De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


2. Nerthum: probabi the sister of the orse od i fertilily di di , liough e nam doe notieeur in Xtant Sources that of the male deit Dein alS very rare. They ere the parent of Freyr and Freya se note h. 9, 28), ho Seemo have displace thsem in the Nors mytholo . The Phrygia massii mater Idaea, also called Terra mater ep. Lucret. II 657), came to e dentifi0d by tho interpretatio Romana illi hi northerii OddeSS, Win to certain ritualistic eatures hicti their orshi Share in common, Such a thetriumpha procession o the deit in a chario dra n by sacre coWs, the ablution of the divine symbol, an ille agon correspondita tot he Roman lavatio of the oldes and heriarn se belo v l. 14. Thisceremonynook place annualty on Marcii 27, and iis Germaniciolinter- pari, representin the combine cult of the Ingaevoni peoples see note ch. 2, 7), a in ali likelthoost also a prin festiva l. The solemnit of this anelent rite is admirabi reste ted in the rhetorical elaboration O the passage marked Speciali by anaphora an l


g. involii illi dative is post-Augustan sage here probabi dueto a destre Or symmetr With interrenire rebus. P. Ote h. 16, 30. populi i. e. a repreSented by the lessationes mentione d above. insula : the istand cannot be identi fiet Most scholars suppos Alfenin the alti Se to e meant, ut Ullentios advocate thu sit ofHamburg, litet was originalty an istand. S. CAAtum hallowed a poetic epithet iis grove or ores as et untouehed by the Xe or no puto an profane Ses. P. Hor. Carm. I. 12 59, and Sp. Lucan III 399 f. s. veste doubiles O White color. p. h. 10 9. acttingere, etc. i. e. at the initiator ceremony, io SubSequently the laves mustalso have Ouched the car. V. penetralici the inmost shrine, the holieS O the oly here rep-rsesented more particulari by the chariot. ECtamque nori Stic. Cp. note ch. 39, 15, and Catuli. I. l, multa per aequora vecti s Verg. Aen. I. 335. lautius feminis a Roman ritualisti expression sorvaccis. The se of catile provos uel ceremonio to have been Oihoar antiqui ty. p. Herod. I. l, in the torno Cleobis and Biton, οἱ δέ σφι βόες . . . o παρεγίνοντο Verg. Georss. III. 32 f., quaesitas ad sacra boves . . . ductos currus, O the Argive uno. The Same praetice furvived in publie procession among the Merovingi an tangs, in thoith entUPy. B. multa Iun: illi multus the anastrophe of the repositio is


th in variable ut ii Tacitus Prosequitur On lae meaning See note ch. 30, 25. 9 festa loCa m ea loca sunt festa, hos places a re in holi layattire the predicate adjective a alS laeti, i in attributive position. Se Introd. p. XVi and On the elli PSi O the demonStrative pronouia, ibid. p. Xix actuentu tioApitioque by her visit and subsequent acceptance of their hospitalit g. The que SaepeXegetie. See ni S ch. 2, 13.1O. non Arma Sumunt: no a mere repetition O the preeesting, asi Sho u also by the anaphora, O the German habitualty ore ruis, even in times Oi se auo p. h. 11 15 3, 3 22 3 l. 11. pata et quie here the Orme denote freedom ironi ar illelat ter reedom froni interna or civit euiis On the frequent collocationo these ternis, Se note ch. 14. 24. hi correspondes O the Truceor seae o God in the Middie Ag08. tun tantum nota, uno tantum amata a re conditio us Hown ut then, alle ni theu actuali liked io the forme cloe uot necessarii impi the alter. Cp. h. 15, 11. The Ver unuSunt ouble anaphora malle the state- mentisSpeciali emPhatie. 12. atiatam a V satisse l. ConverSatione mortalium association ire it humau assairs, cith refere nee t intervenire rebus hominum l. 3), liene ais mortalium, mortalium rerum. On his USnge, P. note cli. 39, 21. Conversatio, Λ oSt-AuguStan Ord is X- tremel raro in the sens here callest o by the context. p. lin. N. H. X. 33, 51, 100. Tae. An n. XII. 49 ut in Dial. 9, 24, probabi m sermo familiaris. 13. templo i penetrali, the sacred recinct. n his meanin Ofth woru lor lio German had Do temple proper), Se note h. 9, 2.1g. Si Crectere velis, etc. a Popular bellos, ostere by thopriesis, heldo ille actua presenoe of the deity. Such quali syingphrase are partieulari common in Tacitus. p. note Dial. 12, 19. numen ipsum : a the Germans are nid o have liadis idolsor imastines, the numsu a S, in ali probabilityon sissuum, o Symbol. CP note ch. 9, 2 f. SECreto secluded removed rom human habitation. O iten Sed in Tacitus. p. noto ch. 36, 9. Uluitur on uel purificator rite contieetest illi the Terra mater. p. vid, Fast. IV. 339, sacerdos Almonis Dominam sacraque lavit aquis Amm. Mare. XXIII. 3 7 carpentum it vehitur simulacrum Almonis undis ablui perhibetur; and lieocr. XV. 132 s. of Adonis). 15. miniAtrant, lilce mili ister ani ministerium is the regular ordior aerisse in service lacus haurit reeourse is had tora mirael to


