Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


X tho records os the twelve tribus os Israel WasJoachim, a mali riuii excetaingly; and ho broughthis offerings double, saying: There stiali bo os mysuperabundauce to ad the people, and thero stiali bellio offering sor in largivenem to the Lord sor a propitiationfor me.' For the great day os the Lord Was at haud, and thesons os Israel mere bringing their offerings. And there stoodover against him Bubim, saying: It is not meet sor thee fiditio bring thine offerings, cause thou hast not made seed in Israel. d Joachim Was exceedingly grieved, and Went aWayto the registers of the twelve tribes of the Mose, sanng: Ιinali sis the registers of the twelve tribes of Israel, as tomhether I alons have not made Med in Israel d he searched,

and found that ad the righteous had mised up seed in Israel And he called to mind tha patriarch Abraham, that in the last day- God gave his a son Isaac. And Joachim mas exceedin ygrieved, and did not come into the presence Oi his Mie; but he

to me.




her an evertasting name to med in ali generatio . And


and let them stand with the lamps burning, that the child maynot turn bach, and her heart be captivated froin the templo ofine Lord. And they did so untd they Went up into the templo os tho GH. And the priest received her, and lassed her, and Nessed her, sanng: The Lord has magnified thy name in augenerations. In thee, on the last of the days, ths Loes mill manifest His redemption to the fons os Israel. And he set herdown upon the third step of the altar, and the Lord God sent grace upon her; and she danced missi her feet, and ali ino ho oos Israel loved her. 8. And her parenis ment dom marvelling, and praising the Lord God, Mea e the child had not turned bach And Marymas in the templa of the Lord as ii she mere a dove that dweuthere, and ine received laod hom the hand of in anget. Andmhen ahe Was t etve years old there mas held a couneil of tho primis. sayim: Behold, Mary has reached the age of twelus years in tho templo of the Loes. What then shali me do with


and tho silla, and the bluo and tho scarlet, and tho truo purple.' And tho truo poplo and the scarlet soli to tho tot os Mary, and she took them, and went aWay to hor house. Andat that timo Zacharias Was dumb, and Samuel Was in his placo untii the timo that Zacharias spake. Aud Mary took the

3 uti, undefited. It is dissiculi to say What colour is meant, or it u is aeolour at HL The Word is once used to mean the sea, but With no resere e toeolour. It is also the name os a stone os a creenish hue.


am innocent, and havo known no man. And Joseph sala to


to me.

14. And Joseph ma greatly ahaid, and retired hom her, and


17. And there mas an ortar iram the Emperor Augustus, that