장음표시 사용
19-38. In primis horo is remoti the fratc 20. Quibus rebus, Du
tunitas, the favorableue y8. 29. TranSVOrsos in transversos), astroy. Studia accensa, the in diei fruor. 30. In for Ex quibus i. e. Studiis, in consequeuce of hich. 31. Intersecisset, he ho ulu hili subjunctivo by the principi os ortitio obliqua Mie ipsa thought, si interfecero. For the tonso, se A. I S. 260, 2. Rein. 4; I. 33, 4. Ne qua se nequi . est ciny. 3 circum- Ventus, hestet, in barra88ed. b. Popularibus, o his Ouut rymen. Manu promptus, prompt icit the haud usi symbo os energy butusod ore illi speeta reserone to valor in altio). 38. Bello Numantino. Numantia a talion nil destr03 sed by Seipio Lo
1-10. Saevitia, by the ei cenes in by the serest valor. . um 17 occasurum osse . that he could sal in battio. Numidis . . . S. ἶ224 II. 386 B. 26 A. l. V. 5. Acri ingenio, of acutum in l. 6. Romanis, dat limitin imperator eraa in imperabest. 8. obviam eundo in byso in t en eo tuter Periculis, dat limit ingobviam. S i 228, 1 H. 392, I. B. 870 bl I. 9. Brevi,
Ac tempore iii a horto ine. 10. Nostris, Ac militibus dat lim
22-39. Novi atque nobiles, et sma de and eun Obled men comes,
17 perhaps, a near a literat rendering os theso ord anthei peculiarnieati iii : uilinit Os but se note O imagines, lino , p. 5, and on homines novi, line 13, p. I 5. Bono honestoque Edith in thegood iud
23. Domi i. e. in I: Onie. 25. Pollicitando. Notie thodore of the frequentiative. 26. Si Micipsa - venalia esse Theso Ord aro in oratio Obli qua the wordis AQVin iis implied in pollicitando. Se ronerenues titiose, P. I 5. ccidisset, hould die in or0tio reota si Micipsa rex occiderit, fiat pers. Se reserendes linerat, P. I 6. Fore, et ictat tu, Mne O --: sed inpersonalty Imperio A. . S. L24b, I.;Η. 4l9 I. B. Ν0 A. l. III. 28. Romae A. 1 S. 22l I; N. 42l. II. B. 932 A. 55 III. 3. Numantia, al,lat. bsolute. 29. Revorti the olde spei ling. sor reverti. I. Pro concione, b ore an η embly. Praetorium ars the num Os the seuera cient in the eam P, and was O called oenus the nam os tho hies Roman magistrate a originali praetor, and ot consul Theomeors ho attendedi the senera in tho Praetorium an formed his counei Os War, ero callod by the samo ame. Dici Antiqq. 33. Quibus, on ti, re in indes tiron. g. A, froin Emi. Supplyid n iis subject accur . , and trans litto thrat hiat ichic belon yed tomony wOuid e lim haηed, etc. Multorum, possessive predicate gen A. II, Rem. 8, 3): H. 402 I. B. 780 A. 50 I. 1.35. Artibus, praetices then assumed o bo good . 36. Venturum esSe), αὐει id comm observo that the participio regreosint With theneares subjeci. II. Suamet pecunia, is ieraucos hi money t8elfcasurum esse) 38. Litteris, a letter Quas redderet ut eas
18 1-I9. Notide that the lotior froni Iugurtha to Masinissa is
est i η, i. e. y naturei 35. Frater fratri. his is tho arran gement When Ord aro repented and Ono is oli posed io, o distinguishod rom, the ther. A. I S. 279 4 H. 596 B. 396. Quem, chcit. 36. Tuis se cognatis, o Gur Own retiations ' dat. Os isadu aut age limit in the expression hostis fueris. 39. Dilabuntur, dic in die aio 3y, melli ny. 1 19. Ante more than. Prior, uperior to them) 0r, the ripe lori or 2. Aliter, thericiae, i. e. than tho tenor sis nil vico, hieli has been or concord and united strength. Ne quid eveniat, hutnothius inclyra oppen. 3. Qui , he icho. pulentior the more power-fH. Accipit he ustera g. Facere, ac injuriam; beenus Sympath marshais it sol O the si te tho senti 5. Observate, beatientire io, respecl. 6. Talem hunc Virum, hi man, O aecellent.
