장음표시 사용
l this book the essentia facts of Latin Grammar re presented illi in the malles compas consistent illi hi glischolari standard S. It co Vers ot ni the work of the preparator school, ut also that of the require courses in collegean universi ty. B Omittin rare form an syntactical Sages found ni in ante-classica an post- classical Latin and by relegatin to an Appendix theoreticat an historica questioris, it has been Mund possibi e to reat the subject illi entire ade- quac in the compas of 2s pages exclusive of Index es. In the German schools book of this Cope uti meet the exactingdemand of the entire gymnasiat courge, and those ho have trie Benneti s Gramma find that the are materiali hel ped bybein reli eve of the mas of useles an irrelevant matter hichforins heiul of the olde grammars. At Latin textisor read-
in in Secondar school S, recenti isSued. Contain referen Ces in the notes o Bennelt A Latin Grammar.
Professor illiam A. oughton, Howdoin Collego, Brunsetoici, Maine The Gramma prope is admiratii adapte to iis purpos incit Clearnesso arrangement an classi fication an in iis Simplicit an precision os State ment givin definitet just,hat the pupilius know an no crowding the page illi a mas of matter that to ostentishearten the oungstudent instea of hel pingit in I trus it wili come into generat se for thin for the reaSons justisi ven an hecause of it moderate O mPASSan attractive appearance student are likelyrio ge more Practical grammatical nowledge ut O it than the generali do stoin the larger
The critic, Feb. 29. 1806. The book is a marvel o Condensed vel Clearan forcitile, Statem ent. The round Covere in the reatinent of forinsan Synta is adequat for ordinar schoo wor an for the se of Deshmen anct Soselio more in Ollege.
in the histor an de vel opinent of the Latin angu age sex perience has hown to ei service to ad vance Student s. The subjecis reate are the Latin Alphabet, Pronunciation. Hid de Quantity, Accent, Orthography, The Latin Sohands, In flections Ad verbs and repositions an Syn ax. O these subjecis, hos o Hid de Quantity In flections an Synta receive specia attention; and the resulis of recent investigationare se sorti, sud an clearly but in compaci form
m . . IV SCUDDER, Latin Master in the Albans Academum Revise Edition.
Amaltem p has been made in his volume o present in simplean convenient forin the assistance nee de by youia student mali in thei firs acquaintance illi Livy. The editor' experience in the lass-room has ted him to annotate the ex copiolasty On the theriand, that ulnes of illustration hicli apparenti aim to supersede the iunction of theteacher has been caretuli avoide l.
THIS is a collectionis interestin stori es, hi Ch sorm ex Cellent materiai formi ght- reacling. The Notes, hicli are qui te stili are at the bottoni of the page.
THIS selection is intende for rapid re ad in g, or even sor sight- read in dith student of sum cient abili ty For the salie os convenience and rapidit in reading the notes have been placedo the pages Mith the text.