Collectanea; 1st-2d series

발행: 1906년

분량: 157페이지


분류: 미분류


B that tessed Christ, And by the tonab here He was uri ed, c. By the hol rites of Mahomet,

Andrio on through many ages, fores have notia early exhauste the lis of parallel passages that could e cite Diso Selimus and Marlowe's orkS.

I laim that Selimus is by Christopher Marlowe, and o by Rober Greene an des umbi suggestthat it is Marlowe' firs play, and was immediately Howed by The Firuet Par of Tamburuine. In conclusion, I have to ad that, although I id notano it uiati aster I ad made ut the relationbet ween Selimus an Locrine, a relation ad been Edmund



discovered by r. Daniel, ho annotince it in the then im o I April, 898. Oreover, r. Ch hirton Cossin sane that both Locrine and Selimus were in leb ted o penser, and e deals illi thematte in his editioni Greene. I have not)et Seen Mr Collins' eviden ce, nor have I ver ad accessio r. anter note in the then ιm. Nobody,


con fronted illi ne of r. Bulleia' dissiculties. 'The testimon o parallel passages, V e says, sithe the videlice gi ven by experis in and writ ing


be reri ecam aware of the round upon hic hMr. Flea had assigne the play tomyd. It is nosmal satisfaction to me to know that in independent investigation hould have resulted in agreementwith r. Fleay's conclusion, ho orked longdifferent lines frona mine andes congratulat myselfon hau in his powerfui suppor in in opinion. At the uiset, I ill dra attention to a significant circumstance, a judicia proceed in g, that throwsa very curious si delight on the aut horshi o The anish Tra die and brde of Feυerueham. In the


ove these two playS, an at the Same timeri ne a

wor known to have been written by Κyd, and theother a play no clai med for him hold that this quarre is a lita in the cha in os proo that establishes


The planis one that deal larget with the do inra

plaint iliat he was intimat et acquainted illi theinne lis of a great o ricli man ' household. Hehiae the way of Servanis, and eane wel theduties of thei calling, and the maniae of thei speech. Here it is necessar to a that 1 de of Feυershamwas licensed to e printed on 3 April, 592. Atthat ver time Κyd was in the service of a nobleman and the natur of his employment a suchthat it necessitated his bellagine of his patron' laouSe-


The author as also et acquainted illi the law, as is proved by his familia usem legat ternas and technica lities. He operas his play with a speech referring to leas of laniis, and furtherinae describes the ternas of this lease in language that canini be properi appreciated by person acquainted illi the draughtingo legat documents. Now, yd was the Son o a

Scri vener, and he was urSed in to the occupation of


esquihor realistic narrative of lae muriter of Master Arden,


Note, too ho Κyd commences his description, and compare again illi Holinshed -

Severat iis of like phrasing occhii in both writers, and in contexis that are similar: th Cy Prove, hentaken together, thalmyd rote his amplitet illi his ye onmolitasti ed. Is no it very strange is Kyd id not writu 1 den of Feυerueham, that he hould consul the ver stor that ornas the foundation ofth play for materiat for his pamphi et anil, further, that he houid ut in to the alter mages, ordS, phrases, an ideas that re absent stommolinshed but present in Arden t Again, hy oes 1 de offμυersham constanti uepeas The Spanish Tria die