19 7. Ne ego videar, hut Lino no oppear. Ego It uso indicates
s. Ad in epi to Regem locutum est e), thra the imo hodνPOlen. Whyramines lute regem, hiat he hin93 Beenus it is subject accu8. Os locutum esse, dependiti O the wOrdis pereei vingintelligebat. Why ιιι esse e sul, plied Becutis it is necessar to Oinplet the erba forna. Wh translate ad spolien, and no has poken ' uenus locutum esse is piast illi resere ne to intelligebat, hi elicis it sol pust, i. e. locutum esse is in illae plu- perge t. A. 1 S. 268, 2 H. 40 B. I 26 A. 7, IV. Ficta lit. Rignei thing insincere ν. 10. Longe aliter, fra Otherariκe, i. e. than benigno lino II). Animo agitabat he wa deniμium delibertit iras in his iiii l. II. Pro tempore, bellttiiDI the occu8ion. 12. Post, stericiaria an adv. Sallust very here et se either Sespostos a Prop. With the necus orithe ab lat. nione. R. J. 13. Iusta, his funera rites. Funera uia be ut plied uni is solueti inses X- pre8Sed i ata therm fuit dite complete. Fecerunt. The Subjunctivo Ieci, ent might havo been sed illi a careel pereep- tibi dissere nec silean ing. In unum locum into One pineae ivether. b. Minimus, Ac nutu the ouu9eat. X illis, of them, instead of the partitivo gen . . . S. I 2, Reni. 2, Noto 4; N. 398 4 B. 775 A. 50 II. 4. 16. Iam antea, et eu efore. 17. Materno gen0re in his mother a fide, it in respeet to hisna Other' birth. Dextra Ou the risthi hand of suppi manu, hi elii governed by arundorsi Od. The tendene os colloquia langunge, in On- recurring phrases is O bhro viate. 18. Adherh1lem, gov-erned by ad in corii position. Honori, an honor i. e. the Placeis
honor dat of the end. A.4 S l 227 Rem 2 H. 390, II. 2 B. 853 A. 51, VII.
20-38. Ordor tam se satigatus beluq importuned a Datre ut concederet notati l . . t seniori ty). I. Partem, ide eum, while. Multa, ni t h. lit Danny things. 23. Jacit, throto out thorem arkὶ Oporter rescindi in oti vht to e reae indeli repealed); but observo that consulta nil decreta re subj et neeus. Os rescindi solio Win tho in persona oportere. Iq. confectum, 1ij.ebled. 25. Parum saluisse, hau no been ausicienti xt ire ium in I. 26. Idem thra the mi me hin subieci necus. Os placere. Ipsum illum thistrae Jueturtha hinia et f. 28. Quod verbum, thrate re ston. 29. Descendit, un . 30 Anxius, disquieted. Moliri, parare . he plotted, e contrit eu historica infinitives. 31 cum,
1-16. Alius, concessere, retired, ne ii oue way another in re u 00Other in disserent Ways. h litora mean in os alius alio is an Other o auother pliaee. 2. Donio A. I S. 4b, I. H. 419 I.; B. 880 A. 54 III. 3. Proxumus lictor, it ne ires attendGnt. The lietor preeedod the magistrato, nil the Oremost ne ascali sed primus lictor tho ne neu res the consul et c., a called proximus lictor, hiel thorosor has tho ore os conlidentialiattendaui. g. Acceptus. Osreeable. Ordor quem thia ministrum oblatum casu ille i. e. Jugurtha onerat promisSis, te. 6. Rupeat uti usure portarum. . Verae. c. claves t. e. theheys os the troasury). 8. Referebantur, cere regularly carried brach. Wheneve it a nouos Sar to se thum. Noti eo tho ore os the impors tensori denoto se pontod nutions in ast timo. Postularet, hould dem clud it Subjunet impers in orati obliquia reΡ- rosunt in a sui in il os tho diruet diseourso. Soo rosure Deos lino 30 p. 2. 11. Qui postquam ter they. 2. Divorsi s vij vorsi), tu disserent directiona. notho instaneo os Sallusi' partialityla the olde orthography. Quaerere, interficere, etc. historical infinitivos. Alios - alios, soni e - Othei κ. 13. Occursantes, ieetius them. 13. clausa, κα oua, the cloκed parto os the ouse). Miscere theyyillea disturbo l. 15. Tugurio, o in. 16. Mulieris ancillas inuid-9errant. Mulieris is superfluo iis, as ancillae
indieatos both tho sex and the euia pation. Quo inhither. Initio, ablat os imo heu Loci A. la H. 399 B. 705 A. 50, III. 3. 20 38. Divolgatur divulgatur. Seo noto on divorsi lino 12.
