Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류



n Acts of mul and 'eria. his book is os undo indantiqui . There Mems reason to accepi tho account of itiven is Tertullian, that it mas initten by an Asiatio presbyter in glorification os Sti Paul Who, bo evor. unquestion- ably occupies only a secondary place in it), and in suppore Osthe heretical opinion that momen may teuch and baptize. Itis expressty mentioned and quoted by a long lino os Latin and Greeli sathors. The quotations aro insertod tu Tischeudorsa

gance in the delatis, and the geography is correct, sbοWing that the writer know Cyprus meli. It seems to have been Writtenat ali evenis besore 478, in Which year the body os Barnabas is iniit to have been lauud in Cyprus. Papebroctis first edited tho book in the Aeta Sanetorum in 1698, with a Latin translation. Τhu Vatican MS. Whicli heused Was an imperfeci one. Τischendores texi is Dom a Parisian M. of the end of the ninth century. IV. Acts of Phidip. book under this namo Was condemnedin the decree os Pope Gelasius; and that the traditions about Philip Were meli known hom an early date, is evident Domthe abundant reserences to them in ancient documents. The ritings os ins Hagiographera also, both Greeli and Latin, contain epitomes of Philip's liso. The Greeli texi, now first published, is a recension os movis.,-a Parisian ono of the eleveuth century, and a Venetianonae me lauer is notice te, iram Ming superscribed Fromine AHMMA Aet to the eia, leaving us to inser that We have Only a portion os the book.

V. Aeta os Philip in Heltas. his also is published sor the


INTRODUCTIO firat timo is Tischendors It is obvio j a later documentinan the preceding, though composed in the samo sule. It is

rom a Parisian MS. of the eleventh conturr

VL Acts of Andrew.-In the decree os Popo Gelasius t 496), a book under this name is condemned as apocryphal. Epiphanius t 40a) states that the Acta os Andreψ mero in savour mitti the Encratites, tho Apostolim, and the Origeniam; Augustino t 4303 mentions that tho Acts of tho Apostles

rition by Mucius Charinus - discipulus diaboli, as Pope Gelasius calis him-were held in ostimation by the Manicludans. Τho authorship generalty is attributed to Leucius by early Writers; Innocentius I. I 417), homovor, says that tho Acts of Andrem mere composed by the philosophera Nexocharis and Leonidas. riis book is much the fame in substance With thecelebratod Presbyterorem et Diaeonorium Mehaton de martyrio

S. Andreae apostoli epistola eneyeliea, fini edited in Greeli by Og in 1749, and by him considered to be a genuine mestingos the apostolio age, composed about A D. 80. Thilo, While dissenting Dom this opinion os Woog s, concludes that it is a fragment Dom the Acts of Leucius, expurgated os most os ita heresy, and put into ita present shape hy an orthodox Writer. Cardinias Baronius and Bellarmine assim the epistio to thoapostolic age; Fabricius thinis it muta later. The probabili is that the book riuen is Leucius, soli oming earlier traditions, and that it mas astematas revisedand fitted sor generat reading by an orthodox hand. Though some of the traditions mentioned in the book aro referred to by authors of the Minning of the fim century, there does not seem to be any undo ted quotation os it besore the eighth and the tenth centuries. Some portions os Pseud Abdias, hoWeVer, are almost in the motas os our Greeli Acta. The texi is edited ehieny hom imo Μss. the one os theeleventii, ins other of the lauriemin century.

The Greek of the original is γω of ths kiud, and exhibita

considerable rhetorical skill VII. Aets of Andreiis and Matthias. - Thilo assigna thoauthorship os theso Acts also to Leucius, and the use os inem



xvii to tho Gnosiics, Manichaeans, and other heretim. Pseud Abdias Mems to have dorived his account of AndreW and πιιthias hom the fame fource. Epiphanius the monk, Whommte in the tenth centu , givos extracta smin tho histor There is, besides, an old English ommonly callud Angi Saxon oem, AndreW aud IIelene, published by Jacob Grimm in 1840, the argument os Whicli in great pari coincidos Miththat os the Acts of AndreW and Matthias. Τhoro is considerablo doubi as to whethor it is Matthias orMatthev that is spolien os . Pseudo-Λbdias, sollοWud by allthe Latin writers oti tho subjeci. calis hini Matthoin. The

centur .

