장음표시 사용
Hr impersonalty i. e. Wilbout an expressei subjeci, the subjeci and ver belli apparenti contained Ogether in re single form. Iu
Whos expiatiatioticis ound in the solio vitii clause. 6. Artibus, merans, Practices, qualities. I. Pro tu Invasere, hrare clue inrora A. 10. Optumum quemque the 68t, the ostdeseruing. . . S. 207. Rem 3b bin; . 458, 1 B. 002 A. 17 V. 4. 11 Quae inrant. An odi ex Pre88ion menti in they se hiiis his nisu o. What Sallus here niti in Onei senes holose in elearness. Virtuti eis r 9y. 13. Sicuti peregrinantes
98 I; II. 437, 1 B. 867 A. 56, II. 1. 36. Vera via by the rue path,
bonis artihus, and liene ablat os ut ean s. 37. Huic What is
24. Consulibus, in B. C. 66 Designati, t. Io. Legibus
abhit. Os cause. 18. cetera, nudus lil noui. An Dialies it agreo vitii res ircumst tu init. 19. Quis mortalium What ono os mortuis meticha ni in cui est th ithsη. 20. Quas profundant ut casti rotandunt uni hunc the subjunct. os ui pose. . . S.
2 4. Res propertν. I. Quieta movere, o diatur the quiet condition
39. Qui faetrent i ut ii saeuront iri, oi in ira ira subjunot. mala turpus in tarratio obliqua. A. to 5 H. iiiiii B. 205 7; A. l. I. 7. Consiliis dat limitin offeere . . Eques Romanus. se note Oti litie 22. p. 43. II. Salutatum. In the nys Os Oiliansreedom, clienis e re in the habit Os testi: Fing res p et so their patron by throngin his trium ut an early Our, und Scorting
ι the vhl. . ., the plot with in the eity and the neni in Etruria. 2b Privato consilio. ιν hi own prirate me iηure'. 27. Quo consilio,
anil armed the con uis illi diei iti, riali uti limite ii pow m. II Quid detrimenti, ni detriment. 33. Maxuma. Noti e the poeuli:,rlystroni in Phasis gi ven to this ordi it separation rom potestas. M. Imperium summum, the his he t militari spoirer an ljudio tulpower 27. consuli jus est the consul has the right. I9. Adlatas
la si assed ut vario iis times sor diminis hin the rate os in torcst. An Argentum, est. lirer ira Dia id it bria μευ i. e. the id ver ε stertiua illi the rus με undis' ne sestertius then α, ns Ses, debis ero reduco da per eunt in motant. 6. Secessit Tho plebs remove lint east three times fro in thoiity. u. It consulatis sio uirili consul the interkata os . 12. Neve is sed sor et ne ui ter a pre- est ling ut A. . S. 262, Note 4. 17. Discedant, et them inith- irret represent in an imperative in rotio recta inste ad solio regula construetion ut di8cederent. 18. Ex tali of κuch. I. Ex
s. cum clithou Ih. Olb-ed by Vellem, subjunct. Os concessi in . 1I. Defendas, defende the subjunct. us a mira o sonen ed imperative. Rogatus, eius entre ite ito do O. 19. Statuit, it tippo in ted. 20. Praeter is somotimes sed in the signissention excepi, With
1 36. contentionis. in their tris re ute. I. Exercebant, u8 d. 1143. Bellum maritumum, against tho Citiei an pirutes, ho in sestsed tho holo solio Medit 'rrunonia. 6. Innoxii, re froni titiose, unitaruiod 8. In magistratu, While iii ustio . i. Ubi primum
2-36. Voltis et vultus Rationem. ny. Ista, the dem Onstrative pro noui os the sue nil person: thos e viis that ou
6. Facturi essent, they could do: ut subjun et os, με it in oratio
3T I-38. Infimis, i .e flavos. 2. Iudicatus sit, subjunet in ortitio obli-qura, ni ter cum causat. I. Quo consilio, ni icit iches O in hy. Repudiet, hiat he je t. sul suu et in a question Os alipeat dubi
to expres Purpos o tendoney. . . S. 27b. III. Re m. l. b); H. 563, la 0. 37. Manu tenens, eradium by the haud a nutar os honor M. 28 coneordiae se Plan os the Forum. Her symbo was Wo haud j ined Ogethser undis Pomegranate. li, I 39. Frequentia. μη tibia te oblat absol. I. Quid habuisset quid consilii aut qua de causa id lintiuisset 6. Alia. i. e. .,ther hiiDI than the truth. 7. Fide publica in the uidio clithi in pti dete, sor his asely. 10. Solitum esse . 13. Praeter be--ide,. q. x libris Sibyllinis . heso ero certa in volumes containing predictions regariling the destiuies of the republic Ana