25. Partim, alias, ome, therη. Voluntate, of thei omnisill rutilat os manue saeuordane With 3. Imperio, dat limit in adjungit, the prep. ad rotaining iis ore in tho compotin l. A. I S.
ut ii dueerent, that thermi Vbi inform sor, hoo ero D in forin. A. I S
20 . . in to the Romani prori nee Os Africa, provi0usty the territorγO Ciιrthage. 32. Patratis consiliis. e ma render his haling
37. Multo qualis es both auro uni argento, ut 'an adjective sollo in t O nouus may qualis both, but it usuali quali sies nintho
latior. V The sense mustolocido loro tho idearis, viold and silvor Whieli ero inueh. V 38. Quis lor quibus a contruction qui te common in Sallust.
aeo , mpti*ho dolientis On cunctentur. The Sume construetion Oecursin the catilina, cap. 44 iussin . . Ex in accordiance cith. 3. Ηospitibus to their ω-tμ. i. o. certa in Iliam an citi gens ho undertookio en torta in visi torcsrom Numidia, und tali chargo os thei assairs, lilio the πραε- os Athotis. V M. q. Auctoritas, in sueuce. b. Ιncessit, οὐ pira e. 6. Invidia, o liuni gratiam, populari y. Nobilitatis, init the nobility. 7. Quorum is an instanc os constructi in uocorditi to sensu, V i. e. it gre es illi the plura ideas and o tho singula sortii os nobilitatis. Spe, i. e. praemii. 8. Ambiundo by go in round O - by Olicitium favor of Nitebantur stro re is soli , ed by tho object-elaus ne- consuleretur
thrat erere meaκures mi Ihi tot be trahen against im). Notieo the ore os tho imperseet nitebantur, fore ibi expressin a Series os single oml, leto uetioris requently repented consulo means, Ioahe mea urea consulitur impersona' , sensu res are talion.
