Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


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and protection, both in the worid that nom is and in that .hichis to come, gloriding in every time and place her Only egesten Son, along mith tho Miner and the Hod Spirit, lar ever ind


atanis, and Nessed above ali momen, helare thou carriecit me


reason M had come to Jerusalem, be ld, ali ino discipies of the Lord, except Thomas Who is called Didymus, mere broughtis a cloud to the door of the chamber of the Nessed Marn They stood and went in, and saluted the queen mith ins sol-loming Worta, and adored her: Hail, Marn fuit os gracs I ins Lord bo mi in thee. And she eagerly rose quialy, and bowed heraeli, and Essed them, and gavo inanis to God. These areos names of the discipies of the Lord Who mere brought thither in the olata: Jota the svangelist and James his Mother, Peterand Paul, Andrem Philip, Line, Barnabas, BartholomeW and

Matthem, Matthias Who is called Justus, Simon the Chananaean, Judas and his brother, Nicodemus and Maximianus, and many oiners Who cannot be numbereae Then the blessed Mary stadio her Methren: What is inis, that Du have ali come to Jerusalem ' Peter, ans ering, said to her: We had need in Ghinis of thee, and dost thou question us i Certainin as I thiis, nono of us iso A Why We have come here to-tay mith such rapidu' Ι Waa at Antioch, and noW I am here. AH declared


the apostles, hecausa fram her had gono sorin the dispersiona o Israel, on account of their stas and the gathering together Mino Gentiles. But they mero struch mith Ninoma, atrihingineis heada against the Walla, and strihing each other. minthe apostles, alamed by so much brighiness, Mose, and viis


another occasion thou moestit not belleve the resurrection otour Master and Lord at our moes, oleas thou ment to touin

here. Then, as it mere in a rege. they Went to the sepulchre,