πero in the custod os specialisisseers allud Quindecimvirs They 118souieti me Proved a PO ursu etigine in ustuir os state. db Tribus Corneliis to three Cornelii, i. e. member of the ueus Comielia. 16. Antea se fuisse. 17. Urbis Look sor potior in the iudex 0sbour grammar, and thus iud the ut so this genitive. 19. Haruspices. Seo ut O line 7, p. 7. 21. Sigua, senis. 22. In liberis custodiis, in re cu-to. , unde tho care os the ringistratus, in Stead os uiti Lupi in rison. q. Aedilis. ho curuloni dilus ero tW in umber iis ore utSO the aediles plebeii. 25. c. Caesari. his a C. Julius Caesar. 32. Agitabat th I ira el , , e to indulged in . b. Quippe cui erant 4ecause Lyra Qu. 36. Usu cultu, e, lothi seu 39. Retraetum esse . M39. Qui nuntiaret ut is nuntiaret, uti l hunc the ubjunct. 1190s ui pose. AE. Lentulus deprehensi iiivivii lento the cirrc8t
maho diset osuro 3. 22. Machinatum esse): here sed passively. 23. Per periduli, throuo hi Piartio pretion in the draiiuer. 25. Immissum esse . ad cen in tiuat d. 30. Neque - gratia, ei-ther is a ribe nor by thes in tu noe. 32. Falso indientes cryptaini Sallust 's bolios in tho in noeen eo os Caesar. 34. In repetundarum, ii a triat for extortion. Sue noto on lino 26 p. 02.36. Ex petitione, , uiso ount of his oppi on for). 37. Aetate, ablat os quali ty Usus horin iij v d. I9. Is Caesar. 1 35. Publice, ,uhti ly, in his utilio ea paeity, whilo nodite. 120
120 Antiqq. 17 Partim ' ome of them y used hero a amoini native. Duces multitudinum, the leti uera os ob9. 19. Familiam, ia
12 2-39. Lubidini et usui, re μὴ ou rand interest. A. Magna ist
o the conspiracy. Gq. cum praesertim, mecialis . 26. Id
4 39. Animadvortebant in thoe uui-hed. 10. Causam intra
17. Per ramo i 9 18. Neu quis clud that no one. 23. Alius alii,
piardon, etc. Fecissem is Subjuiaut Os cause ulter qui cum ego. The , tulis rimet ilia i , expla inod a roserrinito a resolution Ormedi, Cato long liri x Ous ly condonabam is the ni pers. Os habitu alaetiora. s. Parvi Oflitti in portau e. 10. 0pulentia - tolerabat her the statu es re our es ore her ut tu Spite Os yοur εν ecl. 11 Id agitur mihi, i the question 14. 0rder: sed utrum haec, cujuscutiique modi laterer in t videntur, sutura sint ni e tobe. Ahiali e nostra, an nobiseum sutura sint hostium soli enem ies' the Pro os ur onomi es in Futura sint, suture subjunct. Os indireet question 18. Largiri is horo tho subj0et. 19. Eo, ther fore. An and M. aake it tigre Willi extremo. Ια- est is reduine i in it Mity. V 20. Sint sane, ill ii ii iis et thon e. 22. In in the ιμ Of. 24. Composite, et mclut ly. 26. credo, Iovi FO e, icthrown in parentholicat ly, uti die neo oes no influencotho confiisuetion Inseris, the o cer cori l. tho inferna regioris. 27. Omler mali, diverso itinere in i Ferent ire tion a bonis puri fio in the IODu habere inhabit loca oto. 30. Videlicet, no
26. Hostibus, dativo. S. t 250, 2 Rem . . s. Misereamini, se ut 28. Ne O nae, tho Gr00 ναί . yeη. 29. Ceperint, μὴ ill agnin have t Uden, p. 31. Immo vero maxume, raminiaeed, OAt eaec edin 30 d yoii ea it). Immo signi sic tio but With his peculiari ty that ometh in stronge is , ut in lacu os the preeedini state montis hiel, is doni od 32 alius alium one nother. 37. Prospera cedunt Mim ut inell. 38. Tradideris, Pers subjunct. in apodosis , ubi ichen havin tho ore os fratcin time im- plyres, ou icit implore A. A .d 261,2 II 509 B. 1265 A. 59, IV. 1.127 -ar. A. Manlius Torquatus. So early ali ho SS. ivo honam . Tho corroe nam ho e ver a Titus Manlius Torquatus.
