장음표시 사용
perceive. CHAP. XXXVIII.- interances of the Son.
Christ, the ulterances are of this sori: I have spread out
ment comes. These things mers ultered thus : Blessed istho man who hath not walhed in the coisset M tho ungo linnor stood in the way of sinuers, nor sat in the seat of the
And again, in another prophecy, the Spirit os prophe , through tho fame David, intimated that Christ, after Ho hadbeen crucifled, should rei , and spolie as follows : Sing totho Lord, ait the earth, and day by day declare His salvation. For great is the Lord, and greatly to be pratsed, to be feared
me,-that this circumstance may afford no excuse to readera
the ulterances must be thus received, yοu Will perceive, ii yougive your attention to them. The woriis cited above, David ulterod 1500y years before Christ became a man and was crucifiod; and no one of those Who lived besore Him, nor yetos His contemporaries, afforded jπ to the Gentiles by beingcrucifled. But our Jesus Christ, being crucifled and dead, rose again, and having ascended to heaven, Digned; and by those inings which wero published in His name among alinations by the apostles, there is j afforded to those who expect the immortali ty promised by Uim.
And again, by the other prophet Isaiah, that the folloning
Or, but mero made so.' The morda are, αλλὰ τουτο γεινόμενος, and tho moaning of Justin is suffciently clear. Deut. xxx. 15, 19. δ Iaa. i. 16, etc. ε Plato, MP. T.
and ultered it. For Moses is more ancient than ali tho Grook writers. And whatever both philosophers and poetshave said concerning the immortality of the foui, or punishments after death, or contemplation of things heavenly, ordoctrinos of tho like hind, they have received such suggestions hom the propheis as have enabled them to understandand interpret these things. And hence there seem to beseeds of truth among ali men ; but they are charged with notaccurately understanding the truthJ when they asseri contradictorius. So that what we say about future evenis bellig
men, and it being His decree that the future actions of menshali ait be recompensed accor ling to their severat Value, He
shali receive the reWard froin the Master. CHAP. XLV.-Christ's session in heaven foretoli
And that God tho Fathor os ali would bring Christ to
forth hom Jerusalem, preached eve Where; and thoughdeath is deerood against those who teach or at ali confessthe name of Christ, me eve Where both embrace and teach it. And is you also read these Words in a hostile spirit, ye cando no more, as I said before, than kill us; which indooddoes no ham to us, but to you and ali Who unjustly hate us, and do not repent, brings eternat punishment by sire. CHAP. XLVI.-The Mord in the worta before Christi But test somo fhould, Without reason, and for the pe Version of What we teach, maintain that we say that Christwas bom ono hundred and fifty years ago under Cyrenius, and subsequently, in the timo os Pontius Pilate, taught what e say Ηe taught; and should cry out against us as thoughali mon who wero born before Him Were irresponsi bie etus anticipate and solve the dissicut . We have been tauratthat Christ is tho firstinorn os God, and we havo declared ovo that He is tho Word of whom every race of men Mere partakers ; and those Who lived reasonably ' are Christians, oven though they have been thought athei sis; as, among the Greelis, Socrates and Heraclitus, and men liks them; and among the barbarians, Abraham, and Ananias, and Azarias, and Misael, and Elias, and many othera Whose actions and
and Lord of ali, He Was born os a virgin as a man, and Wasnamed Jesus, and was crucified, and died, and rose again, and ascended into heaven, an intelligent man will bs ablo tocomprehend from What has been atready so largely said. And we, since the proos of this subject is tess needsul now, will pass for the present to the proci of those things which
preached concerning Him, and gave them the prophecies, wero filiod with joy and faith, and cast away their idols, and dedicatod thomsolves to the Unbegotion God through Christ.