Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 21: The Works Of Lactantius, Volume 1

발행: 1871년

분량: 524페이지


분류: 미분류


And again another, Which says:

Some, resuted by these testimontes, are accustomed to have re-co se to the assertion that these poems mere not by the Sibyls, but made up and composed by our oWn writers. But he Willassurodb not thinh this Who has read Cicero,' and Varro, andoster ancient Writers, Who mahe mention of the Erythraean and tho other Sibyls, from Whose books we bring sorWard theseexamples; and these authors died besors the birth of Christaecording to ius flesti. But I do not doubi that these poema

In solido. So Virg. Georg. ii. 231: Alimus jubebis In solido puteum demitti. 3 Virg. cim. x. 765. Mau. viii. ; Maa iv.; Ghe viii.' Cicero, de Natura Deorium, ii.


AP. XVI.- of the passion os Iesus Christ; that it was foretoid. Ι eomo no to the passion itself, Which is osten cast in Ourteeth as a reproach: ' that Wo Worship a man, and one Who was visited and tormented With remarhable punishment: that I may shoπ that this very passion mas undergono by Him in accord-

but it is virtus alone, and justice alone, Which can be judged a

1 M Jacuerunt. Interpretatua eati'


For both David, in tho beginning of his Psalms, lareseeing in

In traducuonem cogitationum nostrarum. Traductio ' ia wmo- times used, aa here, to denote ex aure to ignomin ε Immutatae sunt.'



end of tho iust, and boastelli that he has God sor his Father.

Let us see, therelare, ii his Words bo true; let us prove Whatendy hs shali hino; let us examina him .ith rebuhes and tormenta, that κε may know his meeliness,' and provo his patience; let us condemn him to a shamesul death. Suchthings have they imagined, and have gone astrv. For theirown folly hath blinded them, and they do not understand tho mysteries' of God.' Does he not describo that implous designentered into by tho miched against God, so that he clearly appears to have been present i But from Solomon, Who for told these things, to the time of their accomplistiment, 1010years intervened. Ws seign nothing; me add nothing. Theywho performed tho actions had theso accounts; they, against

Whom these thinga mers spolien, read them. But even no tho inhoritors of thoir name and Milt have these accounts, and in their dat ly readings r echo their oWn condemnation as sor

descenda upon a fleece, cannot be perceived, becauso it mali

Quae ventura sunt illi. Reverentiam. . Sacramenta Dei. ε Sordidum.

β Ps. lxxii. 6, 7, quoted trom tho Septuagint.

' Sine cujusquam auspicione. ' Iaa. iiii. 1 .


. Infirmatus est.' Doctrina pacia nostras, the correction.




Ego vindicabo in eum.' Vivam praesentemque legem.' Another reading is, per Moysen,' by Moses. ε me quotation is nos hom Iaaiah, but Imm Jer. iv. 3, 4.



ginning, stat ho aliould bo Withoni a foreshin. But it Wasa figure of this second circumcision, signi Ving that the breastis O be laid bare; that is, that wo ought to live mitti an venand simple heari, sinco that part of tho body Whicli is circumcised has a kind os resemblanco to tho heari, and is to betrealed With reverence. on this account God ordered that it

us not to have our breast hidden' in obscurity ; that is, not toveil any shamesul deed within the secreta os conscience. Thisis tho circumcision of the heart of which the propheta speah, which God transferred from tho mortal flesl, to the foui, Whichalone is about to endure. For, being destrous os promoting ouriise and salvation in accordance With His oWn goodness, in that circumcision He hath set foro us repentance, that it We lay

innermost secrets of tho heart.

Involutum. Thus Seneca: Non eat tibi frons ficta, noe in alienam

voluptatem sermo compositus, nee cor involutum.



When, thereiore, Christ fulfilled those things whieli Godmould have done, and Which He foretoid many ages betare is His propheta, incited by these things, and ignorant of the sacred

took and brought tam besore Pontius Pilate, Who at that timoWas administering the province of Syria af governor and demanded that He should bo crucifiod, though they laid nostingetis to His chargo excepi that He ruid that He Was tho Son of

lagurgitat ecano,' junges into tho tardi Per figuram. Subinde, from time to time. tamina. Thia liuo Waa gium, in the time of the Roman emperora, to tho governora sent by them into the provincea. Pontiua Pilato πω procurator of Judaea, Which Was not a separate province, but a dependenues ins provinco es Syria, Which Maa at stia time govemed is Silanua.



and when sto executionem si themselves contended about Hisgamenis, they cast lota among themselves sor His tunic and