Seo A. I S. Q 84 2, ω B. l. 08. 10. Constituto, a vin9 been rap- soluto I. Utrisqu6. to oth parties. II. Locutum esse). Fohe.12. Patres conscripti, conscript frathe . During the regal periodos tome tho senators ero ad dros sed si in Ρly us Patres. V ut Onthe establis liment solio republie. hora, rom causes no sullyeXpla in ed. many vacaneios ad occurrod in the senato, a numberos plebeians os equestri an rank,ero ad senators Hone thecust Omar modo os ad trossin the wbolo sonate heneosorti alwaysWas, intros conscripti. V that is patros ot conseripti sand thoee rolle tirith theirat, eat. Di et Antiqq. 14. Procurationem, the adminiatrration e subitet neeus. Os esse, equali Witti jus and imperium;
depending on existumarem ab Repeat uti besore eniterer and du-
pers of the direct disco urse. i. e. Micipsa sit id, on feceris. V eo reserenues, line I p. I 6 19. Me habiturum osse), that I could
19 39. Quas praecepta, theκ precepta. 20. Agitarem, I, is actius ut Sulsu Dei in narration. A. I S. 463 5. Rem 2 Π. 5l8, II. I B. 244 A. 62, . in in . 21. Sustinet, earμ, Supporis, 'ith a notion os dissiculi und uiri. m. 23. Et socium auderen by liue is an olly. 24. Regno. bini. Os separation, ut depending n ex in composition. 25. Eo miseriarum, to thia de-sree of miηery See note n eo magnitudinis, line I9, p. 3. Venturus eram cre de8tiueu to come The netivo periphrasti sortii denotes intention destination. A. I S. 162 14 II. 228 B. 28 A. 40, Ι. 26. Vellem, I could ciKh. The impuri et expressos nwisti hos realigation is no v impossibio A. . S. ' 260 II. Rem. 2 A. 60 2. 27. Beneficia, errices. Possem, that Vicere able. What conjunetion is omitte ly A. . S. ' 262, Rem 4 H. 93, 2;B. 204 iu in A. 4. IV. ut man oditor hero read posse'. 28. Maxume, porticula ly abo vo all. Deberi beneficia, that er-rices inere due Volo adniit cither i tho subjunetivo illi ut orno, or 2 the infinitive illi re subjec necusativo and both constructions aro here sed together. . . S. 27l, Rum 4 H. 55 I
indiroe quos t. A. I S. 265 II. 525 B. II 82 A. 67 I. 36. Societatem vostram an alliano withoon. 37. Bello, ablat osti me heri. 38. Quo tempore lit at cha time o tempore quo rat a time hen. 39. Fides ejus, heir good Dith, deli ty. Rus refers o populo. Quorum their, agroe With the plura ido im
22 1-19. 0rder: nolite, patres conscripti pati me, quorum their
20-39. Ab latere, ii ur fide on ur bor ier. 22. Agitabamus ore ei Dyeu Quippe quis sim quibus quippe nobis dat.
H. bl 9. and 3. l . iusti. B. 25 and 25 l. 23. Nisi forte, etc. Because nations dependent ulion Rome might e ullod poli soraid. 25. Audacia, ablat os deseription quali tyὶ scelero, ablat. os manner. Sese efferens '. 26. Eodem lit the samo t. e. fratre meo in but osten illi the fore os ratio. 27. 0rdor: primum fecit ejus regnum praedam sui seseleris. Sui reser to Jugurtha A. I S. 408 II. 449. I. B. 10 20 A. 9. I. in ii. 29. In, inder. 30. Patria ablat. Os separation. 31. Ut essem,so that I ahould e. q. Qui colerent. ἰreater prominenc isgi ven to the relative clause byllae iniit hesore the antecedent one. colerent is subjunet in Ortitio obliqua. 35. Suscipere, underioOh. 36. In in the p urer of 37. Ut adesset, that se rei ed serves asa definition os praestitit. 38. Per otium, in time os peraee. 39. Tertium, that he hird, is subject aecus os conjunctum soro.
unite i icit uη. his rure sorm is usuali callud a sui pers insin.
