장음표시 사용
ins best condition, the instructor ought not in separato himselfhom the number and assemblage ot men among Whom ho acta; and ho ought himself to livo in tho fama mannor in Which hoteaches that men ought in live, test, by living in another Way, hs himself should disparage' his oWn precepi' and mahe his in-atruction os lem value, it in reality he should relax ths obligationaos that whicli ho endeavours to establish by his Words. For everyone, When he hears another giving precepis, is unWilling that tho
laso praeceptis auia fidem detrahat. contumacibus. Praesentibus lactis.
are unabis to do. There ore, sinco tho instructora themselvesare overcome by tho affections Whicli they say that it is ourdu to overcome, they are abis to train no one to Viriue,
whicli they salsely proclaim; and sor this cause they imagine that no perfeci mim man has as yet existed, that is, in Whomine greatest virtus and perfect justice mere in harmony Withths greatest learning and linoWledge. And this indesd wastrue. For no one since tho creation os the worid has boensuch, excepi Christ, Who both delivered Wisdom by Ηis word, and confirmed His teaching by presenting virtus to the ves of
CΠΛP. XXIV.- The overthrowing of the argumenta above urged
it would M unable to attain to the highest viriue, and in resistali vices, the materials of Which aro contained in our dily organs. Heiace it comes to pras, stat an earthly teacher cannot be perfeci. But a teacher from heaven, to whom his divine naturo gives knowledge, and his immortality gives viriue, must os necessi ty in his teaching also, as in other things, bo perieci and complete. But this cannot by any means happen, unless he should tae in himseli a mortal bo . And thoreason Why it cannot happen is manifest. For is lis aliould
come to men as God, not to mention that mortal eyes cannot
tortures, which tho wealineas of the flesti cannot endum. Ateacher of virtus therelare ought is have taen aWay this excuso frem men, that no ons may ascribe it in necessity thatho sins, rather than to his oWn fauit. Therefore, that a teacher
you must consess that man is unjust throuo his o n fauit, since he does not folioW a teacher of Viriue, Who is at the fame time a guide. You see, there fore, hoW much more perfect is a teacher Who is mortal, becausa he is ablo is bis a guide toone Who is mortes, than one Who is immortal, for he is unabloto teach patient endurance Who is not subject to passions. Nor, hoWever, does this extend so far that Ι preser man is God; but to AhoW that man cannot be a persect teacher unierahe is also God, that he may by his heavenly authori imposeupon men the necessity of obedience; nor God, unless he is
clothed with a mortal body, that by car ing out his precepisto their completion in actions, hs may bind othera by thonecessity os obedienco. It plainly thereiora appears, that hewho is a guido of lito and toacher of righteo nem must hausa body, and that his Daching cannot othoiniso bo fuli and persect, unieas it has a root and foundation, and remains firmand fixod among mon; and that he himself must undemo
Praecepta sua factis adimplendo. Virtutem in m recipere.
CHAP. XXV.- of the advent of Iesus in the fleah and spirit, thut
have been abis to compei men to righteousness, uniess there hadbeen added an authortly und virtuo greater than that os man. For, sinco man is composed of flesti and spirit, and tho spirit must earn immortali by moris of righteousness, the flesti, since it is earthly, and theresors mortal, draWs with itself the
λ Thua, Heb. viii. 2, Christ is apolim of a minister of tho annotuary, and tho true tabernacle. 3 Having a human fallier and mother. μεσίτης, a mediator, one Who standa belmeen to partim to bring themtogethori Thua 1 Tim. ii. 6, There ia one God, and one mediator ροισί ς helmeen God ana men, tho mau Christ Jesua.' In tho Epistis to tho HebroWa Chriat is apoken of M the mediator of the neW covenant.' AndGal. iii. 20, A mediator is not of ona: V the very idea os a mediator implieainat ho standa bet Mn imo partim as a reconciter. ε Emereri, to earn or obis . The mord is specialty applied to soldieramho have aerved thela time, and aro entiuod to their macharge.
absolutely completo' virtus bestoWs on those Who conquer, thecrown and rere ard of immortality. CHAP. XXVI.- of the eros8, and other tortures of Iesus, and of
Hactenus operata est. In eloquium solvit. '
THE DIUINE LNSTITUTES. 275 strength prefigured that by tho instruction os righteousnessΗis doctrine mas about to purisy thoso defited by the stains os
the bodias of the dead as they lay prostrato; and calling themaloud by their names, He brought them bach from death. What is moro sultabis to God, What mors moriny of the wonder of ali ages, than to havs recalled tho liso Whieli has
giver of sise, and depressing their fouis from heaven to earth, mn into tho suares of eternat death. The actions, thereiore, Which He then performed for the present, mere representationsos futuro things; tha things Which He displayed in injured and
Elephantiaci, thom afflicted missi elephantissis,' a land of leprosy, covering the ala vita incrustationa resembling tho hido ol an elephanti
Resigname, to havo unaealin or openect Figuram gerebanti 4 Aeerbitatos et amaritudines.