Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류




burned mith fim. And sho bent her k es besora tho Lord, sanng: O God of my sathera, remember that I am the wed of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob; do not maho a sho of me totho sons os Israel, but restore me to the mor; sor Thou kno est,

cured, and she Went sorin out os ino cavo justifidd. And b hold a Volce sanng: Salome, Salome, teli not the strange thin thou hast seen, untii the cliud has come into Jerusalem.


ages. Amen. i Lino ii. 26. One os the Mss. here adci Matti ii. 19-23, With tWo or three


Mary and tho Infancy of the Sariour. Writtenta Hebrow by tho Blossed Evangelist Matthemand translated into Latin by the Blessed Presbyter Jurome. To their mell-boloved brother Jerome the Presbyter, Bishops Cromatius and Heliodorus in the Lota, greeting. The birili os tho Virgin Mary, and the nativity and insan os our Lord Jesus Christ, me find in apocryphal books. Buteonsidering that in them many things contrary to our satin are Written, me have belleved that they ought ad to be rejected, test perchance We should transfer the joy os Christ to Antichrist. While, theresore, me mere considering these things, there came holy men, Parmenius and Varinus, Who said thatyour Holiness had laund a Hebre Volume, Written by the hand of the most biessed Evangelist Matthem, in Which also the blath of the virgin mother heraeli, and the insan of o Sariour, Were Written. And accordingly me entreat your affection by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, to render it hom the Hebrem into Latin, not so much for the attaiument of thosethings Whita are the insignia os Christ, as for the exclusionos the crest of heretics, Who, in order in uach bad doctrine, have minsed their om sies With the excellent nativio ofChrist, that by the smeetness of life they might hide the bitte ness os death. It Will therelare hecome Dur purest pietLeither to sisten to us as your Methren enueating, or to Iet ushave as bishops exacting, the debl of affection Whicli Du may


own hand is in the possession os very religious men, io Whomin successive petiods of time it has been handed dom by thoso that mero besore them. And this book they never at any timegave to any one to translate. And so it came to pass, that inenit mas publisbed by a disciplo os Manichaeus named Leucius, Who also Wroto the salsely styled Acts of the Apostles, thisbook afforded matter, not os edification, but oi perdition; and the opinion of the Synod in regard to it Was according to iis deseris, that the ears of the church should not be open to it. Let the sn ping of those that bark against us noW cease; forme do not add this littio book to the canonical Writings, but me translate What Was Written by an apostle and evangelist, that me may disclose the falsehood of heresy. In this Work, then, me obey the commanci of pious bishops as meli as oppose -- pious heretics. It is tho lave of Christ, therelare, Whicli me fulsit, bellering that they Will assist us by their prayers, Whothmura our obedience attain to a Howledge of the holyin1an es our Smiour. There is extant another letior to the fame bishops, attributed


to know that there is much in it that is salse. For one Seleucus, ho Wrote tho Susserings os the Apostles, composed this book. But, just as ho mrote What Was truo Aout theis pomers, and the miraclea thoy Workod, but inia a great deia that mas falsea ut their doctrino; so hero too ho lina inventin many um truths out os his own head. I shali take care ta render it Wordlar Word, exactly as it is in the Hubrem sinco it is assertodinat it mas composed by the holy Evangelist Matthem and writicu in Hebrow, and set at the heia os his Gospei. metherthis bo true or not, I leave to tho author os the preface and thetrustWorthiness os the writer: as sor myseu, I prouounce them

that, Whether these stories be truo or inventions, the sacrednativity of St. Mary Was preceded by great miraeses, aud Succeeded by the greatest; and so by those Who bellave that Godmn do these illings, they can be belloved and read Without damasng their faith or imperilling thela fovis. In shori, SOsar as Ι can, solioWing the sense rather than the motas os the writer, and somelimes Walhing in the fame path, though not in the fame laotsteps, somelimes digressing a litile, but stili Leeming the fame rota, I shali in this Way keep by tho sule of thenarrative, and shali say nothing that is not esther Writtonthere, or mirat, solio ing the fame train of thought, have been

CMP. 1 In those Mys there Was a man in Jerusalem,

Joachim is name, of the tribe of Judati He Was the inepherdos his o- sheep, searing the Lord in integrity and singlenem of heart. Ηe had no other caro than that os his hetas, homthe produce of Which he supplied mith food est that ieared God, offering doctis gins in tho fear of God to est Who laboured in


doctrina, and ho ministerin unis Him. Theresoro his lambs, and his inrep, and his Wool, and est thinga Whata ver he po sessed, he used in divide into three portlans: one he gave to the orphans, the Wi Ws, the strangera, and the poor; the secone to

the saviij of David. And though they had lived toguther lori euty years, he had by her ueither solis nor daughtera. CHM. 2. ud it happened that, in the time of the suasi, among those Who mere offering incense to the Lord, Joachim

sparro a nest in a laurei tme,' and ultered her voice to the