Obs 2 3. Impias, . . non pias, and pietas ineludes the uties os hild reno parent s. Agam. sh illo do subjuncti os deliberation. A. R 260 II. Rem , II. 486. II. B. 180 A. 60, 3;Z l 30 6. Minume leaκ of all. . eos elong equali toad fines, amicos, nud propinquos. Alium oppressit Mite dia-
with the plura idea implied in pars, yome constructio Recordi tigi sense, synesis in s aeti Sunt. 10. Tenebris i. e. in ungeons. 11. Morte threu creth. A. 1 S. 256, 2 Π. 17 B. 895 A. 54, V. 12. Exigunt, lia i , ut Ex necessariis, fion bei 'fri. Hlly, lit relate l. i. e. the resul O relations hi p. 13. Facta sunt, avebecome relient quae sor it subjeci. Manerent, implorarem. What timora es the impers subj. denoto in potus is and apodosis Z
mali an mimortitue partiti ve gen. b. Quibus curae esse. A. I S. l 227 H. 390 L B. 848 A. l. VII. Pro conis iueriny, best ling. 16. Jus, that juκtice right , is subject accus. Os esse,
A. I S. 220, 2 H. 409 I; B. 10 A. 50 IV. b. 19. Nationesne
20 39. Quoquam, an adv. 21. Ubi sint ut ibi sint, herethere are. ΙΙcne sint subjunct. Os result. For tho principio, eo
implied ii fatigare raratha I ulter se iuuere. 36. cui licuerit 'ub
24 2 18. Ne, es. Osten rit ter nae tho Grech ut a disteront ord om ne interrogative. Ille reddat, et hini uster lit pay bael.); subjunct. Os Wish, or Optarive subjunct. A. 260 II. Rem 6;
N. 487 B. 19. ι A. b. I. 3. Order ex crueiatus omnibus malis reddat graves poenas impietatis hi in picty in nostr uni Parentem, necis mei fratris. te. b. Iam jam, ηκureuly. . 'Antiqua dieendi forma. V . Tibi immaturo, com the prematureb. The adjeetivo in Latin rust Omotimes e renderedos an adv. 7. Unde the relative adv. quo by thoui. Tibi vita erepta est
Honestus in honorabie. Neu clud that not. astor ut in utinam , is used sor et ne . . . S. 262. Rem 7. Noto 4. 17. Concessissem,
Paucis, e verbis. 46. Hiempsalem O ponerent lineal), orotio obliqua. Notiee I that declarative sentences have thei vertis in
the infinitive illi a subjuet accus. and 2 dependent sentences rili avo thoi vorbs in the subjunetivo. 27. Interfectum esse).30. Alium ac, ther thau Numantiae, a Numantia Gen. Osilaoct. 31. Neu ponerent, iud hol th ille Senatu could uot tu e. 32. curia, fio in the euate-house ab lat. Ov. De in composition. There ore severa curiae in Rome a the Curia Iostilia, Curia.Iulia Curia Mareulli. te. q. Gratia depravata, corrupted by their nyl ι enoe contemnere, historica insin. 36. Pro alieno, iub hu anothera. 37. Quasi ,ro Sua gloria. 38. contra, ii theoth r haud Bonum et aequum, the und tho 14 ir 9OOdne νηanu fati nes the ni strae se, tho concreto Divitiis, thran richcη rutilat. ov. by the comitarative carius. 39. Subveniundum esse sibi . he student houid ondea vor O gain a clear id ea os the nature nil mean in Os this construetion, hieli is os vor frequent oecurrone in Latin riters. et hi in observo si that esse is necessar to complete the verba sorin the passivo periphi istic
requiredo indieato tho agent in illo dativo casu: A. . S.4 225,
III. H. 388 I. B. 847 A. I, VIII: 3 that tho veri, is here,
ascit frequenti as, Sed imperS inalty i. e. Without a Subjec necuS.,
Polluta, h/ ineleκη Licentia, oense, is the subjoetis accenderet. 7. Lubidine, cupidis . . Pars illa Notice the emphati positionos illa: hocnus demonstratives usuali procedo thseir Oun S. Vero, to truth: dative. . A S. 224 II. 386 B. 26 A. 51, V. 10. Pretium gratiam, mone or in luence. Fit is an historicalpresent, . . it is in osseet a piis tens liene it is solio ed by tho imperiiset subjun et dividerent. A. I S. 258 Rom. I. α H. 48l, I. undes V. B. II 67 A. 7. II. q. Consul chen consul in B. C. J21. 16. In plebem, 'clinκt he leb Or common aliy. Wh Wereth plebs Niebub has give the otii satisfactor an SWer:
25 I. The Plebs and the lienis ere originalty entiret distinet. 2. The origina populationis Rome consiste solet os the Patricians and their lienis. I. The Plebs iis composed of the inhabitant os various Latinio iis, hi uti ere conqueret uni destri yed thei population e ing. at tho Sume time, tritur Porte icio Rome uti doli Surro undiu territory RHmηcly, Maii rei os com in Antiquities. 17. Habuerat, hau resar Ied. accuratissume, init thesi eateου attention 18. UtI anteferret, that he OuMidereu the drantiaue of the in s more importa ut hau his reputratioti, hi honor, etc. Fama uni fide re in alie ablat. Ovorne i hy the comparrative foro os anteferret. V M. MOS editor read famae, dat ., ut M. citus Cic. pro clib. 8 sor preci Sely simila con Struction.
