Collectanea; 1st-2d series

발행: 1906년

분량: 157페이지


분류: 미분류


The and that re the picture o Basilisco potir i sim trayed the lach Will of Arden also, and this fac is writ tela large in the wo plays and e id injusticet Holitis hed 'suum an in ordei to mahelim resemblehis own cowardi buli in Sosinu in and Perse . fair opportunit of compar in Elach ill and Basilisco present iiset in 1 den, . . , and olim an and Peraeda, I iii., speciali in hos paris of the cenes wliere theiraggaris criticis the maniae in hich thesword or lance is and ted.

But the play asin hole must e consulte to maheth resemblance more Complet C. Then a regariis Lyd' humo ur, a more perfecte xana ple of it is noto b disco vere in an par of his ortat lian in 1 de of Feυerueham, IV. i. his scene leaves his in no do tibi as to iis author ille spori in Κyd V o Beneson Son's verse. The cerae fornas a parallel to that par of Solima an Perseda,


The peculia turn os expression in uiae his spe echalso occur in Soliman an Perse

Arden osse eversham cchoes alliaris of Κyd's,ori; and there fore, it is a difficulto hin to in alce choiceo illustrations there eing Such an abunda iace of material to substantia te his claim to the play Tahe


ia ione or two Cases of Simila phrasin and styleoliat Theoccur in Therapanis Tra die as ex amples author-

Hieronimo tum bies out o fled in the fame way whenhelears the crius o Bel-imperia; and rusti in in the direction of the ound CXClaimS,

II. V. l.

In IV. v. O8-IO, Hieronimo harks ac to the incident, ut says it was his sola' cry that he ear l, although there is noth in in the revi ou Scene Owarrant the assertion. It was Bel imperia, ho okehim, O Horatio. However, this time Hieronimo repeat Λrde more closely than e re

Many passage of he Dianis Tria die, in different paris of the play, ould have to e adduce. to do justice to the followin in Ardem


Erastus An adit frest courage to in satiat in linimes. I. i. a.

Compare Franklin's speech with onem Hieronimo's:


But it is to Solima mand Perseda that, must loo sorevi de iace of complete identit with Arden os ever-sham, a regard S ordS, expreSSions figure of Speech, and genera style these two plays mus have been composed by Κyd much a boui the fame time; and works of the fame date by the fame writer invariab lyrepeat ach ther more osten than other that are

separate by longe intervat o time. Pro Ssor Boas and thers have o intelli ut Κyd's frequent imitations of Johia Lyly, ex amples of hic h


Thus hopin you ill let in passion penetrate, or ather impetrate mercy onyou mee hamis Pend. ours, Michael, or eis no Michael.

My ut remembered, Mistres Susan, opin in Godyou be in good ealth, as I Michael as a the mali inghereos. his is to certi' oti that a the turile triae, hen


sii liath lostrae male sit leth alone, o I mourning foro our The

In Solim an an Perse , e find,


The My thought a re like pillers of Adamant.

The expression in the las line also occurs in Soliman an Perseda

Basilisco See, ee, Lucina fiates me like a Toade. III. ii 27.

The buli in Arden says that gold


Other cases of identical phrasin in Soliman and Persed an Arden fineυersham are the following, whicli I, ill meret string together for compariSon


mayest pleas ure me.

Sol. Under colour of great consequence Ard in alter of great
