who was sent to the fame virgin at that time brought
being inspired by the prophetic Spirit, sald, I have spread
λ Theso predictions have so litue reference to tho potni Justin intendato mine mi, that some editora hine supposed that a passage haa hero been lost. Othera thinh tho irrelevancy an insuffcient ground for incha supposition.' Iaa. ix. 6. . Isa. lxv. 2, Nisi. 2. Ps. xxii. 16.η ἀκτων. Theso Acis of Pontius Pilato, or regulae accounta of his procedure sent is Pilate to the Emperor Tiberius, Me supposed to have been dest yed at an early period, possibII in consequence of the una πα-
spoken by the inspired thenaseives, but by tho Divine Word
Who moves them. For somelimes ΗΘ declares things thatam to come to pass, in the manner os one Who forotelis inofuture; Sometimes He spealis as from the person os God
CHAP. XXXVII.- interances of the Father.
te appeias Which tho Christiana constantly mado to inem. Thero exigis a largery in imitation of them Acta. See Troilopo. Tho reader mill notico that these are not the morda es Zephanisi but of Zechari ix. 9 , to whom also Justin himself refers them in os Dial. Tryph. c. 53.3 Zech. ix. s.