20 - 29. Via ablat os muniter horo, ut tho tra is hic isulso in the ab lat. l. Fides, honor. 22. Quae pars et . iu teudos ea pars Numidia quae . 23. Agro ablat os speci sention deuotingetu ichat revecti. 24. Specie, in pcurance. 26. Possedit, rompossido. 27. Re the subject Paucis, ac verbis. 28. Xp0
narraverim, Peramio era8il relate anythius Woli ascerta in ed. NarraVerim, independent subjunct. to mali a tutement OdeStlyor illi caution. Potentia subj. A. I S. 260. II. Rom. 4; H. 48b, and 86, I. B. 1l77-8 A. 60 2. 32. Quam paueis sumis, e Verbis. in a fio tror is a po aible. 33. Orbis terrae, of the mi id lit os the circlo os and Tho ne ionis las in tho time Os Homeri Onceived thoearth toto circularita in round whielimo sed tho oceanstream. V verreturning into it suis. In - tertia a the hird pari. 34. Pauci, Ac dixerunt, or omethin equivalent. 35. Fines, ηιο undaries 36. Ab, in Fretum Oceani the strat of ur ea and of the oderam alio traiis os Gibraltar In Latin'riter nostrum mare tho Mediterranean. 37. Declivem latitudinem, the si vinibi eradi sos count ry . i. e. hieli idens s it deSceiadsto ard Egypt 38 Catabathmon Κaria βαθμόO. t. e. the De8cent. Mare, sc est. 39. Frugum, A. I S. Gl3 H. 399 B. 76 A. 50, III. . . Arbori f., the tree. i. o. sor reos ete , in generat. O litho MSS. . ut iis oditor read arbore. 20 1-18. caelo, terra, ablat os specification. Penuria, c. St. 2. Salubri, o risorous, robust. 3. Qui, Ome. q. Quemquam,
nuder the auii mererer the equator ardoribus, the tropical in heata. 39. Inter se, cith ne an Other.
1-18 Lingua, instrumenta ablat. I. Mauros, te This dori. 27
27 vatio is no generali received, and is hi ghi improbabio Tho
missi bie Man editor read proxime carthaginem. Appellatur
agreus in umber illi tho redicat Numidia. 6. Utrique h, i. e. tho Mirent , late and iis colony. 8 Ii qui the colony. 10. Inferior the lolcer nonr0 to the Mediterranean ea, the ori herore ferri noto the directio of the sursace Pleraque α O8t f. 12. Imperantium, of thei conquero . concessere in Jecam emer' i. h. 13. Alii Iars sto ue- ther in alii 'lii. 14. Gratia for the Purpo/e ablat. Os cause. 15. Plebe aliis ablut absol. 17. Eas pars iso ne of the/e. 18. 0riginibus suis, O their ources
19-33. Silere dicere. η . P. 20. Alio, Dei here, O nother par os in subjeci. Properare, se me. 21. Ad nexi O. Aegyp tum, by annos the an eients est00 med a par os Asia. 22. Secundo mari ilou the eri solio in tho const. Ille relationbet sten the directit in os a movement und the Plae Where it occurs, is expressed by thoo Meetives adversus secundus obliquus, inconnection illi tho nam os a laco. V g. t 00. Obs. l. II ence
2 H. S: B. I 33 A. II, II L, insu. 31. Bello Iugurthino itthe time of the usurthine icti . 32. Ex - oppida Tho uior usual construction Ouid bo ex Punicis oppidis . e must suppi oppidis uster Punicis - ωου of the tou ιι f the Cartha viuictu Oictis. 33. Novissume, lust, latterly. 34. Administrabat, fove itis, unde the ille of the Province Of Asrica 37. Praeter excepi. cetera, in ther respecis uecus. Os specisiention os limitation, OrGrcelioceus.). A. I S. . 2. 4 IL OL 380 B. 728 A. 52 IV. 38. Nobis, o us dat limitin cognitus Bello pace, ablat Os
2-18. Dictum, e est. 3. Africa, ablat os separation, butio v QRorned by de in composition. A. bl nil 242 II 425: B. I 6 A. 54, I. 5. Adeptum, e os Se certum Sse, c. id, with hiel certum nil quod agroe. 6. Apud , e fore. s. Ipse, se erat. 10. Quem petebat, at ichom he wa clim in s. 11. Placido ingenio, is a milu divositionis ablut os deseription qualit or
orned by ad in composition illi accedit. 16. Convorti s convertit he returna. ut iis his veri, is soldom sed in transitivoly, We a suppi cursum. Whieli iv usos illi converto. 7. Dolore. y exentinent. 18. Manu force. Vindicaturum, c.