. . . terra elat Serant Omani t . . . inermes ac prope nitdi sub custode et pretio coiremus . . . Onera conmerciortim reSOIrimu SQ.

Agrippinenses) Sint transitus incustoditi. 25. non OnCuPis CentilauA: a men ho ould not o ager toso iZempon the in raptu et latroclinio, like thermerinan tribes. 26. In Hermuncturi Attii oritur : A the actua Solire of the Eli, is in Bohemia, ille authorities o Tacitus probabi mistook the Male, ne of it tributarios, io the main troam. Tho ibo asilis overed by the lder Drusus in is .in Was oroSsed by L. Domitius Ahenobarbus a ie years later, and in o. I, Tiberius enterest iis motith. Thereniter no Roman Seem to have o mi Withii sight of thse

whom th Bulli mus have been Marcomani. S. Atque ipsa Etiam: and likeuise Taeitus habituali usos et ipse in his ense ut here, aes in Hist. I. nn . I. a. at it et Ouid


have been Wkward. putat olim Hoti i. e. 6 B. C. Tacitus is generali supposexto have been in error here a the Marconi animada that time not et migratest rom liet ancesti a senis ut ad theauthor meant to impinthis, he ould have o inest olim illi virtute parta. p. at So note ch. 28, 12. Who the Oeeupant of ille forinser Boian territor mere is not known ossibi Soni remnant of the Cimbri, holast driventu the Boii. g. parta Se est. 1 the chiasmus of the predicatos a the 0gin- ning and nil, p. note h. 19 6. unctive egenerant : Se a virlit te Marcomanorum, as Sio sui pristia in Vie of their probabio kinship. O thoi proW0SS, Amm. Mare. XXIX. 6. 1, perhaps illi referene to the ori Od spolien O by Tacitus Any Quadorum nutio parum nunc ιlli century fomuidanda, Seu λὶ mensum quantum antehac bellatriae et potens. In liorath centur the joine the an- dat an foundo a ne Lingilom in Spatii, hiel, a subsequently uestroyed by the Visigoths. Ea qu . . . velut frons thes form. . . the forehead 8 to Spea i. e. the directi s ac ille Ronian provinees. Eaque Sta nil by attraction O iiqile. 9. note ch. 7, 1 l.

