장음표시 사용
a trahendo te in pus saepe gratia by their iussueneel, interdum jurgiis. b. Designatus, elect Acer clu uersetio, spiri ted. 17. Id agi lit iliat this as ei nidone in thre thia cra the beet in ietc. 18. Invidia, the odium.19-38. Gratiae of the inreu u II. conscientia, fio m a con-κ ira uaneκη ab lat. Os cause Lege Sempronia ιν the Semproni in luto, passed in B. C. 23. by hiel tho senato a roquirsed to deereo tWO province to the future consul hei Ore thei eleelion. 23 Decretae sunt . L. Bestia calpurnius, instoad os L. Calpurnius
Bestia. his uia usual ordor os ames is ound occasionali F. M.
24. Ordor Numidia locnit fel to the tot of or, fel by tot Calpurnio Italia obvenit Seipioni. 25. Qui portaretur, ut is portaretur, hunc the subjun et Os purpo se A. I S. Il. 5 H. 500; B. 1205- A. 64 I. 26. Seribitur, i lected is en rolled the nam esos the oldier be in Writ ten on tablois. 29. Cui in animo haeserat, it hau eoo me ooted is xed in his iud. Omnia venum iri,
thra at thinis inere Or sale 'ere venal. Venum eo sto O Darile appears to e tho origina an disii contrae ted Ormis venoo. Venum ii in noui in the accusative. 33. Qui postquam , hei they. 34. Placeretne se hether it ira thei ra indireet question. 3b. Moenibus, cith in the walla, ut in the Roman conoeption Osthe idea by the Walis hono the instrumenta ablat. 36. Deditum, sul, in fro dedo. In icithiu. The proposition a notis Deo. Sury, but iis se ives more preeision 38 EX, in accordane irith.
should commit The subjunct. reser the thought to Calpurniussi. e. he aid o himself quae deliquero in Munita fore, could beaheltered fro punishment in a fiat pers in s n. . . S. 268,
many good tua litie . ille que notoppearing in the correspondin 33
Englis h. 7. Acri ingenio, spen et citiu9 iniud os active intellect: ubi ut Of qualit Orilia raeteristic. s. Siciliam is horo trea ted a tho
eonneetion illi Rhegium. 10. Transvectae sunt). 11. Commeatibus, hiη.κupplieη. 6. Animus, hiκ Culpurnius's mi id Aeger avaritia, cor pted is varice. 17. Socius et administer, the
19 37. Factione, pars corruptis, by the ribes os Iugurtha.
ertate ingeni, oldneη of bHrraeter 13. Concionibus, is his hiar inuuea Vindicandum, puniendunt infletium iunishment.14. Hortari, monere, historica insiti. Ib. Multa, the any. 18 39. Romae, at Ome. 19. Decere, it could e properi 20. Rus of hia. Perscribere. The opinion is neverthel ess, very
3 generat, that tho solio in spostoli contains Ont tho sentiments of Memmius und that iis composition is the wor os Sallust. 21. Ηujusce modi hujuscemodi gen os descriptioni quali ty. 23. D hortantur, liηsura te, si, dehortarentur; ut the indieativo is sedi mal e the statem erat ore ibi and vivid. Α vobis, ait ii fomyDu, rom Spousing our cause Quirites Romani and Quirites ure so sar opposed that Romani is tho historica and politiea nainovie ed illi respecto si rei gn states, uti Quirites the politicalnam a viewed villi roserene to Rome Aecordirigly, Quirites is equivalent to Cives. Diet. Anti sq. Ni publicae, clid not imaeulf , the Omnioni ecllth. 24. Superet. Whut Oes the prosunt subjunct. imp ly A. I S. II, 2 II. 504 B. 265 A. 59 IV. 1. opes patientia, et: ure iurat, position illi multa nil desine it. 25. Jus nullum, tho aut that hero is notati Atioe. 26. Ordor: est innocentiae inuo euo haη plus periculi quam honoris. 27. Dicere, se me Quam holi ho inueh. 48. Ludibrio superbiae, the vor of the cirros an e: hoth in dat. . . S. ' 227; II. B. 848 A. t VII. 29. Quamque - et quam De sensores e. q. the Gracchi. Vobis animus y ,ur virit vobis e ingilat os disad vantago. 30. corruptus sit, subjunct. Os in direct question, uster ut hole. 31. Obnoxiis inimicis, νοur ne niteaιein now in our po cer, by reasOn of their ulli. 32. Esse, c. vos. 34. Certe ego, I, at terest. 36. Verum utrum tactam, etc. ob rem to the pum se. s. i. A. 1 . t 243 H. I9 V. B. 23; A. 54 VII. Secessione, of eo μηion, a politica insurrectiona withdra at o the plebs roin the patricians, hicli ad at ready
35 1-19. Suomet more in their ima troy Eant. Vt omitto l. 2. Ti. Tiberio Aiebant, tironounco a Fe-bant. 3. Quaestiones - sunt, e Ial iuresti sations rere institnted. I. Utriusque cladis, of erae mossuere. cladis limit finem. 6. Sed restituere, ut grant that to restore to the leba their rishta te is reali a triciny ter oreret suti . Fuerit, subjun et os concession A. 1'. 460, II. Rem a H. I 6. II. I B. 28 nni N. D. A. 60, Implied Condition V). It subjeet is restituere. 8. Ulcisci de puniἡhedrused passively. Nequitur, an no nequit This rare passivosorin is sed ont With passive infinitives Iure factum sit 'raut that Whateve ea not. etc. ica done juηt0. . Superioribus, informer. Taciti milently os an adv. ii nec iunt, differen eo osidioni. 13. Haec facinora, ue de da a these Parum habuere themthoise hi tiscit nough. 5. Hostibus t Oumenem ies, hosa money, transsorrod to tho nobiles exerci sed a controit in influendo
