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and righteousness carried into effect through faith: practisingin the flesh an angelic ministry; hallowing the fovi in thebody, as in a place clear and stalaleas.
have said that thero ars punishments for blasphemies, sornonsense, for outrageous expressions; Which are punishedand chastised by reason. XXXIX. And lie said, too, that on account of their halaand finerri Women are punished by the PoWer that is set over these mattera; Which also gavo to Samson strangis in his hair; Whieli punishes the women who allum to fornic tion through the adornment of their hair.
130 SELECTIONS FROMxviii. 50). Ni tho faithsul ars called hings, brought to
ons habit and of the Ηοly Spirit.
XLVI. Tho passions that are in the foui are called spiriis, -not spirits of poWer, since in that case the man under thoinfluence of passion Would be a legion os demons; but Jheyare so callessi in consequence of the impulso they communicato. For the foui itself, through modifications, tining onthis and that other fori of qualities of Wichedness, is said to
in tho flesh. XLVIII. For instanes, Peter says in the Apocalypse, that abortivo infanis inest sharo tho bellor fato; that thessare committed to a guardian anget, so that, on receivinghnowledge, thsy may obtain the better abode, having had thosamo experiences Whicli they Would have had had thsy boon in the bov. But the others shali obtain salvation merely, asbsing injured and pilled, and remain Without punishmen receiving this reWard.
XLIX. Tho milh of momen, floWing from tho breasta and thichening, says Peter in the Apocalypse, Will produco
them Will consume them: teaching that punishments ariso for sins. He says that they are produced from sins; as it Was for their sins that the peoplo were sold. And for thoirmant of faith in Christ, as the apostis sus, they Were bittenby serpents. L. An ancient said that the embryo is a living thing; forthat the foui entering into the womb after it has been bycleansing prepared for conception, and introduced by one of the angels Who preside over generation, and who knows thetime for conception, moves the woman to intercourse; and that, on the seed being deposited, the spirit, Whicli is in thsseed, is, εο to speah, approprialed, and is thus assumed into conjunction in the process of formation. Ηe cited as a proosto ali, hoW, When the angels give glad tidings to the barren, they introduce fouis besore conception. And in the Gospol
barren are barren for this reason, that the foui, Whicli unitessor the doposit of the feod, is not introduced so as to secure conception and generation. LI. The heavens declare tho ψορο of God Ps. xix. 1). The hemens are talion in various meanings, both those defined by space and revolution, and those by covenant,-the immediato operation of the firs,created angeis. For the covenandi caused a more especies appearance of angelf,-inat' in the caseos Adam, that in the case of Noah, that in tho case of Abraham, that in the case of Moses. For, moved by the Lord, thefirst-created angeis exercised their influenco on the angelsattached to the propheis, considering the covenanis the gloryos God. Furthermore, the things done on earth by angelswere done by the first-created angeis to the glory of God. LII. It is tho Lord that is principalty denominated the Heavens, and then the First-created; and after these also the holy men beiore the Lam as the patriarchs, and Moses, and the propheis; then also the apostles. And the firmamentino eth His handiWork.' Ηρ applies tho term firmament' στερέωμα) to God, the passioniess and immove te, as also
ine Lord. Lihewiss also the demons; since also they suspected that Solomon was the Lord, and they kneW that he was notso, on his sinning. Night to night.' All tho demons knowthat Ηρ Who rose alter the passion was the Lord. Andalready Enoch had sald, that the angels who. transgressedlaugiit men astronomy and divination, and the rest of the aris.
not heard,' notther of days nor nights. Their sound is gone fortii unto ali the earth.' Ηρ has transferred the discoursoto the saints alone, Whom he calis both heavens and dus. LV. The stars, spiritual bodies, that have communicationawith the angeis set over them, and are governed by them, are not the cause of the production of things, but are signa of what is tining place, and Will tahe place, and have taken place in the case of atmospheric changes, os fruitsulness and barrenness, of pestilence and severa, and in the case of men. The stars do not in the least degree exert influences, butindicato what is, and Will be, and has been. LVI. - Αnd in the sun hath He set His tabernaclo.' Thereis a transposition here. For it is of the second coming that the discourse is. So, then, We must read What is transposed
in iis duo sequencer d lis, as a bridegmom issuing Domitis chamber, Will rejoico as a giant to run his Way. From heaven's md is his going forta; and there is no one Whostiali hido himsoli hom his heatand then, IIo hath set His tabernacle in the sun.VSomo say that He deposited the Loris body in the sun, as Hermogenes. And His tabernacle,' some say, is Hisbody, othors the church of tho salthful. Οur Pantaenus used to say, that prophecy utters iis expressions indefinitely for tho most pari, and uses the present forthe future, and again the present for the past. Whicli is also seen here' For He hath set ' is put both for the pastand tho futuro. For the future, because, on the compi tion of this period, Whicli is to run according to iis present constitution, tho Lord Will come to restore the righteous, the faithsul, in Whom He resis, as in a tent, to one and the fame uni ; for ali ars one bo , of the fame race, and hmechoseu the samo faith and righteoumess. But some as head,
authority, and poWer, and every name that is named,' arethose from among men that are made perfeci as angeis and archangela, bo as to riseJ to the nature of the angeis first- created. For those Who are changed hom men to angeis aminstructed for a thousand years by the angela alter they arobrought to perfection. Then those Who have tauot aretranslatod to archangelio authority; and those Who havetoarned instruct those again Who hom men are changed to
'Eν τη ακρῖ ἀποκαταστάσει. The laat mord felda no auit te sense, and conjecture M to the right reading is vian; and me have lest uuntra latest The Latin tranatator rendera qui in summa arce collocati
LXIII. Iξ they have not dominion over me, then Ahali Ibe innocent.' It those who persecuto mo as they did tho Lord, do not have dominion over me, I shali not be innocent.