relationes hi se of th Marcomani and Quadi. Μarolaoctuu after thocollapse of his Suebi confederae in 18 A. D. , he ook refugo illi Tiberius, ho sep him in honorabie confinement a Ravenna, Whereio diu in 36 1. D. p. ac Anu. II. 45 . Ti. Where his powerior arm is comparod by Tiberius illi that os Philip O Macedon Pyrrhus and Antiochus the reat. B. dctrici A the contextishows, the Ounder of a Quadian dynas . His nam is mentioned ni here iam et Sterno patiuntur this s00m to impi that hen the Germania res ritteri thei linulta bocome extinct. The kings mentione by Amm. Marc. XVII. 12 21, probabi belonge to a differen dynasty Tho stat0men itsoli is confirme by later inscriptions and the praetice a in accorda nee With an est ablishest Roman poli cy. p. str. 14 5 ff. vi et potentia: noli distinction of theSe an Simila ternas, ver frequently combine l. Se notes Dial 5 1, 19, 2.9. Raro armis nostri no instance Oi Sueli an armed interventionis record d.


16, refers o ribes by hicli inperor bough a humiliat in pseae se here the mone grant areat Veneto nable the kings O maintain Romansupremae or o preVent hostile priSingS. ne minus valent: c. quam armi adiuti.

13. referunt resemble o note h. 20 l. 14. lingua . . . Quo . . . Patiuntur the notan and substantivo


2 lenoCinantur: adu to, en hance. In thi Wenkened figurative sense the veri, is post-Augustan. In Tacitus agnin Dial. 6. 27. nigra Cuta: On the oloring of Shields, Sue note ch. 6, 2. incita Corpora in te o Plin. V. H. VI. 19, 22, 70, tinguntur sole popuH, iam quidem infecti, tincta is Perhaps best alienis attooeu, no meretypa intest p. also aeS. N. G. V. 14, 2, omnes vero se Britanni vitro


insciunt quod caeruleum esscit colorem atque hoc horridiores sunt in pust na ad8pectri. StTRA, etc. again Hist. U. 22 and of the Thracians Anii. IV. 48. 3 formictine atque umlara : On the collocationi the abstraci and concrete, Se note h. ferali A, etc. p. Anu. II. 31, feralibus tenebris Translate : by the ver aree-inspirin and stlo Om appea rance of a spectra arm y the insti terror. q. nullo hostium Oor nullo hoste, the quasi-partitive genitivebeing speciali common in Oetr and in TacituS, . g. h. 44 16 Hist. I. 38. 55 novum : hovel asto utShiny See note ch. 33, 23. 5. velut infernum as it sere, hellish. illi the sentire passa gQ may be Ona pare the description o Corbulo A Encolanter illi ho Britons, on tho fland of Mona AngleSea), in i A. D. in modum Furiarum veste ferali . . . faces praeferebant . . . Ovitate adspectus

perculere militem Tac. An n. XIV. 30). Primi for primum, is more emphatio. ottenis. g. yr. 24, 32 Hist. I. 6. Chapte 44. P. Trans . . . regnantur, an elliptient PhraSe Ortrans Lussios Gotones assunt et q/tidem restuantur Gotonea the Gottis A the eginning of thpi illii Strious careser in hist Ory, bout therath contury the appen On the Danube, heir outheria migrationdat in back to th 3d century. paulo iam actctuCtiua it a somewhat si mei holit, i. e. more abSolutoly. The metaphor is alientro miri ving. p. Cic. e. m. 13, 5, habenas habere amicitiae quasve adducas . . . vel remittas ne Hist. III. 7, adduci ius . . . imperitabat Alin. XII. 7, adductum . . . Ser Uitium.

11. Ureve glassii: Sueli are depicte On the Antonine columia


an in the des ription o Ariovistus forcos, hieli include a large Suebi contingent, mention is ad O botti long and hori Words. Cp. Cass. Dio XXXVIII. 49. et erga rege A UAequium: On the peculiari Tacitean Se i et after an Syndeton, Se note ch. 30, 25. Obsequium is a quasi-technica term for submission to est ablishedauthority. p. e. g. Diat. 41, 12, in obsequium restentis paratos Ayr.