Pageupo tho allair os the state. Eos pudet Mi e the ashamed. 3516. Per, e fore. 18. Proindo quasi, jus a U. 10. Habeant, theyrecla Dd subjunet os condition, With an ellipsis of tho rea con- elusion A. 263, 2 si in II 503 and 06 B. 1277 A. I. 1.19-38. Aere parati, ouuhi proe ured icit money. I. In nati, ori in authority, poWer. nother rea liniis imperio nati. Aequo, icit iudisserent. 23. cruentis, cith lood-sta in ed. Manibus, ablat o description Or quali ty. 24. Iidem ilη O too, lit the sume. 25. Fides, uno i faith, honest y. 26 occidisse, c. se thiat thethave hillh l. 27. Quaestiones, pro8ecuti Orig. In tipon. 28. Pro munimento, for thri buticu k. Quam pessume tam maXume the corge, the more alio later ut pessume, ita maxume. R. J. remarks that there is a light disserene in mean ingbet woon the two soruas rathe to e seli ho ever, than expressed). Se ΙΙ. 458, 2 B. 1053. 29. Metum, fear, no their far, but asis it wero personised 30. Quos omnes themill Ordor cupere
eadem, odiSSe endem. In tuere eadem coegit quos Omnes in unum together). 32. 302, his, is attractei in to the number case,
4. Quid igitur is ver frequently used in animate questions Without censes, i. e. here censes must be supplied See A. y S. 1 229, Rem 3, 2 B. 720 Z 769. Suppi censeo em re vindicandum esse that puni-hineut oush t be intricteu, uni se note on lineas, p. 24. I. Quod inhich, i. e. the in ilietion os uel punishmetit. 6. Vos is subject aestus os fecisse; illi accidisse suppi id thatit should hi De happened) ast has here thes fore os coulu be. 7. Quaestionibus by prosecution 8 9. Scilicet D coui se contracte Dom seiro licet. 10. Sit, is in diruet question 12. Per-
3 venerint, hali hare come subjunct.' attractionis os essonties Part. When the pers sui junct. has a futuro signifieation it suo to e aeuo uni sed a Perseet, ut ille subjunetivo os the suturo perseel. V A. 1 F. 266 I; II. 27 B. 12 2I A. 66 II. 14. Illa, ac tenipora. 26. Paeas p race concluded ut vari ius times, heri coth unu sua lil 19. Habebatis, thoi νὴ it. 20-38. Vostrum, ouu partiti ve gon. II. Viro, fori mran dat. 22. Impune α treme*, Without in iliet in punishment. 23. Aequo,
icit pretieiit. 24 Iu - esset, o ulu not reηuti in Our ιι in. 25. Illis parum est to them it , no euou 'h. The dat os ad vii iuge do penus On parum est. Quantum- habent pro illa quae tanta in iis est, tui portunitate lit. a nuch a th ν hace of in. Oleuce is great is heir insolence. 26. Deinde there ster, again. 28. Serviundum esse. Se Dotem subveniundum, lino 39. p. 24. Per manus force. 32. Utuntur the treat. 33. Potestne.
auxilii Look for egeo in the index os our gramma and indille ut so the en. 12 saepius mira e rather frequently. Ib. Fide publica, the woru of the state the public ait h. Quo is used sor ut eo, speciali With compii ratives A. i. t 262. Rem. 9; H. 497 D. 2l0 A. 6s, II. 16. Pecuniae captae, it os monutal, ii ista viri talien money. . A S. Gl7; I. I 0 II. B. 793: A. 50. IV. 2.18 38. Qui si ii. 21. Traderent, subjunct. os result in a rel. clauso alter the indes expression fuere. 22. Vendere s vendebant in i. e. q, Jugurtha Ex pacatis from peracerable iitiae s. 23. Veluti, lihe. 24. Perlata rogatione, his bili rerin y beeneor, ted hi ora 9h. 26. X conScientia, it fro a consciolis ness, whieli ho e ni sex must Olte detineri here, fom a consciotisnes suill M. Dedisset, subjunct. of the statementis Crassus oratio
obliqua), ho gaid se quoniam dedisti.' A. I S. 266, 3 II 520, 37
II. B. I 255 A. 66 I. 29. Rus, i. e. populi Romani. 30 Minoris, fles value, le8s: gen O degre os value. . . S. 2I4;H. 402. III. 2, 3ὶ B. 799 A. 54 IX. l. 1 Fama de reputation , diruet tho thought to the ninny Who highly esteum et Cassius; whilo fama Cassii,ouid di reet tho thought to Cassius himsol asa manis reputo. 33 cultu miserabili, in attire a pitiabie apos8ible. 36. Quorum potentia by vho, in suetice. 38 cujus ut ejus, heuce munitus foret, Subjuvet os purpose A. G.4 264, b II. 00 B. 1205-7 A. 64 I. 16. In vincula, i. e. to prison. 3. Aperiret, he discῖosed sub 38jun et Of the thought os pars, und DPre Sonting ither a Prusent Eubjunct. Oro ut in il O the direct discourse nisi aperiat, nisi aperiet in More majorum, a cordiu to the cu8tom of oui anceκtOr8. Nos majorum illi tho Roman wus ni les nullioritative hanthe jus scriptum and forme di artis the jus civile. Vos nil Lex,
When Opposed may be vie Wed a component paris os hora iis Civile. Dict. Antiqq. q. Supplicium, that punishment. . Sedar Sedabat, historica infiti. 6. Per sese is far as e cis concerne i. Z.4 30 I. 8. Numidiae, in Mimidia gen os luce by attraction, in violation 1 tho ut requirin here ille blat With in s. In olla iu8t. 10. Quibus hero ablut os means though referring to Person S. Egerit, subjun et os in dir0et question, hieli itinis Wasin oratio recta. 11. Intelligat, lam in subjunct. in Oratio δἰiqua.
