장음표시 사용
a ea hau lapsed etwoenili. 28 and oli. 20 cloes notis course associthe reader. Resides it involves ilio uitreasonabi domand of a triet Observa iace of the unit of tinio Gllicli is no insistodispoia even by Aristolle. Se the inmota passago in liticyd. I. 22. Ann. XI. 24, Witti FurneauX' notos and P. Speciali Anu. XV. 03, pleroque tradidit qucle in vilistus odita eius Merbis invertere
hinisset helpin to mali history, it a inevitabi that hushould deal With 0,άξεις, hieli vero tho Deoial provino of the historian, and thus the rhetorion exigendios of historientpros of Whieli spe0ohe constitutost an integra pars, ouldb sumeton to jussis thoi insertion in his trieti histori ea portion of his biography. I the spe00hes of Calgaeus aust Agriuola are tot condemne a irrelevant in a genuine biography, tho deseription of the batilo, constitutin ascit dist an quali int0gra featur of historida narrative,
one has ver ad the leas obj0etion to it in spit of iis rhotorida aust alliut imaginative charaeter.'
Se note eli. 29, 10.2 h stereotyped rhetorica character of theso militar harangues is perhaps est,hown y the numerous parallelisin in Sentiment, ite expresse i in simila Phraseology, ound in the speeche o Thucydides, Livy, Curtius, an Sallust, although in the a se of the last mentionseddirect indobt0dnes of Tacitus is rea sonabi cortain. Se below. Cp. Cic. Orat. 20, 66, in qua So. historia et narratur ornate et restio saepe aut pust na descrititiir, intersonuntur etiam contiones et hortationeS. Seo notes tolli. 35 f. and Noelmin, Phein Mus. XXIX. p. 285. In generat, H. Peter Dietes hi hili he Literat in derroni Naiserzeit, I. p. 307-313. Liv an Tacitus remotoriousi ea reles and uni eli
te in batilo descriptions, ut Ven Thucydides an Polybius, ho
statum, has bellorum vices Astricola . . . invenit, aviti Whichavorditi introduees the πραξεις ἐν πολέμι6 of his hero. The συγκρι πιις is referably ma de to follo the πραξως anil
DoXopator, het Graec. IX. 446 i. ἰστέον ὁ ἔτι υ ἔνα τόπον τῆς συγκρίσεως ἀποδίδομιεν εν παντὶ γὰρ λόγου μέρει χορα εχ ει ...ci μ ἐν γὰρ ἐν παντὶ λιγ ρ κατεσπαρμέναι συγκρίσεις εικότως εἰσάγονται προς ἔν τιτων πραγμάτων γινομιέναι Pri Seian Rhet. Lat. in II 556, 23 K., maae imam vero occasionem . . siti editant comparationes qua pones in quo loco tempus admoneat.
forni o literar uomposition hi ghi popular among the
Arist. ἰhol. III. 19, ὁ δ' πίλογος συγκειται ἐκ τετταρων . . . εκ ου
ilium in stylistieatly elabora ted orni. No the ni velous uehioveniunt of Tacitus consist in his Although many of tho patheti sentiment in the losin para graphoro mere
Se ille eXample gi ven in the notos ad loci, and JIenander, IX. 283 III 4lq), βελτίων ἐστὶ τάχα et μετάστα ς του mi δε βίου moti . l. 45,
told iis that it Was a biograph of his ather-in-laW, Writtonas a Warm tribute of affection, an inspired by the sinuere conviotio that his adhievenient Wol merito the laudissos posterity. But modern scholars illiso hau it o.*Somo have maintainest ilia it Was a politioni amphiset in the uis of an historion monograph, embodying the politi a phatform fis moderate arty as Opposed to the imperialisis ii tho ne haud and the radicat republicans ontho Othor. Unfortuna tot for his hypoti iesis, e appento no that no sueti part organigations ver existed in Romo ithor in the nys of Agricola Or urin an ollier period of the empire. Stillonotho fh0ory, a vocatost illi singula ingenuityand dialoetida skill sa in the stricola ni si oloriossabstraction, a frantio ei sors to exculpate a partisau of Domitian in iis hero a politioni time-Server, R edium instentum masti extra Miti quam cum virtutibus. Tnoitus s
At Mylasa in Caria. 00 no E. Hula a d E. Zanto Sitzunysber. der tener Acad. 1894, p. 18). Ch. 42, 23 it.
as homost amous ut o many noeesSibi to im, assur- in iis that thei information a sentit and uni oliabie, hebuin in possession O more nullientio dotalis Caesar Whom Taeitus Styles summus auctor uti in ille Germes uia