Collectanea; 1st-2d series

발행: 1906년

분량: 157페이지


분류: 미분류


am rem inde Dagain os amburia in e

Hides an mischi eis frona suspicion.

Again, Selimus, whenie has attained to the crown, compares his labours and his reward with the laboursand reward of Hercules, ho obtaine Hebe or his mund emer,


enser, o uti no change places illi Hercules -

tyranny the ni Sure pro I to the throne

x. Ed . The love me no that hale in Gaveston. adwari II, 4. 9S, Ol. I. Sel me loves no me that loves mine nemies. Selimus, Q. 23IO.

Note, too, What Baraba says in relation to hisdaughter, ho Cnter a uian ery, and calis pon himio repent of his ins

'Tis tinae that ita scen in tori For he that varies frona me in belle Gives great presumptio that he loves me not, c. The Jew of alta, ' Ac III p. 62, col. 2.

Mucii is ad of this sentiment in Marlowe.


Guise. Then, ut se, Since thou has ali the card withi th han is, To hume o cui tali this a fures thing, That, right o wrong, thou dea thysel a hing. The Massacre a Paris, ' p. 29, Ol. I.

Osten, heia compar in Marlowe' play and poems illi acti ther, I have been struch by the Close maniae in hi cli Dido repeat Tamburia ine, an it has occurre to me that perhaps the author Worked concurrenti a the w dramas, and thre Dido si de to et on illi the work. AlthoughMarlowe est Dido uia finis hed at his death, it spreti infe to a that his frien Thomas Nashe, who complete it, ad dediu litile to the play. Dido and amburia in resemble ne nother in phrasin g; and in both play the phrasiniis different Dom hat Edmund

cs Locrine,

an d


AEn Threaten in a thousan deallis at ver glance. Dido, ' II p. 258, col. 1. Threaten in a thousan deallis at ver glance. mero an Leander, ' si est. l. 82.


Faust. Δweet Helen, mali me immortalis illi a his s. 'Dr. Faustus, ' p. 99, col. 2. Dido. Andrae'li ake me immortat illi a kiss. Mido, ' IV. p. 269, Ol. l.

Heia cecit is apparent notis ni that Mario e repeatS himself occasionalty but that the repetition in Dido are a certain uide to portions of the traged thatare rom his harad. That heing so, I, ill now compare Dido illi Selimus:

Ditis And wil thou notae mov'd with Dido's ord tThy mothe was no gOddess, perjur' man, Nor Dardanus the author of th stoch But thou ari prun fro Scythia Caucasus, An tiger o Hyrcania gave the suck. Dido, ' V. p. 72, col. I. Zonara Thou artis ot false groom, son to Bajaget; He ould relent to hea a oman weCp, But thou ast bor in desert Caucasus, An the Hyrcania tiger gave the such Knowing thou er a monster like themselves. Selimus, ' ll. 233-9

Os course both play are inde bted here an else-where to Virgil, ho is translate by the Ear of

But the poliat is that the passage is sed in the fame



Edmund maniae in jach play that it is translated in the

Spenser, Same language, and resecis vivid ly the seliasames Locrine, style It corroborates the other eviden coe that qand have adduce i in favo ur of Marlowe ac the sole Selinius author of Seli=nus and it te nil tori how that portion Sof Dido an Selimus e re composed a boui the Same time. Theclines are paralleled again in Edwar II., P. I9, Ol. 2, here the in telis Lighthoria that the stor of what e the ing has ad to en dure would mel a hear hewn frona the Caucasus, and mahe it relent at his mi Sery. For style and phrasin compare the folio in g, and note ho Guis an Selimus echo ach ther

Guise. te mea conceiis and baser me sea dea thri Tut the are easant a Duk of Guise. Massacre a Paris,' p. 2 2, col. I. Selimus. et Mahound'claw be lockedis in thei case, An meane me and os a baser spirit, In virtuous actions sectam glorious merit, I count it, c. Selimus, ' ll. 2 6-9. Guise am a uror in the hol league, An there fore ha ted of the Protestants What hould I doctu standis pon m guard t Massacre o Paris, ' p. 24O, Ol. I. Sel. But for I se the Schoolmen re prepar' i To plant gainst me thei bookisti ordinance, mean to standis a sententio us guard. Selimus, ' l. O3- .





An Phoeb' bright globe bring the a Dona the est,

An d quench hi ho flames in the aster se a. Selimus,' ll. 2383 7.

Vallant heri damas, The hie capta in os Mycetes host. Tamb., to version), Dyce, p. 7, col. 2.


Andrioa a bove the common Ort.

Tamb., M. i. p. II. Ol. 2. Thou has no Fortune ted in a chain. Selimus, Q. 2 2 O.