42, 25. Tacitus o his authori ty here Betrays his relative ignorance concerning the Germans of the Eastra his inabilit to Oint ut more dotali sed ani significant distinctions rom illos in the est. In iaci,

lation of eandi navia. in Rustiis et Lemoviis, O Ward lienorth or Ortii est ipso in Ceano ei ther contrasted illi ab Oceano or eis it ma refer to the notion, lateriaine down to the Middi Ages that candi navia as an ista nil The forme interpretation is perhaps preferable viro armaque : aranei forces Thistiendi a dys is frequent in Tacitus an elisewhoro ut here it more particulari mean infanti ν, as opposedo classibus. t hould e observet ilia the rossi exaggerate liseeounts of the iuge fige anu population Oi eandi navia, Oundis. g. in Pomp. Mela III. 6. 54 Plin. N. H. IV. 13, 27, 96, an stili re iterated orienturies later, are significanti ignored by TacituS.

Germanicus Anii. II. ), by the Veneti Caes. B. G. III. 13), and by the barbarians on the Euxine, a describe in Hist. III. 47. Theyare in se O this da in Orway be in particulari Servicoable in

narro Water nyS, Where a veSSel could O bo turned round .actpulsui frontem agit present the bouisor landinu. 15. veli miniatrant: e naves han ille their esse is by means o satis Thelhras is Vergilian ministrare eing Sed for administrare. CP Aen. I. 302, ipse ratem . . . velisque ministrat X. 218 Val. Flaec. Amon. III. 38. The old Norse agas confirm this talement, and thevesseis of the ny i, on thei invasioni Britain, are also sal to have had n Satis in orctinem: to secure a restiuar order. The finaluse fi With the accusative is exceed ingly common in adituS.



19. Et opitius hono even ea it is in repute among them in contra distinction to the indissereno attributost to ille Germans generally, in cli. 5, 22. eoque unus imPeritat Some Sueliniaeor Oirilise origino monarchica institution se em to se implied in ueret V. 11 14 ff., quod se dii itiae facile et validis et pulchris dempsit honorem Divitioris enim sectam plerumque secuntur Quamla bet et fortes et pulchro corpore creti nulli iam EaCeptionibu no onyer Uit an restrictions, uel a limite' the overei gn or prince, in ther Germancommunities. p. h. 7, 30 l. 13 i. and a bove l. 8.19. non TECario iure Parenctici fit a lyh to exact obedienceno based on usserance, the genitivo i the substantiva gerund 0ingequivalent' a Gree articular infinitivo τοὐ πείθεσθαι . Precarius is Oiton uso' of somethingtontingent anil transitory, as Opposeu to halis inalienabi anu permanent. p. Hist. I. 52, precarium seni imperium et brevi transiturum. The Witnesses pon hicli Tacitus account is ultimatet hase probabi boeam aequa intest illi the Suiones at their great religiOUS eStiVal, hicli occurrest QVery nin yearS, and a tho kin Was also ille lite pri est, ille maneasi inhave cari ted RWay an Xaggerate improSSion Oi hi abSoluto POWer. 2O. in promi ACuo in verybo ἐν sinantis. Clausa: i. e. duringili pende ilicii prevallei a religious estivals. p. h. 40, 10 i. Tacitus Aources probabi mi Stoo this inet for the regula custom, an he was hunc miste into hinking that it was a despot' devicet proxent revolution. 21. Et quictem ervo an a lave at that This A sexplaine byenimvero, te , eloW, the interveniti quia clauso giving two reasona for arma . . . clausa the firAt aecount initor the needlessnes Oi aruis, ille Se colixior thei tin destrabilitν. 22. manus haniis, a in h. 37, 2 facile lasCiviunt: andare bene renderest ineapahlemi esse tua OppOSition. On the enervatin essecti Deaee, Se note h. 4, 24.23. BQuo . . . neque . . . O . . . Quictem iiii polysyndetonis speciali common in Tacitus, and in a descendin elimaX, Adiere.