장음표시 사용
TERTULLIANUS step, inde , is to put to the . test these appotniments of Godin opposition to false religions, the completely vanquishin
commanti so numerous and weight and that it has neverbeen engaged in Without punishment folioWing, as examplesso numerous and impressiis sto' and that no offencs is munied by Gω so presumptuous as a uespam es this fori, e ouot further in perceius the purpori os both the divino threatenings and thola fulfilmenta, Which mas even then commended not only by the not calling in question, but also istbe enduring of martyrdoms, for Which certainly He had oven casion is forbidding idolato. For othemiso martyrdoms Would not tari place. And certainly He had supplied, asa Warrant for these, His oWn authori , Willing those evenisto come to pam for the occurrence of Which He had invenoccasion. At present fit is important to bear stat in minM, Dr We are gesting severely nung concerning the Will of God, and the scorpion repeata the prich, denying the e latenco of this mili, finding tanti milli it, so that he either insinuates that there is another god, inch that this is nothis Will, or nono the lem overthrows oura, s ing such is his Will, or altogether dentes fiUM Will of God, is he cannot deny Bimself. But, for our pari, contending elseWhere about questions relating tri God, and a ut est the rest of theboh of heretices inachium κε now M- foro us definito
lines' for one form of encounter, maintaining that this Wis, such as to have given occasion for martyrdoms, is that os notanother god than tho God of Israel, on the ground of tho commandmenta relating to an alWays sorbidden, as weli as of the judgments upon a punished, idolatry. For is the hes'ing of a command involves the suffering of violence, this will be, so in spea, a command about heeping the commant requiring me to suffer that through whicli Ι shali bo ablo tokeep the commmd, violence namely, Whatever of it threatens me When on my guard against idolat . And certainly in the case supposeM the Author of the command extoris compliance missi it. Ηe couid not, there ore, have been umwilling that those evenis aliould come to pras is means of Whicli the compliance will be manifest. The injunction is given me not to mae mention of any other god, not even is speising,-as litile by the longue as by the hand, o fashiona god, and not to Worship or in any Way shoW reverence toanother than Him only Who thus commanti me, Whom Ι am
lactidden and punished. For martyrdom strives against and opposes idolat . But to strive against and oppose evit cannot bo ought but good. Not as ii I deniod that thera is a rivato in ovil things With one another, as meli as in modatio; but this ground for it requires a different stato os
mattera. For martyrdom contends With idolato, not hom
accepi What is balesul, to avoid ali dangemus cures, or, insitori, to bo eager to die raster stan to be healed. For thoyare many Who flee hom ths aid of physic also, many in soli' many iram fear and false modesty. And tho healing arthas manifestly an apparent cruei , by reason of the lancet, and of the burning iron, and of the great heat of the mustata; yet to bo cui and burned, and pulled and bitten, is not onthat account an evit, for it occasions helpsul pians; nor Willit be res ed merely bemuse it amicis, but becauso it amicis
a iee, and proclaim that they ars the best operators, and nolonger assirm that they are cruel. Thus martyrdoms alsorage furio in but for salvation. God also mill bo at liber to heia sor evertasting life by means of fires and sWords, andali stat is palniul. But you Will admire the physician at
least eum in that respect, stat for the most part he emptus lino properties in the cures to counieraci the properties Mino diseas , When he alds, as it Were, the 'Ong Way, Sum
couring by means of those things to Whicli tho affiction isowing. For iis both chetas heat by heat, by laying on agreater load; and subdues inflammation is teming thlastunappeased, by tormenting rather; and contracti the supe abundance of bile by every bitter litue drauot, and stops hemorrhago by opening a veinlet in addition. But you milithiis that God must be found fauit mith, and that for Mingjealous, ii He has chosen to contend with a diseras and to domod by imitating the malad' to destru death is deast, todissipato hilling by killing, in dispel tortures by tortures, to di perse ' punishments by punishment' to bestow life by wit, draming it, to aid the fiesh by injuring it, is preserve the
ot deast. Why does man alioW reluctance in suffer no hom a cure, What he Was not reluctant then to suffer imm
tho decision. Where there are mere contesta, there ammme Wounti: fisis mas reel, heeis hich like butting ram' rinygioves mangle, Whips leave gashes. Yet thero Milbe no one reproaching tho superintendent of the contest fore Osing men to outrage. Sulla sor injuriea lio ouisita thoraceco se. But to the extent that those persons deal in
discoloration, and gore, and sWellings, he will design for them
TERTULLIANUS πο- do uess, and glom, and a present, political privileges,
contributions by the citigens, images, statues, and f such sori as the worid can ove- an eterni of fame, a resu
inis this open ground of the worid, to M seen is men, and angela, and ali poWera '-to test flesh and spirit as to stes faginem and endurance' o give to this one the palm, tothis ono distinction, to that one the privilege of citiaenship, to that one pay Τ-to reject some also, and alter punishing toremove them With disgrace You dictato to God, formoth, the times, or the Ways, or the places in Which to institute a
virtus os dispariu in thela rays But surther, is, on that
account, somo increase of brightness also Was appropriato
tho prico Which ars also the commodities. God had foressenalso other meanesses incident to the condition os man, hestratagems of the enemn the deceptive aspects of the cre tures, the snares of the world; that fiath even aster baptismmould bo endangered; that the most, aster attaining unto
whoso stas are covered. Blessed is the man to whom tho
Lord will not imputo sin. in For, strictly speahing, there cannot any longer bs rechoned ought against the martyre,
also is pratsed in song. Wisdom bisaves missi firmnem in the si eis, for missi good resulta does ine murder her
Prov. ix. 2: She hath Essed her Maala. The corresponding morda in the Septuagint are, εσφαξε τα εαυτης θύματα Augustine, in his de civ. Dei, xvii. 20, explaina the victims θύματα to be Martyrum victimas.
Prov. i. 20, 21; Me the Septuagint version. 3 Iaa. xliv. 5.ε Zech. xiii. s. - Rom. viii. 32. ' Rom. iv. 25.