Velle, ac se, that the wish. q. Silam esse . Suppi se illi fors and corrupturum esse . 16. Dicundi, dicendi. 18-39. corruptum osse . 20. Torrebat. bo imperfeci denotes the continuando of the stet. 21. Voltu the latur vultu. mpetu b a rush V toWard hi m. 22. Ira is the subjectis amat, and quas, fieri set do). 23. Ludibrio habitus mireti ted it de-riaion, ludibrio ein dat os the nil. JugurthRB U Iugurtha, but ut os ad vantage. 27. Nomine. . . S. D250 1 H. 29; B. 89. A. 54 I. 28 Iugurthae, dat limitin advorsus ud
38 que me sinuo, and not. Iugurthae est Iugurtha has. 39. Ordor quod conscientia his erit conscience impediebat alium One eorum, mala fama hi bad reputution et timor impediebat)alium.
Α. I, III. Paret Ut is omitted. Maxume occulte cibore il by ali means , ecreto. g. Procedat, uoceeda Orishould succeed :Fubjunet in Oratio obliqua, and Was subjunct. or ut in die . in Oratio recta. Repent ut ei ore interficiat. 6. Talis, in such.
Negoti negotii in gen limit in artifices A. R . at 3 II. 399;
ptinion Fide, ou the public fisith, o tho Ord os tho state): ablat os cause. 15. Prius quam defore. 16. Animum advortit animadvertit, he ιηeri ed. 17. Suam grues illi pecuniam, and elong equali to gratiam his offluence). Invidiam, hut
the odium.18-39. In - actione, ii the frat action, O plending the charges Were reliearsed undisi inesse examine l. The defendant a thencalle Mupon o givo bai sor his reppereraneum a suturo ny, henthe necuser hOuid proceudo cominent Pon tho charges. V M.
21. Reliquos populares, the reη of hi count mymen. 22. De illo,on him. b. Fertur, he is reporte i. 26. Urbem, te , eua cis
A. A S. 238, 2 Π. SI B. 725 A. 52. V. Emptorem Jugurtha
Epoke more isely than heaue . In later times Didius ulianus bought the Roman empiro at uetion, nud thus ecum emperor. 30. Profectus est). 31. comitia the elections properi theassem bl of the Romans for lectili magistrates, etc. 33. Contra, On the ther hiand Trahere traholiat, I, rotracte l. 35. Metum, ae saei unda deditionis. Cedere instanti Albino), hei ire u ny o Albiuus pressininupon him. 36. Sui his countrymen Modo
perantia, ster o much haΝte in mali in tho reparations. Tractum esse in hiad been Prolou9ed. 40 3-13. Pro praetore is propraetor. At rs Praetors ero appo in ted a go vernor os provinces, ut sterWard the were appointexto the go vern mentis provinces pono ho expiration os
thoi year of ossico a Romo, and with tho illo os Propraetores. 40
In later times of the republie, tho consul also, usto tho X pirationos thoi year Os Ossice, received the go verninent, a province Withtho illo os Proconsulem sueti pro vilicus ero callud CODSuli ros.
