Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 11: The Writings Of Tertullian, Volume 1

발행: 1869년

분량: 545페이지


분류: 미분류


ail add lustre to tho glory os nuptials; but sufficien ,' 'vhich is suit is in moderation and modesty. Presume, I


286 TERTULLIANUS did tho Lord foretoli a πω to them that ars With child, and

them that give such, y excepi because Ηe testifies that in thalday of disencumbrance tho encumbrances of children mill boan inconveniencel It is in marriam, of course, stat in e

y Luhe xxi. 23 ; Mati. xxiv. 19. Saeculi. Expiasse V a rare but Ciceronian use of the Word. Lino xvii. 28, 29. β Denotat. φ Saeculi. 7 Saeculi. Comp. 1 Cor. x. 11; but the Grea there is, τα τέλη των αἰώνων. By the blinoem, Tertullian may reser to Gen. rix. 11. ' Or, ahor Eng. ver.) ; 1 Cor. vii. 29, ο καιρὸς συνεσταλμένος, in collecto. '' Matrimonia, neut. pl. again for the fem., the abstraci for the concrete. Seo c. it., to multiply Wivea,'' and the note there. In the Greeli 1 Cor. vii. 29 it is γυναῖκας; but the enaving in ter ino sinat Tertullian retera the passage to Women as Meli.



practice, they persevere in such a discipline of widowhood, whicli excludes the solaces even os holy affection.y Theseprecepta has the devit given to his servant' and he is heardi He challenges, fors th, God's servanti, by the continence of his oWn, as it on equat termst Continent are even thapriosis of helli For ho has found a Way in ruin men eventa good purauita; and with him it maes no differenco is siv

mony oi lauri faith; as a commendation of this flesh of ours, which is to be sustainod for tho garment of immortalitri Which is one day to supervene; for enduring, in fine, the Willos God. Besides, reflect, I advise you, stat there is no one

i Pisistis.' Gehennae; comp. de Poen. e. xii. ad init. η r.e. eternat lite ; comp. consecutio aeternitatis,' de Bapt. c. ii. 1 Cor. xv. 53 ; 2 Cor. v. 4. β Saeculo. φ Mundo. Matrimonio,' or by matrimony.' Comp. 1 Cor. vii. 27 : δasσαι

γυναικίς μή ζήτει λύσιν' λέλυσαι ἀπο γυναικος;- ι γυναῖκα.


tasked; tho former in that she has alWays kopi the good,' tho latior in that sho has found tho good for heraeis.' In tho former it is grace, in the lalter virine, that is ero ned. For some things thero are whicli are of the divino liberali , Some of our oWn Working. The indulgences granted by the Lord are regulated by their uwn grace ; the things Whichare objecti os man's striving aro attained by earnest purauit. Puraue earnestly, there ore, tho Viriue os continence, Whichis modesty's agent; indust , Whicli allows not momen to bo

Desideraveris. Oehler reada desiderea. Comp. c. iii. 1 Tim. v. 13. ' Saeculum.


These considerations, de est fello servant, I commend

end. Let us noW turn our attention to the nexi best advice,


292 TERTULLIANUS. to iq; nor Would there have been any causes sor my recur ingto that potat also in addressing you, had Ι not by this timeta n up a stili graver solicitude. For tho nobier is thocontinenco of the flesti Which ministers to wido hood, themore pardonable a thing it Mems ii it be not persevered in. For it is then when things are dissiculi that their pardon is easy. But in as far as mar ing in the Lord ' is permissible, as being Within Our po er, so far more culpabie isit not to observe that which you ean observo. Add to this the iaci that the apostie, With regard lo Widows and the -- maresed, advises them to remain permanently in that state,

Thorosoro, When in these dvs a certain Woman removed

on the ground of that passage of the first pistis to tho Corinthians, Where it is Written: Is any of the brethren has


marriage With an unbelleving Woman,' has presently been by the grace of God converted, to continuo with his Wise; sor

1 Cor. vii. 1 14, in sense, not verbatim.



believer, tho other bidden to continue in it. Why, it me are defited is a Gentile, is not the one disjoined, just as the other

Tertullian aa merged, M to speis, in the Spirit. β Exemplum,' a rarer uae of the mord, hut found in Cie. Thoreseretice is to 1 Cor. vii. 7.