Bello Gallico the writer refer thoraci to a War it the Latina.
Sallusi' error aros probabi Dominis consoliti ling this Oeension 127with that on hiuli Manlius Won the collar torquis froin thoGaulisti champion. V . . Cetera the re8t f. bstat, i. e. tu misto mitigate. 7. Famae, reputo tiυu charaeter s. Nisi iterum, ii ules DOWyfor the ecυud inte, ' referrin probabi to the tormerub0rtive Otisti irae os Catiline. V 11. Loquar, tho deliberativosuiu unetive. Quibus duisset of this ad erero id tium thimsos resectiou. 3. Mehercule Se Dotem n lino al, p. 73 14. Peccato locus, it room for error On Our nrt: ut e cannot O Wallor to err. Ipsa re, by the erent itκeV. 16. Faucibus urget, Iia 8teus u ou thro ita like a Wild east. Faucibus is ubi at denotin in lint respeet si iecissention). 18. Neque parari, et: be cause, ache Ouid intimate. Omber os tho sonate oro millieulud in the constri racy. 20 cum, hereres. 24. De confessis Ontho, thiat hiare consc88ed to e connoeiud illi sumundum esse),omyhi orae iiij licted. 26. Mors majorum, . . to e stranglud in prison; tho uncient modo os oxoeution in iis bosor tho abolitionos eat, ita punishmetit by tho lux Sempronia M. 27. consulares, conκ tiam'. X-e in Suls. 29. Increpantes agroses illi alii. 32. Mihi si init lubuit libuit in lino 31. 35. Maxumo in rarticular. 37. Contendisso. Sulipi eum populum Romanum), iktit they, sor subjeci.
resectilis. 3. Eoque clud om his factum ost). . Rursus, nthe coiitrata. 7. Sicuti- parente, the pia reiit eiu9, a it rere, exhauAted , , io Won e in Muttur duret vieto Goburtinnae Seli uelitist, o das si Lein sturhon inde muli gur Wolt bringena uri n.''R . . aud sane quisquam, certia in ly ο ne in saet O One. 10. Moribus, charactera H. Res the subjeci. o. is genus et thei birth. 17. Alia alii, i. e. alia gloria ulli, χει t ea cliti disserent hi id os rono vii) lit. anothor indo tho Other. 19. Factus erat . Severitas, au/toris, an nustero moruli ty. 21. Nihil largiundo, by ii in no larue/8ea, o influene men's miniis. 23. Illius facilitas, tho bibitis diu οε ition O thos, ruier. 20. Quod has the ore os dummodo id, Doride icit, uni liene tho Fubjunctive esset. A. I S. 264, 2 II. 13 D. 280 A. l, a Noto. 28. Ubi se ut ibi hone posset, subjunct. Os urPOSQ. 30 Faetiove, tu prertfvi it 32. Abstinentia, in δῖε intereεtedii e88. 33. Quo minus io magis the lo η - the more 36. Disces Sit crime Per. 38. Triumviros, o cal itales, magistrutos elected by thoiooplo the eo mitia botniheld by the praetor. It was theirdutyrio inquiro into ali capita crimes undo receive information