장음표시 사용
CHAP. II.-The origis offemati ornamentation, traeed baek totia angela who had fallen.'For they, Withai, Who instituted them are assigned, under condemnation, to the penalty of death,-inose angeti, in Wit, who rushed hom heaven on the daughters of men; so that this ignominy also attaches to Woman. For When to an agaymuch more ignorant sthan o H they had disclosed cortianwelLeoncealed materiat substances, and severat not meturovealed scientific aris is it is trus that they had laid barotho operations os metallum' and had divulged the naturaly Reaignatrix. Comp. the phraae a naeniata Maled ' in Cant. iv. 12. Suasisti ia tho reading of the vis. ; persuassisti,' a conjecturalomendation adopted by Rig. η Seo Gen. iii. 21. 6 Rerum. β Le. Chineae.' Comp. Min thia chamer, de I l. c. ix.; de Or. o. xxii.; de Ciat.
TERTULLIANUS 30s properties of herbs, and had promulgated the pomers of en-chanimenta, and had traced out every curious ar in even to the interpretation of the stars-they conferred properly andas it mere peculiarly upon momen that instrumental mean os Womanly ostentation, the radiances of je eis Wheremitti nec laces are Variegated, and the circleis of gold whore th thoams are compressed, and the medicaments of orchil mitti
able. But why Was it of so much importance to fho thesethings as weli as' to confer them l Was it that momen, Without materiai causes of splendour, and without ingeni-ous contrivances of grace, could not please men, Who, Whilostili unadornod, and uncouth, and -so to say- crude and
contumelious, ii they had conferred no compensatinvi giston the women who had been enti ed into connubial connec-tion with them But theso questions admit of no calc
λ Curiositatem. Comp. de Idol. c. ix. , and Acts xix. 19. Quo oculorum exordia producuntur. Comp. ii. 5. dam, i.e. Without going any tarther. Comp. c. iV. et seqq.' Sicut. Rut Pam. and Rig. rein alve. - i.e. the angelic lovera. ' Comp. Rev. ii. 5.
TERTULLIANUS domestic renowny and hereditary tradition, concerning his o n great-grandiathees grace in the sight of God,' and concerning ali his preachings ; since Enoch had oven noothor charge to Methuselah than that he should hand ontho knowlodge of them in his posteri . Noah the fore, nodoubi, might have succeeded in the trustoeship of iniqpreaching, or, had the case been otherWise, he would nos havo
been silent althe concerning the disposition of thingsJ mado by God, his Preserver, and concerning the particular glao
marrant' our assertion os 'he genuineness o this Scriptura: he could equalty have renewed it, under tho Spirisa inspiration,' after it had been destroyod by the violence of the deluge,' as, aster the destruction of Jerusalem by tho Babylonian stoming of it, every document' of the Jewish litor ture is generalty agreed to have been restored through Egra. But sinco Enoch in the fame Scripture has preached lik Wise concerning the Loes, nothing at ali must be rejected by us whicli pertains to us ; and we read that overy Scripturesultabio for edification is divinoly inspired '' By tho Ieissit may noW seem to have been rejected for that verri reason,
Nor, of courae, is this fact Wondersui, that they did not receive somo Scriptures whicli spake os Him Whom even in person, speaking in their presence, they Were not to receiVe. Totheso considerations is added tho faci that Enoch possesses a testimony in tho Mostlo Jude.' HAP. IV.- mising the question of the AUTHORS, Tertullian
proposes to consider the THINGS On their Oaen merita. Grant noW that no mark of pr condemnation has beon
Nomine perhapa - account. Comp. Gen. vi. 8. R Praedicatis. ε Tueretur.
CHAP. V.-Gold and aiker not superior in origin or in utilis
Gold and silvor, the principat materiai causes of Worldlyρ splendour, must necessarily bo identical fin natureJ with that
them, inasmuch as it is only astor it has been tearfulbwrought is penal labour in the deadly laboratories of accursed mines, and there test ita namo os V earlli ' in tho firo bohindit, that, as a fugitive hom the mine, it passes frem tormenta toornamenis, hom punishments to embellishmenta, hom im minies in honoura. But iron, and bram, and oster the vilest
tion; in order that, in the estimation os nature, the substance
λ Matrimonium camis. ' Hundum muliebrem. Comp. Lim xxxiv. 7.' Immundum muliebrem.
310 TERTULLIANUS. than their . But is it is from the quality of utilisy that
them in potnt oi origin, but more poWersul in potnt of
triclous allurement. But Whatevor it is stat ambition fishos up iram the Britisti or the Indian sea, it is a Lind os conch
must be underetood than some hard, round excrescence of the
bosom alone is Miness to the cylindrical stones that decorato
stela materiai causas from tho creatur Α of God. Yet a
racem se, or the atrocities of the arena, or the turpitudes of the stage, simply because God has gium in man the horae, and the panther, and the pomer of speech: just as a Christian cannot commit idolatrI Willi impunity either, b cause tho incense, and the wine, and the fim .hich Dods 'hereos, and the animais Whicli are made the victims, are God's morkmanship; since even the materiat thing whichis adored is God's screaturri. Thus then, too, With regardio thela active me, does the origin os the materiat substances, which descenda frem God, Meuae filiat viri as foretgn to
isiae Ue beeome the prey os ambition and ita attendant evila. For, as some particular things distributed by God ovorcertain individual lands, and wmo one particular tract of sea, are mutuatly foretgn one to the other, they are reciprocally
own compatriora, because in them there is no such fervidloning sor a glory Whicli, among iis own home-foth, is frigid. But, hoWever, the rareness and ouilandishness whicli arisoont of that distribution os possessions Whicli God has ordoredas He millia, over finding favour in the Ves of strangere, excites, fram tho simple fact of not having What God has made nativo to other places, the concupiscence of havita it. Ηenco is educta another vice-that os immode te having ;
ambition; and lience, ino, ita name is to bo interpreted, in that from concupiscenco ambient in the mind it is bora, With
314 TERTULLIANUS a vie to the destre of glo ,-a grand destre, sormoth, Which as Wo have said) is recommended netther by nature nor is truth, but by a victous passion of the mind,- namely,J concupiscence. And there are other vices connected mitti ambi
selves also ; for concupiscence becomes proportionably greateras it has set a higher value upon the thing which it haseagerly destred. From the smallest cashela is produced an ample patrimony. On a single thread is suspended a millionos sesterces. One delicate nech carries about it foresta indistands.' The stender iobes of the eam exhaust a fortuno; and tho leti hand, with ita every finger, sporis missi a seVeralmoney-bag. Such is the strengili os ambition- equa to bearing on one smali body, and that a Woman's, the productos so copious Wealth.
principalty of modesty. For since, by the introduction intoand appropriation inJ us os the IIob Spirit, We are ali
tho templo of God, ' Modesty is tho sacristan and pHestem os that templo, Who is to suffer nothing unclean or profane