Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 11: The Writings Of Tertullian, Volume 1

발행: 1869년

분량: 545페이지


분류: 미분류


DE FUGA IN PERSECUTIONE. 365Where about in undergo persecutions, untii they should fulfiltheir teaching. Accordingly the Saviour says, will notgo over ali the ciues of Israel. So tho command to fleomas restricted in tho limits of Judea. But no command thatshows Judea to bs specialty the sphere for preaching appliesto us, noW that the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon aliflesti. Therelare Paul and the apostles themselves, mindsul of the precept of the Loes, bear this solemn testimony before Israol, whicli they had noW filled with their doctrine-saying, It was necessary that the word os God should have been firstdelivered to you; but seeing ys have rejected ii, and have not thought yourselves Worthy of eternat lite, io, me turn tollis Gentiles.' And Dom that time they turned their sieps aWay, as inose Who Went besors them had laid it down, and departed into the way of the Gentiles, and ontered into thocities of the Samaritans; so that, in Very deed, their sound went forin into ali the earth, and their Words to the end of the worid.' ΙΤ, therelare, the prohibition against setting Dotin the way of the Gentiles, and entering into the cities of the

Samaritans, has come to an end, Why should not the commandio fles, which Was traued at the samo time, have come also to

a matter os command, refused in like manuer noW at the close

of his ministry, and aster the injunction had come to an end, to ovo in to tho anxieties of the discipies, eagerly entreatinghim that he would not rish himself at Jerusalem, because of the sufferings in store for him whicli Agabus had foretoid;

only to suffer bonds, but also to die at Jerusalem, sor the name


366 TERTULLIANUS .ho had Wished him rather is moid perseeution, might also have adduced that prior mill of the Lord, in Whita Ho hincommanded flight. Theretore, seeing even in the dvs of tho

miles themselves, the command is flee Was temporary, asmere those also relating to the other things at tho samo timo



ine samo reason as had ted Him in command the apostles to

s stances in Him Wem truly human, test, as certain persons


368 TERTULLIANUS.weaness os the flesti, forsooth, but put out os sight thostre in of the spirit. He also ashod of His Father, statis it might be, the cup of suffering should pras hom Him./So ash you the like favo ; but M IIo diri hesding your





either as conquered or as conqueror. But although ho has

greater, the more that he has stood in His presence, says,

endurance of persecution. But When persons in authori themselves-Ι mean the very deacons, and presbyters, and


even hom his former savings a restoration of the master's


372TERTULLIANUS case Would be, Without good reason, to gius to the floch pr tection, Whicli it Would not requiro in consequenco os ira liberty, fors th, to flee. 12. So far, my brother, as the question proposed by Du is

ment. But he Who inquires Whether persecution ought to be

evident κε must not flee, must in like manner not even be

What, no , are me to thinh of the man who strives against


DE FUGA IN PERSECUTIONE. 373 that glorious one, nan stighis and defites res moti, obtainedat so great a ranwm-no lem, in truth, than His most precio


374 TERTULLIANUS nothing in that way. Besoro one it might, Ι docti no

serve mammon more than the man whom mammon has ran-

Whon did Onesimus, or Aquila, or Stephen,' give them aidos this End when they wero persecuted Τ Paul indeed, When Folix tho govomor hoped that he should receive money forhim hom the discipies, about whicli matter iis also deest Withthe apostle in private, certainly neither paid it himself, nordid tho disciplos for him. Those discipies, at any rate, Whowept hecause he Was equalty persistent in his determinationio go to Jerusalem, and neglectivi of ali means to securo himself hom the persecutions Which had been foretoid asabout to occur there, at last say, I et the will of tho Lord bo dono.' What was that will No doubi that ho fhould suffer for the name of the Lord, not that he should bo boughtoll. For as Christ laid doWn His lite lar us, so, too, Wε