Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 11: The Writings Of Tertullian, Volume 1

발행: 1869년

분량: 545페이지


분류: 미분류


courae, to my oWn personat censure, to censure in all), either from simple ignorance or elae from dissimulation, have the

actualJ fornication; and there Were no need for anythingextrinsic in boot-in the matter I mean of the arrangement of dress and ornament, the studied graces of sorm and brilliance:-Wearing in their gait tho self-same appearanceas the women of the nations, from Whom the sense of true modesty is absent, because in those who know not God, tho Guardian and Master of truth, there is nothing true.' Foris any modesty can be belleved sto existJ in Gentiles, it is

plain that it must be imperfeci and undisciplined to such adegreo that, although it be actively tenacious of itsoli in thomind up to a certain potnt, it yet allows iueis to relax into' licentious extravagances of attire; just in accordanes With Gentile perversi , in craving after that of whicli it carofullyahuns the effeci.' HOW many a one, in Shori, is there Whodoes not earnestly destre even to look pleasing to strangere lWho does not on that very account take caro to havo hersetipainted out, and dentes that she has severi been an object os Parna appetito 3 And yet, granting that even this is a practice familiar to Gentile modesty- namely,J not actually


316 TERTULLIANUSwhoti Mod, eastly minglo With evit even What they do holdiast. Necessary it is that γου turn aside tram them, as in ali oster things, so also in yοur gail; since you ought in be' perieci, as fisJ your Father Who is in the heavens. λ

mith so entire substantiali ' os salth, as to bo confidentand secure in rogard of our own conscience, destring thatthat finitJ may abide in us to the end, yet not presumiss that it WillJ. F he who presumes seels less apprehension ; he who feeis tess apprehension tahes tres precaution; he who latas tess precaution runs mors rish. Mar' is the undation os salvation; presumption is an impediment to ar. More usefui, then, is it to apprehend that me may possibiy sali, than to presume that We cannot; sor apprehending mill lead us to Dar, fearing to caution, and cautionto salvation. On the other hand, is me presume, there mill be



noister tiar nor caution to save M. He Who acts securely, and not at the fama time marity, possesses no sara and firm

hom tho actuat commission os fornication,' I know notwhether He allons impunity to him Who ' has been the causeos perdition to Mme oster. For stat other, as Soon as helias feli concupiscenco aster your beauty, and has mentiab

en a robbery has been committed on some man's estate,

' Mati. v. 17. Comp. de Or. c. xxii. Md.; de Pa. o. Vi. missi; de Pa n. c. iii. sub An. 3 Tho secona non,' or elae the fidit, must apparently be omitted. y Mara. v. 28. Seo de I l. c. ii.; de Pa. c. vi. I de Paen. o. iii.


318 TERTULLIANUS cometiness, it is timo for you to knowy that not merely must the pageant of fictilious and elaborate beauty be rejected by you ; but that os even natural grace must be oblitefatedis concealmeni and negligence, as equalty dangemus to theglances of the belloider'sJ eyes. For, albeii cometiness is not to be censured,' as being a bodily happiness, as being an additional ouilay os the divino plastic ari, as bEing a hind of goodly garment' of the foui; yet it is to bs feared, just onaccount of the injuriousness and violence of suitora :M which injuriousness and violen coJ sven tho fallier of tho faith Abraham,' meatly feared in regard of his oWn Wiso's grace; and Isaac,' by falsely representing Rebecca as his sister, pu chased salaly by insulti 'CHAP. III.-Grant that beauty be not to be Dared: stili it is

y Jam . . . sciatis. Accusandus. .' Comp. Gen. xxvii. 15. M Sectatorum.' Comp. Rom. iv. 11, 16. ' Gen. xii. 10 0, and xx7 Gen. xxvi. 6-11.


essence of eaealtation. NoW eaealtation is incongruous for pr


These suggestions are not made to Du, of courae, to be d veloped into an entire crudi and Wildness of appearance; nor are me Seehing to persuade Fou of the good of squalor and Hovent ess; but of the limit and norm and just measura oscultivation of the person. There must be no oversiepping of that lino to which simplo and suffcient refinomenta limit thola destres that line which is pleasing to God. For they whorub' their shin with medicamenis, stain their cheeri Withrouge, mahe their eyes prominent With antimony,' sin against


may be apparent that you do, in a certain sense, do violanceto God. Whatevor is bom is tho work of God. Whateve then, is plastered ony thatJ, is the devit's Work. To supe induco on a divino mork Satan's ingenuities, hoW criminalis iti Our servants borrow nothing from our personat en mies : soldiera eagerly destre nothing from tho Aes of theiroWn generat; sor, to demand sor bour omnJ use anything

iorce of the cosmetios bums ruin into the hair; and the con-λ Infingitur. η i.e. subjecι to vhOm. β Disciplinis. ε Species. si Credite.' Jam capillos: so Ointer and Rig. But tho othera read patriam capillo: they chango inela muniry by tho instrumentality os their





CHAP. VIII.-MEΝ not eaecluded from these remaris onpersonat adornmerit.

serio ness in appe ance and in comtenance, and in thegenerat aspect' of the entire man, mark our carriage