Tho Acts os Peter and AndreW, Dom the Bodleian MS., are inserted as an appendix to the Actis os AndreW and Matthias.

VIII. Acts of Matthew. his book is edited by Tischendorisor the fini time. It is a much later production than the last, Writtan in bad Greek, and in a style rendered Very cumbro by the use os participiat phrases. On the authority os the oldest Vs., Matthem, not Matthias, is the name here. It is probably o ing to this confusion ι een tho names, that there is much uncertainty in the traditions rex dinet St. Matthe . Tischendore oves, in hia Protegomena, a long extruct isom Nicephorus, Which sho a that he was acquianted with thisbook, or something very like it. The texi is edited Dom two vis. a Parisian os the eleventheentvry, and a Viennese os a lator date. IX. Aetis of Thomas. he substaneo os this book is os great antiquity, and in ita original sorm it Was held in great estima-


Xviii INTRODUCTION. tion is ins heretica os ins fidit and Meond eenturies. The

main heresy which it contained Ma that tho Apostis Thomas baptized, not Uith Water, but With oit oesy. It is mentionedis Epiphanius, Turribius, and Nicephorus, condemnod in the decree of Gelasius, and in the Synopsis os Scriptum ascribe I in Athanasius, in Whicli it is placed, along With the Acts os Peter,

Acta os Jolin, and other books, among the Antilemmena. St. Augustine in three passages resera to tho book in such a Way asto fho that he had it in something very like iis present forna

ΤWo centuries later, Pseudo- xl,ilias mado a recensi in os thel oli, rejecting tho more herotical portions, and adaptinet it genui alty to orthodox uso. Photius attributos the aut horshipos this document, as of many other apocrypbal Aeta, to Leucius


translation is made is a recensiou os live MSS., the oldest os theleuth century.

X. Consummation of Thomas -Τhis is properly a portion Osthe prece ling book. Pseudo-Abdias fossoWs it very closoly, but the Greoli os somo chuptera os his translation or compilation has not yet been discovered. The texi, edited by Τiscliendori sor the fidit time, is sim abis. of the eleventii centur XI. Martyrilom of Bartholomero.-riis Greela texi, no forthe fidit time edited by Tiscliendori, is very similis to the account of BartholomeW in Pseud Abdias. me editor is inclined to belleve, not that the Greeli toxi is a translation os

Abdias, Whicli it probabj is, but that both it and Abdias arederived laom the sanie so ce. Tiscliendors seems inclined tolay sonae meight upon the mention made by Abdias os a certain Crato, said to be a disciple of the Apostles Simon and Judas, haring Written a Voluminous history os the apostles, Whichwas translatin into Latin by Julius Asricanus. The mliolestor , hoWevor, is absurd. It is very improbabie stat Julius Asricanus lineW any Latin; it is possibio, ho ever, that he may have compiled some stories of the apostles, that these may have



Tho Greeli texi is edited laom a Venetian Ms. os the thir- Denth century. XII. Acts of riadissimis. his document, os Whicli our textis the editio princeps, is os sonio consequence, as giVing in another sorin the samoiis letters of Christ to Abilarus. Eusebius II. R i. la) says ho mund in tho archivos os Edi ssatho letters written by thoir owri hau ls. and that he transluted them si omthe Syriac. The story os the Portrait Was a later involition. It is soliud in PseudO-Abdias x. l . ami With rc ut delati in Nicephorus IT. E. ii. 7). There is considerable varioty in thetexis os the letters. They Wore probably writ ten in Syriae in the tbies century by somu native os Edessa, Who Wished to addio the importance os his city and thst antiquity os bis cliuruli. See the whole subject discussed in Dr. Curuton's Mucicnt Syriae Documents relati to the earlicst estublitament of Christianity in

centu , Seems, stom allusions to the synagogue, the liours of prayer, the Sabbath-day, etc.. to have been Written by a Jeu . It is edited hom a Paris 3IS. of the eleveuth centu , and a Vienna one os a later date.