Diet. Antiqq. 6. Agitabatur, tores sitate i. I. Tribuni plobis. The tribunos oro in thoi origin the proteet in magistrae os hoplebs. The continuod contost os tho plebs ted by tho tribunos, With tho patricians and thei clienis, de vel 3pod Roman secedom, an ultima tui uinde the plebs a controit in poWor in tho communW0alth. The runt nos o Romo ni it long duration uromat ni attributubi to tho tribunus hip. Dici Antiqq. collegis, thei colle iuue in the tribuneStilp. continuare, O nnother ear. 9. Anni limit comitia the asHemblie os tho ooplo sor electingmagistratus). Impediebat implios that tho tribunos interposuit thoi voto to provent the old in os tho comitia. 10. Relictum esse). 11. Ordor in spem aut conficiundi belli aut exercitus ici ou9ht pori terror capiundae pecuniae ab rege. 13. Januario, D. C. 09 magnis by forced.
cohors Ton Ohoris :tale a iugi in b. Gregariis, common I privates. 6. Primi pili thes η conmis V of the triarii r hirilline os the Roman legion centurio primi pili heresoro se thechiescenturion os the legion The thre lines ero hastati, principes, and triarii. Quam defenderet ut eam defenderet liene the subjunet os purpOSe. 8. Eaque anu in that i rei e properi ablut fromis, illi parte Or Via underst OOd. 11. Quo - uterentur, lit by hichthe could thei rus se is that the eo ulu O cirrai them Aelre Oftheir icto γ. Remorata, by the sual ille ould e remoratae.
See A. I S. 205 Rem . . and Noto m. 39, 3 B. 652-3-5 A. 47, I. 13. Tametsi decederet lino 17ὶ the word of Jugurtha in
Oratio Obli Pia. 14. Clausum, en com)--μed. b. Faceret here represent ei ther I a present subjunct. or 2 n ut in die in oratio rectes, i. e. Iugurtha Suid si acias for acies), yboi stili ake; Whilo teneret represent ni res in die. i. e. J. a id tamet Si teneo. 16. Sub jugum, under the ohe, hieli consisted o tW spear Setupright and ne ueros thoi top. Under his the anquishedarin Was oblige. to pass. Without ruis, in token O submission.
A. 50, III. 2. Plenus iii:i uiso go vernuli ablative. 18. Nutabant, th y curere f. O me editor reail mutabant, ther mutabantur. 19 Lubuerat est ibit orat convenit, is aureeu Dpon. 22. Rerum. Se reser nee to flagiti. ne 7. 23. omnes, c. erant. Qui, i. e. ii qui . b. Quaesiverat ulight have been quaesivissent, a Stat ing renso rescit. Lxis ted in the minit os a person different romolio Writer. But tho indicativo givos proininone to the saet. 26. X, On ciccount of nrising rom. Invidiam, odium. 28 Ab - accer-Εere, e t mmon ed auxiliarie fom the ille and rom thera itinnation. Sociis Tho Socii or ille os the Roman were it herso rei gn or Italian to tho attor Sallus hero alludes Nomine Latin the Liat in nation to hos cities sonio solio right Os Ri, in an citiaenship ero firstii venistor th Soeia War. 30. Ita fuerat, o a rad alwnys been i ihi. 32. Order ne portaret Fecum c Pias quas paraverat. b. convenerat citra ad been tigreedimon Numidia froni Numidia : lilat. ovorned by do in Omposition. Deductus , his ovor early tWay used illi ara rep. expresse l. 6. Persequi My punish. 37. Fraternae res inηthi brother. 38. Praeter heyond. i. e. more thon. Soluto impe
rerum, lit out os a Dumber os things inder the circumstances. ηl Sibi rigitandum esse that nothiis εhouldie cliten ted is him, or that he Ou9h to uo Othin V. Se Dotu on line 28, p. 23.1 10. c. Mamilius Limetanus Q, Ccliu8, tho nam prope to 42tlio individui it Manillius, the Dum os his με iis r lauri im0tanus tho Damo Os his sumi ly. . Rogationem, a bill, o callo dhoenus tho cople cere as Od Whether it Sliould Qeom n ou. 3. Quaereretur that an ince8ti sation Ahoul l e m ide. Quorum consilio, nichωκ coitu se Or ad viue. q. Neglegisset, ni unciunt strui sor neglexisset subjunet in oratio obliquit. Quique qui. b. Imperiis, icit milituita command 7. Rogationi dative limitin gparabant Partim κοιne. . conscii atqcioris fir Ony. Oin Cat. l. artium, of puri virit. 9. Qui laterentur buttico uid thereby confess. 12. Impedimenta Obstracimt, ' by crent in disturbarices ut the lae Os voting. V M. 13. Memoratu, ore rite. IIo is tho supino in umi sedi A. i. t 276. III. H. b. 0, 1; B. l. 65-6 A. 74, II. Fuerit, itere in dii det question. g. Vt, ardor, vehemen eo. Iusserit ordei ed), the word appropriato tolli Plebs, at censeo as O the senato. dio, rom utre t ablat. os cause 16. Lubido, the waut inueεη, Nprice. 18 39. Suorum amicorum fugam. 10. Trepida 'u a late
os excitem erat. X, in accordano with. Namilia, the Mamilian. Bilis, laWs, etc., ore vor Oston designa ted by the uiatile niues of thei proposers. 20. Rogarentur, ere pro 'Osed for election.
bidine, on mere rumor nil the repriem 23. X Iebus, nace ut of their fui orabie circumstanoe8. 25. Mos the instit ition. Partium, pars Senatus factionum, of the 13rars of the enat s Os the aristocracy). 26. alium, Practices, uri S. 27. tio, f Omp und the absone Os Ore igit ars to occul' men' minit s. 28. Quae, Deuter metimes the pronou is construet uecordingto the retia mea uim os the antecedunt, Without regari to the mim mattea sortii. Construetion aecordinito SonSe. 29. Populus Romanus instoad os sonatus populusque Romanus , a i by thounu Sua Ordor. O soreo pon Our attoniton the aut ilia there erono tW distria et elemonis in tho overnnaoni. 32. HostilIM ho Stium. f the enemy. 34. Scilicet, raturia Ny os courso. 35. Quod otium otium quod the pelice hich. 36. ASperius, οὐ har8h. 0iber suppi quam ipsa res advorsa suerant. 39. Ducere rapere, to oppropriate, to 'ob, O plunder.
