장음표시 사용
ras Mundary of the age.' Thua the Scripturea spe of the end of tho moria, the laat da .a uagisterio, Maching. η expression frequently used by tho lathera to denoto the assumptiones our natura by Christ.
' Tho patriarcha. The idea appeara to bo that Christiana iram the Gentiles, having inccredin to the privileges es the dem, are, M it vere, their
heard of this, tho tyrant of the Egyptians follo ed Mith this great host of his men, and rashly entering the sea which stilllay open, Was destroyed, together With his Wholo armn by the
And yet, in retum for these divine benefiis, they did not pay
Tho duration of tho captivity in Egypt .aa 215 years. The period ol
undertaen corrupi religious rites; and God, offended by them,as osten brought them into bondage to strangere, untii again, sottened by the repentanco of the people, Ho Deed them hombondage. Likowise under tho hings, being oppressed by Wars With their noighboum on account of their iniquities, and at Iasit ahen captive and led to Babylon, they suffered punishment sortheir impie is oppressive flaver' untii Cyrus came in tha
canaanites. Seo Gen. xiv. 13. . Examinia.'
hingdom, Who immediately restored the Jo- by an edict. Asterwards thv had tetrarchs untii the timo os Herod, Whomas in the re n ot Tiberius Caesar; in Whose fifteenth year, in the consulfhip of tho tWo Gemini, on tho 23d of Μarch, tho ws crucified Christ. This series of evenis, this ordor, is contained in tho secreis of the sacred writings. But Ι wili finishoW sor What reason Christ came to the earth, stat the found tion and the system os divino religion may be manifesti CHAP. XI.- of the eause of the inearnation os Christ. When the Je s osten resisted Wholesome precepis, and de-
h. ix. 26. The book of Nehemiis is called by the Grais vriters the
' Pa. xviii. 43. ris quotation is Dom the Septuagint, καταστησεις; our version reada, Thou Mat made me.
λ' Isa. lxvi. 18, 19. The quotation is again laven iram the Septuagint.
See Egeh. xli., Where an anget meas ea ine temple; and Rev. is, hero an anget directa John to me ure iti
' Tho Scriptures do not malis mention of the death of Isaiah. Iι is supposed that thero is an altuaton to it in Heb. H 37. . Isa. i. 2, 3. ε Filios genui et axaltavi.' Thia is quotod hom tho Septuagint.
Hetatum.' There is considerable disserenoe in the readings of thiapamage. The teri, as inven a ve, deviatea considerably fmm the Septuagint, Which is more nearly expressed by tho reading of othoroditiona: Incassum facta est metatura salsa, acribae confusi sunt. Pius. Tho mora is esten med in represent hinanem.
foro to bo bom again among them, and of their seed, test, ii Hoshould bo born of another nation, they might be able is allego a just excuso frem tho laW sor infir rejection of Him; and attho fame time, that there might be no nation at ali under heaven to which the liope os immortali should bo dented.
death, and resurrection, and the ιωtimonida of the propheta respeeting theae thinga.
Thersiam tho Holy Spirit os God, descending srom heaven, chosa the holy Virgin, that He might enter into her Womb. But she, Ming filled by ths possession ' of the Divine Spirit,
conceived; and without any intercourso With a man, her virginwomb was suddenly impregnated. But is it is known to ali that certain animais are accustomed is conceive' by the wind and
3 Men ara represented M Ming metaea to God. The onmity ia on manyasido, hut it pomisted in, must mari God his enemy. Me Rom. v. s. 10, and Iaa. iiii. 10.3 insinuaret. Divino spiritu hausto. Virgil, Georgie sit. 274: Et saepe sine ullis conjugiis vento gravidae, mirabile dictu. Thia theory of tho impregnation es mares by the Wind Was generat among
. Thia passage Oea not occur in the vritings of Solomon, or in the oldriatament. Iaa. vii. 14.
bear a son; and ye stati cali His name Emmanuel. What cania more manifest stan this' This was read by ths JeWs, whodeniod Him. It any one thinhs that these things are invented by us, let him inquiro of them, let him inhe especialty fromthem: the testimony is suffciently strong to prove tho truth, when it is alleged by enem ies themselves. But He was nevercalled Emmanuel, but Jesus, Who in Latin is called Saving, or
But by this name sto prophet declared that God incarnate Was
out to come to men. For Emmanuel signifies God .ith us; cause When He Was bom os a Virgin, men ought to consess
Obtulerunt eum,' presented Him. 3 Quod inins indui haberet in terra. Another reading is deberet, but the present is in accordance With tho vise of Lactanti .. Inferos reaignaret. - Αoia L 9: A claud received Him out of their sight. - Pa. M. 2. ' Pa. G. 1.
imo Ways: that even non Ho has an evertasting dominion, When ali nations and ali languages adore His name, consess
AP. XIII.-η Iesus, God and man ; and tha testimonias of the propheta e cerning Him.