De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류




in the ork of iis umerous prodecessors, and addod notis liti luo his own to the improvom sent of the tox and to a se iter undor- standin os iis contonis. Sinc his time tho contributions adoto tho criticism and Xogosis of the Agricola, and o Tacitus generalty have been very considerable both in qualit an quantity but hilo th historical, thnological, and syntactica materialthus accumulatsed is satisfactorii sex haustive tho stricti rhetoriculleatures of th Agricola, conspicuous though the are, hau hii horto been Persistenti and inexplicabi overtooked or ignorod. Andy0 it must se vident that a student an at sest acquiro ut a very sup rficia appreciation o the consultimate artistic mortis of this troatis ii se omnii in ignoraneo of th vitai tomenis that mali th Agricola tho immorta mast0rpiece that it s. havo, there fore, oen a patias to illii strate ani analypse, alboit unde tho restrictions secossarii imposed pon a collego odition, at noto orthy rhetorical 0atures in the stylo and structuro os ille Agricola, the synopsis in the Introduction eing, ior tho onsongivon above intentionali more sul than might ther is apponi Warranto in an seditionis his naturo. The dis overy that aditus, in ritin the Agricola, closset followed time-honorei rhetorica canon io biographica composition a a great a sui Pl'is tome, ho ad ne donised his ii tho basis of an examination iextant classica biographises, ascit ill oubil0s b to thors Iliope ho ever, that the secessarii brie revie of ilio viden cogi ven in tho Introduction ill suffice to carr conviction. In the Notos Phau senil0avorsed to fac severy sen dissiculi anil

youu student, an I rus that o holi irrelevant mattor hasi



been allowed to intrude In no burdening the commentar With scrupulous aclinoWledgmen ior ver rea obligation incurred, imperative a this ould se in an sedition intende for scholars Iliave venture t folio a ell-recognige precedent. Nor avo I for reason o brevity, calle attontion excepi in ade instances, to the sexistence of ther interpretations than hose, hether neWor old, hicli I deemei sumcienti convincin t Warrant acceptunce. Under these circumstances I gladi talio his opportunityo saying that, o ali the edition accessibi to me, I have found thos of ex Peter Andresen, and Furneaux speciali helpiuland suggestive aniles ni regre that, avita profits so much by thei labors, I hould have been compelle to dissent romtheir views o frequently though I ope neve mithout validreasons That I have again ad evor possibi us of the admirabie Lexicon Taciteum, uniortunatet not et finished, ill boovident ironi in Notes. Tho tox has been subjecte to a thorough revision, an mayclaim to represent an independent recension. I differ ironi thatos Halm in nostri fixi instances the justificationii thes devia




pages. Under these circumstancses there an se ut litile oomior originality, and the chiel ask of an editor os a book of this nature ut primarii consist in a caretu sistin and an Xtensive condensation of the exegetica materia furnished by 0nerations o German scholars for With the possibi exception ofFuste de Coulanges, no ther Seem ithei tori liave contribui edanythin o rea valu to the lucidation o the ei inania. ut in spite of this iaci, ther stili rem ain notis e passages hichliave in m judgmentieen uniformi misinterpreted scholarsaeingsomeWhat reluctant to recognige an ars nesciendi or Prone to ead

there In ali these instances, res ellis in many ther in hicli traditiona vi0ws seomedo me unWarranted I have even a theristiti incurring the charge of resumption tio hesitate to givem OWΠ concluSions although the cope an aim of this edition



Tli textis this edition though it depart ironi thalii Hatin

in more illati fili places, is conservative, o in ighteen instanceSProturn to the SS. Whil in ille ollier in readings are ei thorno Without soni II S. authority, or eis the correction is folle sinapies description ossibi an imporativel demande by the contexi or by Tacite an sage, a Will e evident even romthe necessarii brio discussion in the Critica Appendix. Specialia in hau bseen bestoWedipon ille prosod of the propernantes, o far soliis may be determine by thseir o cui retice in poetr and the reoli tiranstiterations conflicting though theirovidunc ostencis. The linguisti criteria o constanti employed hau foliud quite ureliable parti because of the doubifuletymolog o the ames thenaseives, parti because the have passe tinough a proces of Latin laution illi ali ho prosodicalchangos hicli that involved. The innovationis superina posing the modern po the ancient map designe to obviat the frequent necessit or expediencymiconsulting tW maps, ill Pliope, commen itfel to eacher and

student alitie.