43 1-16. Partes, parties Media, neutral, i. e. in the possession Osne ither par ty, ut the comition good os both; or, for the ood fall. 2. Dilacerata est). Nobilitas. Seo note O line 14, p. 15. Factione, by their combinution part Organi Zation, n OPPOSed toplebis is soluta, the power of the 1,lebs roken p. b. Agitabatur ira cere mana 9ed Impersonalty 7. Bellicas ar, talion in War. 10. Sedibus, ablut os separation. I. Que On- necis modo stituit and modestia. Invadere tam a te inroada. 12. Nihil habere it hebl nothinidear Or Micred. Pensi, Cn. Os degre os aluo A. I S. Il. and 2ὶ H. 402 III. I und 'l: B. 799-802 A. bl IX. 1. 13. Quoad praecipitavit illitia, fit Oici accord ipsa), it trent hera Ilon to ruio. 14. Qui alludes particulari to tho Graeelii. 16. Quasi permixtio, lihe a dis
17-37. Tiberius Gracchus. It is nid o tW men it a
common ame et P. Scipiones moro raret Ti. et C. Gracchus. V M'. Il, , Obs. 2. Compare Cat. 17. 19. Vindicare libertatem, lit to claim tho plebs sor Duedom to cluim reedom for thepseba This is tho legat phraso so the declarationis a flavo's manumission et Oro tho praetor. I. Eo, for thra reason, O that account: ablat. Os cause Modo tit Onet inie no . 22. Equites, hui Ihis, member Osthe equestrian Order. The Roman quites mere Originalty tho horse- soldier os the Roman state, an dii notformis distinet classis ordo in tho common wealth ill tho time os the Gracchi, B C. 2 I. The sarmers of the public revenue publicani bolonged hi ess to tho ealthy equestrian Order Diet. Antiqq. 23. Societatis, of an alti luce illi ho nobili ty. 25. Alterum - alterum, the One - the other. 26. Triumvirum deducundis, a triumvir or, ne of the three commis ioners for es ditis forth planting eolonies These triumviri Were person reppolia tedio superintend tho sormationis a colon and tho distribution os the land to the coloni sis. Diet Antiqq. coloniis. alio dativo os the gerundive, denotin purpOse, is sed uster ames of Ossice. V
objectivo genitive. M. Pessum dedit. Se notem line I 2, p. 13.
toritate, an accordanee it a decree. Socii aeges, Suppi adnitebantur rom the ex line. 14. Ultro, of their own accord, Without nitinisor a requisition. 16. X sententia, O hi reiqh. compositis, irransed 17 Spe expectation ablato absoluto. 18. cum tum maxume, both - and special0. A. . S. 277, Rom. II. 87. I. b: B. 1374 A. 43. artes, qualities. 21-39. Hostium. c. opes. 23. Proconsule Se notum lino 3, p. 40 25. Imperio habitus, hept iniim ut militor contro an dreκtra int. 27. Order quam auxili nut bonae spei ex copia militum. 29. Aestivorum, o castrorum, of the umine campalan. 30. Moracis nominativo. Animos, esse. 1. Prius quam before. 32. coegisset, he had compellet subjunct. Os time nil purpose A. I S. 263 3 H. 521, II. B. 1241 A. 62. II. hosubjunetivo horo manalso reser tho thoughtrio Metellus. 33. Perculsus, rem helmed. 34. Quantum, durin a much - η Ree. os duration os time . . . S. ' 236 H. 378 B. 50 A. 55 I. 35. Imperio, command 36. Stativis, in a permanent castris, se in Odos, hieli Nould o much aggravate by the armclimate. 38. Ea t. e. stativa castra. Deducebantur, itere ledout to theiriosis Mere posted. 39. cuique lubebat eae one
3-1 . certantes agere vino trit one nother thenearrie Q. 454. Vino, for acine commoni account od an blat o price, ut ablat. Os mean scem more appropriato a the constructio might
45 11. Tanta moderatum esse), irithoo reat moderation diu he
18 39. Transvorsis transversis in by crOκη marches, . . tranungi With the prece ling. 19. Iuxta - si, j ιηtaην. Vallo Vullum, a term applied cithe to the holem a portion os the sortifications os a Roman cum p. It is derived rom vallus a trahe), and properi Dieans tho nlisad Whicli an long the utor ed goos the olfo tho agger, but it cry frequently includes tho ggeralso. The vallum, in the lalter sense, Ogether illi ho fossa Orditet whieli surri, unded the cum Ρ ut si de Os the vallum, Ormed a completo forti fidation Diet. Atili sq. 21. In primis, here literat ly,
the last. 23. Frequentes ait loη irrcly. 24. Portaret se ut , undiso have thum carri sed by lave or east os burdon. 25. Adelictis. The usum tho preposition ives promino ne to the dea os prerention. 28. Innocentia, pri9hineo. 29. Roma, rom
militar und nava sordes, wh n limit sed by an adjective. V A. AS ' 249. III. Rem. 6. Praefecti the pret cra, Sub-gOVernorS. 3. Quae . Soe noto on line , bove. 10. Munito agmine, cithsuardea in os march prepared to resis attach. 11. Signa, c. esse. 2. Temptari, cus Ore 9hi. Expeditis, icthtly equi sed ear-ryiu on ly thei struas. 14. Primos the n. the roni. Postremo, the rear 16. Praefectis, mons the prefecta. Euch consul ualed
twelvo superio fossicors so tho insanir os the Roman allies), Wh 46Wero termed Praefecti Sociorum, and correspondet to tho legionar tribunes. Diet. Antiqq. 17. Velites, li9ht-Mi me loroops, that didiso formis par of the legion 18. Accederent, potentia Subjunet. os possibili ty). . A S. 260 II. II. 485 B. 1l77 A. 59, II. subj. os condition). Equitatus is raro in tho plurat.
