장음표시 사용
uitered no voice from His mouth, as though He mero dumb. Then they listed Him up in tho midat belween imo malefactors, who had been condemned tor robbery, and fixed Him in thecrom. What can I here deplore in so great a crime or in what words can I lament such great wichednessi For We arenot relating the crucifixion os Gavius, whicli Marcus Tullius sollowod up with ad the spirit and strength of his eloquence, pouring sortii as it mero the fountains os ali his genius, pr claiming that it Was an unWorthy deed that a Roman citigenshould be erucified in violation os ali laws. And although Howas innocent, and undeseruing of that punishment, yet Ηρ Wasput to death, and that, too, by an implous man, Who Wasignorant of justice. What shali I say respecting tho indigni of this croas, on Whicli tho Son of God Was suspended and
announced both by the ulterances of the propheta and by thspredictions os tho Sibyls. In Isaiah it is found thus writton : μμ I am not rebellious, nor do I opposor I gave my bach to the
Do tunica et pallio. Tho tunica' maa tho inner inment, tho pallium V a manus or clo . Thua tho proverbial Phraae, tunica Proprior pallio. 8 Gavius Waa crucised by Verres.
did they feel remoras; they tempted me, and greatlyy derided
' Juatin Martyr quotes thia passage in his Dialogua wita Trypho, and oomplaina that it had Men expunged by tho Jεπα
transgressora; and Ho bore the sins of many, and was deliveredup on account of their transgressions.' David also, in the ninet'
God, and crucified Him With great degradation,' thereioroliath God brought upon them these evila.'
3 Minaa patitur.' η Zech. xii. 10. ε Pa. UT 16-18. β 1 Mngs ix. 6 , mith aome additiona and omissiona; and 1 Chron. vii. 19-22. . Ex omni a. ris Engliis authorlaed version has, out of my aight. 7 In perditionem et improperium.' Thia is not tisan Dom tho passagea est , or hom the old Testamenti
there Was an earlhquake, and tho sepulchre mas suddenly
CHAP. XX.- of the departura os Iesus into Galilee after maresurrection; and of the two Testamenta, the old and tae
THE DIONE INSTITUTES. 263 have been opened; that is, tho mystery os God could nos have
But ait Scripturo is divided into imo Testamenis. That Whichpreceded the advent and passion of Christ hat is, tho law and the propheta-is called the old; but those things which were
written aster His resurrection ars named the Testament.
the day that I took them by tho hand to bring them out of tholand of Egypt; for they continued not in my testament, and I
CHAP. XXI.-Of the aseension os Iesus, and the foretelling of it; and of the preaening and actions of the diseiptis.
sortieth day aster His passion, as Daniel had shown that it
CHAP. XXII.-Argumenta V unbellevera against the inearnation
montes are of suffcient Weight Without argument' or argumentsmithout testimontes, me, hoWever, are not content With the onoor tho oster, sinco mo ars supplied With both, that me may
things, nor Will I permit any one to bo in error. For thesethinga vere done is a great and wondersul plan ; and ho whoshali underetand this, Will not only cerae to monder that Godmas tortured by men, but also mill eastly seo that it could not