Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 2: Justin Martyr and Athenagoras

발행: 1867년

분량: 487페이지


분류: 미분류


are these : Because they delivered His foui unio death, and He Was numbered With the transgressore, He has borne thesin os many, and shali mahe intercession for the transgressors.


aeo . bach. And then in Jerusalem there shali be great lamentation, not the lamentation os mouilis or Oi lips, but


CHAP. LIII.-Summav of ths prophecies.

Though we could bring forWard many Other prophecies, Wo forbear, judong these sussicient ior the persuasion of

among the Gentiles are both more numerous and more truethan those from among the Jews and Samaritans ' For allthe other human races are called Gentiles by the Spirit os prophecy; but the JeWish and Samaritan races are called the tribo of Israel, and the house of Jacob. And the prophecy in Which it Was predicted that there should bo more bellovere hom the Gentiles than from the Jews and Sam ritans, me mill produce: it ran thus: Rrioice, O barren, thou that dost not boar; breali forth and shout, thou that dost not travati, because many more are the children of the desolate than of her that hath an husband.V k For est tho Gentiles mere desolate V of the true God, serving the woris

of their hands; but tho Jows and Samaritans, having the word of God dolivored to them by the propheth and alWaysexpecting the Christ, did not recognise Him when He came, excepi some se , of Whom the Spirit oi prophecy by Isaiah


and Gomorrali are related by Moses to have been cities ofungodly men, Whicli God burned with fire and brimstone,

for he spolio as follows: Israel is uncircumcised in hear but the Gentiles are uncircumcised in the flesti.' So many things, thereiore, as these, When they are seen With the eye, are enouo to produce conviction and bellei in thoso whoembrace the truth, and are not bigoted in their opinions, norare governed by their passions. CHAP. LIV.- Origis of heathen mythology. But those who hand down the myths whicli the poets have made, adduce no proos to the youtiis Who learn them; and we proceed to demonstrate stat they have been ultored by the influonce of the wiched demons, to deceive and lead astray the human race. For having heard it proclaimed through the propheis that the Christ was to come, and that the ungodlyamong men Were to bo punished by fire, they put for ardmany to be called sons of Jupiter, under the impression thatthey Would be able to produce in men the idea that the thingswhicli mero sald with regard to Christ mere mere marveulous tales, liho tho things which were sald by the poets. Andthese inings were sald both among the Greelis and among


on his horso Pegasus. And when they heard it sald by thoother prophet Isaiah, that He should be born os a virgin, and

CHAP. LV.-Symbola of the o 88. But in no instance, not even in any of those called sons of


as Was sald above, put forward other men, the Samaritans


Nor can tho deviis persuade men that there Will be no conflagration for the punishment of the wiched; as they mero unabis to effect that Christ should bo hidden aster He camo.

since it is achnowludged we must surely die; and thoro is nothing ne , but ali things continus the samo in this administration of things ; and is satiety overtahes those Who enjoyeven one year of these things, they ought to ovo heed to our doctrines, that they may live eternalty free both from susse ing and irom Want. But is they belleus that there is nothingafter deast, but declaro that those Who die pass into insensu bili , then they become our benefactors when they set us es troin the sufferings and necessities of this life, and provestemselves to be Wiched, and inhuman, and bigoted. Forthoy kill us with no intention of delivering us, but cui us offthat wo may be deprived of life and pleasure.


another god besides the Creator os ali, and likewise anotherson. And this man many havs belleved, as is he alone line the truth, and lavo at us, though they have no proos of What they say, but are carried aWay irrationalty as lambs bya Wolf, and become the prey of athoistical doctrines, and of deviis. For they Who are called deviis attempt nothing else


CHAP. LX.-Plataea doctrine of the Cresa.

And the phusiological discussion concerning the Son o God in tho Timopus os Plato, Where he says, He placed

i in Moses; for in the writings of Μoses it is related hoWat that time, when the Israelites ment out of Egypt and wero in the wildemess, they fel l in With polaonous beasis, both vipers and asps, and every hind of serpent, Whichste the people; and that Μoses, by the inspiration and influence of God, took bram, and made it into the figure ofa cross, and set it etho holy tabernaclo, and said to tho

upon the universo. Plato is speahing of the Eoul of the universe. Num. xxi. 8. ε Τα-τρίτα περὶ τον τρίτον. . Deut. xxxii. 22.