sulsi linent of the promises Exspectare, he aiore ited iis t. insin. 2-17. Suis artibus by his ou n aris, os reacher uni dee it. 3. Cui Doram. Re inflicti . Maxuma, his largeAL Alienata est), tr in erre tuo thera, made tho properi Os stranger8. b. Popularium, of his coim trymen. . Tramites, 4yiath η, ' oppoSed tomilitar Way or igh-road s. M. 10. Ante venit, heleta the tiarios. 11. Possederat. As Adherbal a nox duad this tens mayes me ei ther rom possideo raro in possido. 13. Milia, uecus. Os
suum, of paces partiti ve gen PaSsus, a Roma meaSure fleragili et suo Roma Dei. Mille passuum one Itomun mile. Tractu pari, it the fame direction, us the rivor. 14. Vastus dultu de8ert natiι re anu in rere ii duo ciuili ration is mau. X quasi, fio m bout the mi idie of it. Somo oditor connec quasi, illi collis, uia Liniit is ori f. a in i f. 15. In immensum- to in immense distance. 17. Humi arenoso in au rid audis in o
titi v gen and tho adjoetives sed substanti vely.
47 20 cultoribus. The prep. a ab is omitte beeaus the personsare regarded iis a means ather than an agent. . . S.4 247, Rem 4 H. 414 5, 1). 21. Igitur, Ot, heret Ore, but heu Onahathialthen, resuui Ptive. Quem - porrectum esse), was extende liuis transver8 direction. The moliti tui range an parallel illithe river the ange os hil Is extended ut right angi es illi homo utita in and lay et Ween the Otii ita in and the river. 22. Suorum militum. 25. Montem. Proximus and propior are Oileufollo ed by the aeuus. . ut ad ma be supplied. 26. Singulas each, ne by one 29. Sese them/elreη. Why A. . S. 208; II. 449, I. B. 10 20 A. 19, II. 31. Miserint, theth ad sent, beeausuit represent a pers. ind. definito os the direct disco urse. Animum, their Our tue. 32. Ab Ou the par of Suis ac militibus, fordia men. 33. Provisa esse). Locum uni the clauSe ne - consererent aro in ni Position illi omnia uni servo to desino it. Ut, a thrat. 34. Belli, en den Oting ιι chat revect limit in rudes and melioribus. 38 Ad, i, fide, in addition O.
ipsum suo a ne lit hi in himsels. Pro ingenio, accordin toeae, ne 'a turn os in l. 3. Alium - excitare, he anima telone in
cibus subsidiis, icit thremoti referrea. O R. J. ho Ord ureus uali rendo re in thre lines, ,hieli be in tho sua Romanarran gement it ould hardi ho nocessur to mention 16. Pro,
bestting. 17. Transvorsis principiis, What ere ei ore thefrontranks eius no on thes inlis, and therei ore extenditi Macrosa thusorino linem mareh.
20 39. Siti ablat. 23. Transvorsis proeliis, ν hirmi8hes onhisylan h. 25. Dissiderent tho the Numidiani; hctu not consuen e. The 'ubjunet resors tho thought to tho enomy. . . S. t 266 3;H. 520. II. B. 125, A. 66. I. Temptaturos esse in that they could mahe trire 26. Pro doco, e sitius the circumstanc rand thepluce. 27. Post principia, ehiud the front ruith. Is Principes
Pago erant, ha become the drancem lea ling division 30. Extre 48mum agmen the rear, the en O tho line. 1. Quasi os ab Out. Osten in his sense illi numerat s. Duum duorum, a contraetio frequent in compotin is uti l illi milium. 32. Qua ea via qua by the rout by chich. b. Alii μυ me of A, On. 36. Infensi adesse the attached furto ly. 38. Qui, c. ii tho8 who 39. Ipsi modo, icere themselve On0.