19-38. e. c. esse that he waa. Armis, ablat os pediscationsor denotin in lint respect). 22. Questum, supine frona queror. No i tho supino in umia sed A. I S. i 276. II. II 569 B. I 60; A. 74. I. 23. Rettulerant aetulerant, Dom refero. Prius quam,ra ther han, in hiel the si remos quam asi conjunetion soli , in thocomparative prius is evident. 24. Temptatum εα bellum. Secus cesserat κc a Speraverat), it ad turne i thermiae than o ad
expoeteil . b. Eo, on that account: ablat os cause Quippe qui, beo iuμ he introduc in a relative clauso e X pressin a reuso D, construetion hiel usu utly sequi res the veri, o h in the subjuno-
28 A. 55 IV. 30. Vastare, agere augere, historica in s n. ingere,
he deor Q. Suis se militibus unamum Ge mim ye of his oren men suis bellaidat. Os ad vant age. 32. Eo processum esse thrat cittera hiad sone Ara I tr. The veri, is Sei tui personali sintho uios generat Way. illi Outo Subj et e XPreSSed, uir dorsi odi. 34. Obvius o n. t. 36. Consedit, ne imped. 37. Inceptum est . 38. Plerumque, O-t tho reatur Part. Hene noctis liartiti velatii. Obscuro Humine, i. e. da hau in scareel da ned:
ableto ors, erelamon the mos important erigines sed in torm-
bosor senatus Verbis, in the i ablat os manner. J4. Vello esse line lis . oratio obli sua. Velle. o. se thra thel ici h. Se)censere, thra tho deeree Velle is nil os re destremo the populus, ani censero sis ileere os tho senatus ab Iure in cooria inceicit litie. Ita dignum esse, thrat to contend. c. disceptare 'hus tecta corthy The subjeet os esse is disceptare uderstood, orintho implied in ita.
17-39. Eo, on his account, or his reason ablat os cause 2918. Romae, at o me gen O place 20 clemens, milii; O sobui a the actuat auis. Quorum milieti . Jugurtha This ordis plaeed in tho mi des of the ablat absolute laus t rho that Jugurtha iis the person that reeoived the ad tres os the ambassai tors. 21. Sibi missurum litio 33 , oratio obliqua. Nequo quicquam esse thot nothin was ither, by transpos in the forceos the negative. 23. optumo quoque ill the 9ood A. I S.
