Collectanea; 1st-2d series

발행: 1906년

분량: 157페이지


분류: 미분류




had her at commandement hensoeve he would, and et could sh scant pleas him illi her dilige iace.

The play an te madeo illustrate the panaphlet exactly even to the phrasing


III Andrale hali hi liis inerrimcnt a dear T

Here is the completion of the parallel:


sham '' inalty the amplite and the pia both ah useos a saying that occurs in Kyd many times that bl d

blou is an iaceassant ric in the ea res os the Lord, and he will o leave so vitile a thin fas murder Jun punished.

the lood of thecius Abel ried mos stirili in theeares of the righteolis God for vengeance an revelage On the

Stan sortii, thou monster, tardere O men, Andraeere, o satisfactionis the worid, Confesse ibi follF, and repent my fauit.


An exhaustive and patiastahin examination ofΚyd's or a a hole convinces me that Thebanis Tria die, and perhaps, olima an Perse , as weano them now, are old plays revise l. Howeve that may be, it an e proved that the did notassume any of their nown fornas prior to the ear I 59O. Soliman and Perseda was ei the wholt writ tenabout 59 I, or it a thorought ove rhauled in that year TheSe two plays Copy matter froin Edmund Spenser, Thomas Walson, Christopher Marlowe, an lothers and what the borrow en abies usa Sa with confide iace that the borrowed par of t after 59O.

man and Perseda, and it mus have followed ii veryclosely, hecatis the two playMUS the Same vocabulary


'ε oden ta in more than ne passage that reflect Mariowe'sos ever style The passage quoted is frona The Letinos salta. ueham '' It is qui te evident that this state meiat was made illi out ahin into account the est o ali Marlowe 's

Pecte and thers, mus have created qui te a Sensationamongst dramatic writers at the time of itSappearance. No we hali se the value o parallels There are


probabilitius os ille case, a referredo a the egi n- ning of this aper. I ii quo te iii a se Cases, an meret for the purpOS O si Caring ut m stat C munt that, yd has copi ed Mario C.

or, like the sna k wreati, o Tisiphon, Engiri the temples of his halem line ad l


A parallel to ille last quotation is also to e found in The panis Tra die, hic hocpeat si ard II.

Solim an an Perseda alces titile or no attempto o

disguis it thesis frona Mario C.


f et erueham a re hos of Κyd, and that they anno hemistaken or hos of any ther aut hor of the time.

Holinshed pictures Blach Will as a pitiles ruman, a murthering a knaveras any is in Englaii l. V Butthe historian neve lead on to inlagine that illlached animal ourage Qui te the contrary Hesays that ali men ent in ear of him, that his tradewas mur ter, and ali his speech blasphemy He was

fearles and angerous cound rei, a villain hom