1-16. contra, ac , in reply. . copia, an opportunis Ante 49
jam intende ore thiκ Ρreviously. 4. In unum, in Jody. Sed divorsi mi ut in direction ras Ferentisne fro 1 another aqpO88ible stit an Otho to an Otho place in iis disserent directions res possibie. o. Priores, einuisuperior. 6. Disjectos them in accittered partiea. 7. Ab Ou. 8. Ea in that ire 'tionu adverbia ablut consueti, accu8toni ed Mit, i. e. to rapid movemon among ills uni bushes. 10. Insolentia, the transeneκη. 14. ceperat, ad veri then. 16. Consilio, cith pui pose, rom pro vi ous deliberation. 20-38. In unum, to lether. 23. considerat, ad alte i stationed them solves. 25. Neque illis esse alia thura id ne ither. 26. Quo ut O heneo tenderent, subjunct. Os purp0Se A. I S.
38. Dio solio id gen sor diei. Advorso colle the iit. The ablat is orti aps est expla ined iis ablat of the way by hich a modification os the ablat os means) like itinere via. 2-14. Tutata is hoWn to e neuter by sunt in the plural). 0 g. Praefectum esse), hau been oppo into fover. I. Eum A. I S. L233, Η. 37I, 4; B. 7l8 A. 52 II. I. AE. Aequum, a levet. a. Quietus,
50 orati sunt). 28 collis, gen limitin auxilio. s. capti sunt).
30. Numero, in number. A. b0 I; II. 429 B. 889 A. 54, I. 32. Amplius opinione lon9er than thei expectatiou. 34. Nihil
in the part gen . 35. obscura nocte, i account the uight einydar , a tho night Was darta ablat. Os cause. 36. Inter se, si Omone nother, Rutilius and Metellus. 37. Order alteri the oneptirly facere simul formidinem et tumultum apud ulteros in theother strepitu iis reaηOn f the Oi8e), velut, etc. 39. Admissum
Or. 15. Ut, oin hunc gereret, subjun et os in direct question. 16. Sese receperat, harbela heu hiniself. 18. Hebetem - tintra ined, undiae .line l. 1 38. a gratia in his ne nunt ablat os causo 21 cujusque - fert, euch ne incliniatiou letius him. 22. Flagitium militi militur os nee. 25. X, in aecord ince cith. 23. Praeterea - hostibus desides. that he had rati nequo Leontes icit. theenemy. Wit certamen suppi esse. 27. Detrimento, ablat. Os
Who ero deseat ed. 28. In acie, in iteheu titile. 31. Temere, ut rando in Iraηtily, lightly. 33. Ea though agree in With formidine, of thia, i. e. ejus rei sormidine. Dediti sunt). 37. Ab suis militibus) his men. 38. Order quipli sis , omnis cujus whose spes sita erat in fuga, cogebatur sequi to folloio Metellus, in Orde to keeΡ up a stio os ghting), et ia) qui sua loca his olen Oηitiona), eo iebatur gerer bellum in alienis locis, in posi
coutu e bron. hi. Impersonalty 10. 0rtum est . I. Rebus, the deeda. Ut hole. 13. Tirtute, hi his en emis. Repent ut be loro the soli omin subjunetives. 16. Feliciter acta, inceη fully, irae. Supplicia, supplicationes, public prayerου, Ρ, solemn thctra Nirius
t supplication to the od decreed by tho senato, hen ut the 52 temples ere Openei and the statues of the god frequently laeed in publio pon ouehes pulvinaria , t Whiel the eoplo os eredui thei thunk8givings undira Fers. V Diet Antiqq. 17 37. Trepida, anxious, agitate l. 18. Laeta agare save MORe
aetiitere l. 25. Praesidium agitabant, oleui a suard. 28. Inter se infrom ne nother. 29. Quo in Order that 30. Divorsi opari, in disserent directions. 31. Sequi se sequebatur, hept folio uuus him. 32. Qua, here. q. Modo noto, at Ono time. 35. In agmine Ontheir mareh. II. 0tium pati, alloiced thein any rest.2-18. Qua, Ac in Arcem regni the atronubo id of the iugdom. 534. Suis auxilio A. I S.4 227 II. 390 B. 848 A. bl VII. 6. Perfugis Perfurea denotes a deserte DOm Our onem ies O us, undi Gn usa, ne rom us t our onomios. n. 7. Hortatur ut). s. Fallere, to eoeine him, hecause, hould the return to the Romans the Severest punishuient Waltei them. 10. In tempore, in time. at tho right time. 11. compositis, rarius m n cirransed.
19-29. Inis casum dare, iras simus them the opportunis orchance). Id i. e. Praeclarum saeitius. Fecerint, the 8hould do. This tenso is properi tho ut pers. Os the Subjunutive, an represent a sui pers init os the oratio recta A. 1 S. 260 II. Rem 7,
hau no Murius Signa inferre, ni to drance the tandarda, in militar phraseolog - to adrauce. 22. Profecto, certa in b. 28 Ad, ne i to, in the eighborhood s. I. Pro b stting. 6. Pro ingenio, accordius to hi turn os ni ind. 37. Glande. Besides tones, ptum metμ, aliud glandes, os, orni et Oon neorias and ulmoniis, ure cast in mould to e thrown illi lings. The have been Mundisii tho tu in os Marathon. and in ther paris Os Greeue, and Rre remari able so tho inseriptions and ovi eos hiel the exhibit, the nam es O persons, und the Ord ΔΕΞΑΙ, aeanini Iulio his. Diet. Antiqq. 39. In manibus, it in thei haud8, i. e. at cloge quartera, and oracliad. contra ea, in opposition to thos thinga - method os assauit).
