Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 397페이지


분류: 미분류


There is one remaining problem rogar ling these two milesiones, for whic I have no satisfactory an or why is the grammatical Construction inclicatingitio number of miles different bo oon the two inscriptions, which seem toliave been proclii eo by the fame artist or at least at the fame works OpΘ In milesione no. 2 the number l09 is expresse i as one unit an lin milesione No. l enough teXt was preserve t to inclicate that the numberwas clivi leo into uniis anil ono huncti ecl. The unita aro followell, as it shoul lbo, by 'miles' in the plural-ani3a and the 'hun troil' by 'mitor nnil intho singulΛΓ.That both inscriptions wore proclii eo by the fame artist or in the same


works op can be Casib observeo froni the similarity of the orthography, CSPC-cialty frona the writing of the woro dimauehq whoro the lotior dat was incise lin both inscriptions clistinct froni tho last three letters of the wor l. Froin the comparison os ali fix existing milesiones, it is possibie to arriveat the following conclusions

l. The formula Use' for the milesiones was not rigi', and cleriations were allowe ito the eXtant that some inscriptions sucti as these froni Fiq) supply the clate of the project and the identity of the person responsitile for it. 2. There is a Clear clifferen e be een the paleography of eacti one of the three grolapsos inscriptions. The inscriptions froin the vicinity of the Monastery of St. Georgo, clepi ting the clistance froni Damascus, are less sophisticate i than the ones inclicatingine clistance froni Illya Ierusalem). The lalter clisplay near perfeci letterS and ornamentation remincling of 'Ahil al-Malik's inscription At me Dome of the rock. 3. The inscriptions from FTq are a Class of their own not only hecause of their formulae hiat also because of the Lasali sione on w icti they were engraved, impatring the

elegance of the SCript 4. It is Clear that there was no uniform value for the Arati mile w en real clistances were mensure l. HowGer, it SeemS that in measuring the clistance froni Damascus to Jerusalem a particular effort was innite, Anci the SPtem os milOS WAS Pretiy uniform. 5. The milesiones inclicating the clistance 'from Jerusalem' seem to represent a clis ferent system anci a clifferent miles value.

Restoration Of the Monastery Bi-linguat Gree Arabic inscription commemorates Construction work which

rea ling 18 years earlier. Germei Duranii reari in tho last lino of the inscription the clate of l2 March 950. This lino is tho most cliniculi to interpret,


of the severe persecution of the Christians unctor hini anil his colloaguos Maximian ano Galerius. Lagi ango l892 443) cloes not contest Germer' si ea ling; on the contrary although he has reservations abolit the rea ling of


, ic in a village iis nati) populate i mostly by Christians that for more than


Restoration of the aque luct


the l4 V centur' closcribes the arrival of the pilgrinis to the site.

4 o miles fi Om Jerusalem is Mount a very fati Anii deliciolis place. There Samuel me prophet lies in a fati toniti: and it is callecl Mount be Ause it gives joy to thel tigrinis hearis, for fiom mat place men fir si see Jerusalem. Wright, l848 l75. The Latin original speari about ' the fit si signt of the Holy City: 'eo quod peregrinis ab illa parte intrantibus reddit primum Sanctae Citritatis aspectum. 3