장음표시 사용
persormed; the smilty of the man, froin the passion whicli Hoendured: on What account He undertook it I mili mention a littio later. In the meantime, me learn hom the predictions os the propheta that He Was both God and man composed of both natures. Isaiah testifies that He mas God in these Words :' Egypt is weariod and the mercliandise of Ethiopia, and the
Sabaeans, men os stature, shali come over unio Thee, and shali bo
λ ἀπάτωρ and ἀμητωρ. See Heb. Vii. 3, vhere Melchisedeo is a typo eschristi Ex utroque genero permiatum. Though the Godhead and the man-hood aro jesned together in one person in our Loes Jesus Christ, there is no conlaunding of the ino naturea: eata is Wholo and perlecti Whilo Matorius held that thero more imo persona in Christ, Eutyches teli into tho
is sor ever and ever; a sceptro os righteousness is the sceptro
This quotation is fram the apocryphal book of Baruch iii. 3 37, Mich
λ 2 Sam. vii. 4, 6, 12-14, 16. Fidem consequetur,' fosso ing the Septuagint πιστωθήσεται. Hierosolyma. Aa though derived hom ἱερόν and Σολ-ων. But Solomon maa not the foundor of the city. The namo is probably derived from Salem, ot vhich esty Μelchisedec hing. Some derive it frem Jebus the ancient namo of the ciu) and Salem.
Frem Whieli things it is evident that ali tho propheta declared concerning Christ, that it should come to pass at some
inould bulld an sternia temple in honour os God, Which is callinthe church, and assembis ali nations to the true Worship of God. This is tho faithsul house, this is tho evertasting temple; andit any one hath not sacrificed in this, he mill not have thoreWard os immortali . And sinco Christ Was the bullder of this great and eternat temple, ΗΘ must also havs an avertas, ing priesthood in it; and there can be no approach to thostirino of tho temple, and to the si t of God, except throughΗim Who bulli tho templo. David in the 109th Psalm teachos the fame, sayingr Besoro the morninystar I begat Theo. The Lota hath sWorn, and will not repent; Thou art a priest for ever, alter tho order of Melchisedec.' Also in tho fini
ment os Tarquinius Superbus. But they Were again mistedand deceived in the fame manner, in supposing that thesainings Wem spinen concerning Jesus' the son of Nave, Who as the successor of Moses, or concerning Jesus the hi prissi the son of Josedech; to Whom nono os inoso thingawhich tho prophet related Was suiled. For they mero neverelothed in Sthy garmenta, since one of them Was a most poWe
evertasting Priest, and tho honour os supremo Ning, and theauthori of Judge, and the nante os God. CHAP. XV.-of the life and miraetis of Iesus, and testimonias
Pedum vitio afficina.' In eloquium aermonemque aolvebat.'' Insinuabat auditum.' persos maculis,'' r.e. lepora.