54 2-18. Sulphure ablat os means. Thero is no neexos A. AI. 245 II. 2. 3. Ne quidem in no et en . . Tormentis, by hurlingen ines Volnerabant, the later vulnerabatit. 6. Pari in equa l. Pariculo, ubi at o squalit ior deseription). Boni in fortes. 3 certatur in the eonte, is euri ted on the verbaein ursed tui personalty. 10. Remissis, M'. iis, thoae ein remiηε. 11. Portam the directobjectis irrumpit, hieli here aequires a transitive signification. Usuali a Pr p. is expresse l. 12. Pro moribus, accordiu to his
morati . 14. Volnerati sunt 16. Locum cepere, took aposition. 18. Pauci frustrari, heing feto amon mali senem ies thelymbored the leη in via in lit icere friisti uted the leε in thei aim, laustrari e in here sed passively . 22 39. Hostilem in hostium of the euemy. 23. Accepit, eard.
convorso in converso), eius tui neu cibo ut 24. Ad so Vorsum, sim I ly ad viirsum se though Vorsum versu nil in sueti cases susuali rogardedis an adv. O directi Ora. 25. Populares, his countvnten. 27. Per in the nam e f. 28. Quam an indes a M. pron. 29. Victore, ni adj. I. Vallum Se notem lino 19 p. 45. 32. Angustiis, the narrow pom cluea os thorantes. 7. Parte, direction. Qua, c. in . 33. Agitare a via noeurre, b in a stato ornetivit F. I9. Proxuma, M'. Ortis. 55 2-16. Ex occulto, in hia conoealment, place os constent ment. 3. In proxumo uera res to Jugurtha in loco proxumo hostibus.
5. Ni pedites laceront, y thei infra uir iter no mahing. Thoim pors. oes no stand so the lupori ., ut indieatos that thosiaughtor a stili in Progress hen tho Numidians ad ut ready been nabled to maintain their round M. Ni pedites cum equitibus permixti fuissent, qui magnam cladem in congressu facerent. R. J. 7. Illi, i. e. the cava try. Proelio, ac in . . Sequi, id nothre drance. Advorsis equis concurrere tho chra med atra lyhtoricard advorsis having the fore O Iurneu totcarda the enemy. s. Order ita dare hostes liae ne vietos suis to their expeditis peditibus, bo soli pon tho di sorderet enomy. Some editorsmahe the passage mean thus the cit Ost conquered the en enly bymeans of their sit nequipped infantu, tali in vietos dare sincere. 13. Nili, the filio Boinans Atiore 15 oppugnare, parare,are resorrod by dis erent editor to disserent subjecis A the woriis are applieable to Oth the Roman und una idians it eum preserablo to osse them to Oth. 16. Alteri alteros in another. 19 34. Paulum modo in ly a Gitte. 21. Uti aerant, it astile indiri tua circumstances of usurtha acer his succeS in
A. I S. 260, II. Rem 2 H. 486, III 4 B. 177 A. 60 1. Sicuti a j. 24. Niti corporibus, labored cit their odies by
Zama The prep. is sed beeausu Metellus a not in Zama butoni neclesit. 3. Loco by their natural position. q. ceterum exercitum, the re his army. b. In provinciam, tu that partiss)the province, ut the noeus is ex plui ne i by tho dea os ni otio implied in collocat. 6. Ex more, after the mauiter. 9 Amicos, i. e. Ostho hing. 12. Ordor sugerat judicium striat de nee Massivae.
Et erat de ad Amicitiam, i. e. illi Jugurtha 16. Tradidisset de Ahould de ver beenus it stand sori sui pers ind. si tradideris in tho orati reeta. Fore, it could resula I may boomittet in translation ithout dotrimen to the sense. 17. Sua omnia, tili his pro 'erty. Whieli ad os Durso been consseated onhis ight D0m Romo. 18. Cum tum both in t Sue note Online . p. 18. Ingenio, ablat o cause, ut metuenti agruos With
Numidae dat. i. 2 38. optume meritas hi de eri infit. 25. sese thatthoy the Numidians victos esse). 23. Temptatam esse), thopari agroe in With the earer Oun. meat he hou kl eirare, represent an imperative cave or a subjunetivo caveas in oratio
485. Obs. 29. Sibi consulant, a tali mea8ει res for them εelvo. 31. Qui dicerontis ut ii disterent, hieli neeounts for the subjunct. Os purpose. 33. Im fidem, o hi protection. Notio the disserene in imo os facturum esse reo ut i do, nil tradero thatra aur-reuders. 35. consilium habet, he ho dca eo uncti, o deliberation. 36. More, after the manners ex in accorda nee cith. 37. Argenti milia Ἐ7, 200. 000 sesterces ubi ut 82.600 000. heduli expres