XIII. Aeta of Iohn.-Α book under this titie is mentioned by Eusebius, Epiphanius, Photius, among Greek Writers; Augustine, Philastrius, Innocent Ι., and Τ ribius among Latin Writers. The two last namin and Photius ascribe the authorship to Leucius, disei las diaboli, Who got the credit os ad these heretical brotaures. It is not named in the decree os Gelasius. Augustine 'aetat. 124 in Iohannem) relates at tength the

the Teutonio legqnd of Barbarossa, is repeated by Photius. Thero is a Latin document published by Fabricius, Pseudo- Melitonis liber de Passione S. Johannis Evangelisue, Which the


INTRODUCTION. author pros sed in inito missi the original os Mucius besore

his πω. It has considerabis resemblances in somo passagesto the present texti The only passagos in Pseudo-Λbdias that appear to havo any connection With tho present document arothose Whicli resur to the apostlo's buriat. Tho texi is edited smin a Paris MS. Os tho elovonth centu , and a Vienna one, in Which no dato is assigned. It is doubisul Whether tho narrative part os . the Acts os John be by the fame hand as the discoursos.

This portion of the volume, extending stom page 454 to thoend, consisis Os Seven documents. Mur os Whieli aro callud Apocalypses by their authors. Os these, tho Greek toxι os the fidit throe is edited for the first timo; tho laurili, tho Apocalypse of Jolin, has appeared besore. Tho fifth, Thorilling Asieep os Mary, appears for the first time in iis Greelisorm, and in the fini Latin recension os it. The MSs. of these documents are characteri2εd by extremo variety os readings; aud in some os them, especialty the earlier portion os the Apocalypse of Esdras, the texi is in a very

corrupi State.

I. The Apoealypse of Moses. his document belongs to tho Apocrypha of tho old Testament rather than to that os the New. Wo have been unable to find in il any reseretice to any Christian writing. In iis lam, too, it appears to be a portionos some larger Work. Paris os it at least are os an ancient date, as it is Very likely hom this fource that the writer of the Gospei os Nicodemus took the celebrated legend os tho Tres of Lissi and the od os Merer An account of this legendmill bo Dund in Comper's Apoe phal speti, xcix. iu ; in Maury, Oroyanees et Loendes de PAntiquuέ, p. 294; in Benan's commentary to the Syriac texi os the rinilance os Adam, editodand translated by Renan in tho Iovi ad Asiatique sor 1853. There appeared a poetices rendering ot the legend in Blaes



of tho thirtoenth century; B and C, Vienna usa. of the thi ieenth and twelsth centurios respectively; and D, a Milan MS. os a ut the eleventii century. II. The Ap alypse of Esdras. his book is a meah imitation os the apocryphia laurili book os Esdras. Thilo, in his prologomena to tho Acts os Thomas, p. lxxxii., mentions it, and doubta whothor it M tho laurili book os Esdras or not. Portions os it Nero publishod by Dr. Hase of the Paris Library, and it Was then socii that it was a disserent production. Theus. is os a ut tho fineeuth century, and in the earlier portions very disticuli to read. IL The Apocalypse of Paul.-mere are imo apocryphalbooks boaring the name os Paul mentioned by ancient Writers: me Ascension os Paul, adoptod by the Cainitos and the Gnostica; and the Apocalypse os Paul, spolien os by Augus

sent texi, discovered by Tischendori in 1843, and published by him in 1866, is the book mentioned by Augustine and Sogomen. It is referred to by numerous authorities, One os Whom,

howeveri ascribes it to the heretic Paul ot Samosata, the laundera tho sect of the Paulicians. There appear to be versions os it in Coptic, Syriac, and Arabie. One of the Syriac Versious, smm an Urumtyeh AIS.,

mas translated into English by an American missionary in 1864. This translation, or the greater portion os it, is printed by Tischendori along mith his edition os the text. Tischendor upou What seems to be pretiy good evidence, ascribes it to tho year 380. It is hom a Milan IIS. os uotearlier than the fifteenth centurn There is another MS. tWoeenturies older; but they both seem to be copied hom the fame origines. The Syriac Mems to be later than the Gree and, according to Eastern s hion, sester in delatis. IV. The Apoealypse of δε-.-In the scholia to the Grammaros Dionysius the Thracian, ascribed to the ninth century, -- mediate. aster the ascription os the Apocalypse os Paul to


xxii INTRODUCTION. Paul os Samosata, there occurs the solio ing stalament: dinere is another called the Apocalypse os John the Theologian. - do not speah os that in the laland os Patmos, God sorbill,sor it is most truo; but os a supposititious and spurious one.' This is the oldest reserence to this Ap alypse. seman says

