장음표시 사용
even to spoah of it: for tho stori es that have been inventodabout them ars very Wiched and shoching; passing strange,
100 SYRIAC DOCUMENTS Why, ins fovereign ot tho gods, the very faster of gods
an adulterer, and as a forcerer,' and as a paederasti Read tothe fovereign of the gods, O men os Greece, the laW con- cerning parricide, and the condemnation pronounced on
service and honour to Kronos, Who devoured his childron. Then, too, as regards Alexander Paris-he was right in
abouq Procne also, to this hour screaming as she flies; her sister too, Warbling With her longue cui out ' What, moreover, is it fitting to say about tho murder committed by indipus, Who took his oWn mollier fio WitH, and whose brothors hilled one another, they being sat the fame timeJhis sons l ur festivat' too, I hate; for there is no moderation inere they are; tho sWeet flutes also, dispellers of care, Which playas an incitement to dancing ;' and the preparation of oint-
) ne tradition seema to be fosso ed Which mahes Procne to have been changed into a sWallo , and her sister Philomela) into a nightingate. ε Cureton: play mith a tremulous motion.' But the Syriac very mell
and become partiners of it. Acquaint yourselves With the Κing Immortal, and acknowledge His servants. For not in arma do they mahe their boast, nor do they commit murders: becauso our Commander has no delight in abundance of strength, nor Fet in horaemen and their gallant array, nor
on this account, io, Ι havo written for theo this record, bouehinc that Whicli I havo by care ut observation di covored in the worid. For 4ho hind of lito mon load hasbeen caretally observed by me. I troad the path os learning
become Very pleasant to thee: for to me also it so happened. When, moreoVer, a person has test his homo, and is able
stillJ to preserve his spreviouq character, and properly does
the risings and settings of the seasons.
harm: in the case of the virtuous, Dur verri affection forthem torments us, and hom their fuso excellenco OL character We suffer torture; and, in the case of the victous, Meare Worried Mith their correction, and amictod with thoirmisconduci. Thou hast heard moreover, concerning our companions,
onost Verit' as a stranger thou hast been fortunate; verily, sor thy smali love many people have conceived an ardent affection for thee.