mali pro bono tene. 32. Prohibuerit, thon the Rumani eo ple)
the direet diseoursu, hune tho Orm Os translation ivon. . . S. 266,2 Rom. 4 H. 33, 4. 34. Ordor non sui copia an Opportunis appellandi Adherbalis i. e. Iugurtha resu Sed the ambas sa- dors aedes to Adherbal, ho as in Cirta. 37. Potest the histori ea present lotuit. 39. Temptare, e made tittemptη On thotown . historient in s n. temptabat.1-18. Praemia, promises os reicur is, is tho Would surrendor ori
citatae sunt). Sententia, the pu po t. 13. Non mea culpa throus in ortu fauit et: Oratio oeta. 14. Patres conscripti. Se noto on lino 2, p. l. 15. Lubido the late libido. t. Does ut here introdue a purpos ori resulto 16. In animo' beat. s. s. God is no in ali his thoughis. V 18. Socius,
30 19-39. Beneficia, the seruices. 20. Vostra the earlier formosvestra Ferro Suppi utrum bellare this Ord. What two construeti Oris do iudirect double question udiit os Z . . S. 265, Lem. Il. 526 II. D. II 86 A. I, II. 21. Plura, etc. The
fore Os thesu Ord is Scen in the ex sentenue. 23. Parum esse in that he ui Ortituate ecure esse ιιι litile belles sor heir Statuments . Miseris, ut O the possessor. Nisi tamen is ulliΡ-tieat, and the ellipsi is Suggested by the Ord plura de augurtha, ete . thus: Nisi tamen luddi, hoc, quod in tolligo illum et e M. rem artis that quod is Suppresse l. Nisi tamen a b renderedo uli ho cerer. 24 Idum - petere, that he caim iure hi Iher hian Itim in authorit Or O ver), i. e. ut euom in absolute masteros Numidia, ut d perhaps, of the Roman provin eo os Diuu).26. Utrum ichic of the tiro. DOm uter. Gravius, the more im
ti Orda. 37. Eo, O thi enu lit On account os his, and proportyublat. O cause rom is ostentui, an exhibitione dat os tho endor purposo. I9. Inimici an enein v. i. e. Iugurtha.3 1-17. consulite, trale mea8ure for consul tho interest os. 2. Manibus, ablat os separation. Some editor readis manibus.
junct. Sallust reser the reason assignei to the mind of the sena ur
question in debate. He continuod prineeps duri niliis lifeti me. Aster D. C. 10, the censor appo in ted the most Orth o tho consorii. . In invidia, in great ut avor. 6. Simul et, at the me time alκο. 17. Uticam, the cupitu of tho Roman province of
19. Seque auu that they, as Subject uceus. Os missos esse), dependa on litteras mittunt, qui valent tot ord Os clyiny. 22. Primo, at si 8t, hil primum in thes, ου place Divorsus in diversus)agitabatur, lit hujus urget in different directions inde a dia- tracted. 23. Ni paruisset, is he holud tot obes subjunct. O thothought f Jugurtha. i. e. Jugurtha ili Ought ni paruero. 24. Inceptum, e Iuu, Pers. Part. b. In ingenio, in hi ambitio uani ind. 26. Summa vi, icit ali hi poteor. 27. Diducta, brius diri led, o as to descia dolio cit at ali potnis. 28. Casum, an opportunis, hance. 29. Inventurum esse). Quod ubi eri sthen thi8. Secus, therio ἐκ thau he had x poeteil Neque potest indhe is ot ει te. 30. Ut - potiretur os nos quod intenderat L gatos conveniret, he et Or hould meet the ambaη8adorg. On- Veniret, ubjunct. Os time undis ursose A. I S. 263 3 H. 21,
II., and 523 II. B. 124 1 A. 62, II. 31. Adherbalis . . A S. 220 4 H. 409, 3; B. 882 A. 50 IV. . Amplius, longeri
32. Plurumum, moη of all. 3. In provinciam t. e. the Roman Province, O meet tho ambassa dors. g. Verbis, tu the woriis. GraVoa, evere. 35. Non desisteret, he uid, o desi/t subjunet os the thought of the ambussudors. . . S. t 266 3 H. 520 II. B. I 25b; A. 66 I. 36. Oratione consumpta, nihil his vin been ca8ted. si7. Italici, the Italia iis, the Romuli iti Zons spolion Os in hap. 2l, iis togati, ' includ in perhaps nativos , Ita ly ho ad Do tho fuit oui an ranchise. V M. 38. Defensabantur, cere diligentis defended. Notio the ore of the frequentative. Deditione facta