Vatican MS., collateit With a Vienna 3is. For his edition Tischondors collated othur fivo MsS.. two Os Paris, three os Vienna. Os smin the lauricentii to tho fixtuunth centu . Os other Apocalypses, Tischendors in his Prolcyomena gives an abstruet os tho Apocalypso os Peter, the Apocalypse os Bartholomo . the Apocalypse os Mary, and the Apocalypsu os Daniel. The Apocalypse os Peter professus to bo Writton by Clement. There is an Arabic us. Os it in the Bodleian LibrarDIt is callud tho Persect Book, or the Book os Persection, audconsista os eightv-nine chaptere, comprising a history os themorid as revealed to Peter, Dom tho laundation os the worid tothe appearing os Antichrist. The Apocalypse os Bartholomem, Dum a IIS. in the Paris Library, Was edited and translated by Dula itir in 1835. Tho

The Apocalypse of Mary, containing her descent to thelo er Worid, appears in severat Greeli Mas. It is os a late date, the work of soine monk of the middie ages. The Apocalypso os Daniel, other lae called the Revelationos the Prophet Daniel a ut the consummation of the Worid, ualso os a lato date. About the hals of the Greeli texi is gruenin the Protegomena. φ have uot thought it necessa to translate it. V., VI., VII. The Assumption of Mary-It is somemtat strange ibat the Greeli texi os this book, Whicli has been translated into severat languages both of the East and the West, is edited by Tischendors for the fini time. He assigna it toa date not later than the laurth centu . A book under thistille is condemned in tho decree of Gelasius. The author ostho Second Latin Form see p. 522, note), Writing under thename os Melito, ascribes the authorahip os a tristise on the



same subject to Leucius. This, homover, cannot bo the bookso ascribed to Leucius, as Psoud Melito anima illat his book.whicli is in substance the fame as the Greeli texi, Was Writtento condemn Leucius' heresies. There are translations or recensioris os our texi in Syriac,

Sahidie. and Arabic. The Syriac Was edited and translatoabu Wright in 1865, in his Contributions to the Apocrophat

our prosunt texis. The numerous Latiu recensious also dii sereonsiderably Doni uach other, as Will be seeu Dorii a comparisonos tho Fidit Latin Form With the Second. They aro ali, however, smin the fame fource, and that probably tho Greela textWhicli me havo translato t. The Greeli texis, again, exhibit considerable Variations, especialty in the lalter portions. In the end os tho sevenili ceutuo, Jolin Archbishop os Thessalonica wroto a discourse on the lalling asleep of Mary, mainly derived stom the book os Pseudo-John; and in sonio MSS. this treatiso os Jolin os Thessalonica is ascribed to Jolinthe Apostle. Epiphanius, hoWever, minus distinctive mentior of both treatiSes. For his edition os the Greeli texi, Tischendor made use , five MSS., the oldest os the eleventh centu .rie Firat Latin Form is edited hom ilime Italian MSS., toldest os the thirinentii centur me Secoud Latin Form, Whicli has been previo ου publishedesse here, is stom a Venetian MS. os the laurinentii century. - have noW concluded our notices, compiled chlany srom Tischendors s Prolegomena, of the Apocryphia Literature of the Nem Testamentimile theso documents are os considerable interest and Value, as giving evidence os a Widesprevi laeting in earlytimes os the importance os the evenis Whicli sorm the basis our belles, and as assording us curious glimpses os the str


INTRODUCTION. the Christian conscience, and ot modes os Christian thought, in tho sirst centuries os our era, tho prodominant impression hich they leave on Our minia is a prosound sense os theimmeasurabio supcriori , the unappro habie simplici and majesty, os tho Canonical Writings.