장음표시 사용
esides Umber Days and vigils the ancient discipline also recogniged as days of fasting the day of the Major Litany With ins procession inomas St. Mais 's, and the three Rogation Days. The most ancient of theso vigils are those of tho Rogation Days. They Were, at a certain Period, celebrated so solemnly that abstention lam servile labor Was imposessi me Rogation Days are Oneos the feW exa les of a generia disciplinam institution Originating oulside of Rome. It is in St. Mamertus, bishop of Vienne, that Ws o e their institution out 4703. Besore his time ins dio
uncertain ; but inose institutod is Mamertus in inspalafui circumstances Whi in St. Avitus, his se Οὐ successor, has narrated for us, scircumstanc
tho first W-k of November, offered as a modes tobe fosso ed in their observance the Litantes besors Ascension ' At the fame period, ins Comest of urs, A. D. 567, mentioned the observance of ths
48 Rogationes, id ost, Iastanias, anis Ascensionem Domini ab omnibus ecclesiis placuit observari, ita ut praemiavim triduanum jejunium in Dominieao Mos lania festivitate solvatur; per quod triduum servi et ancellae ab omni opere relaxentur, quo magis Pleba universa eonveniat. Quo triduo omnia a teneant et quadraginaimalibus cibia utantur.' --ι. Aurelian. i511ὶ, e. XXVii. MAA SEN, P. 8.- maeuit etiam universis fratribus, ut in prima hebdomada novi mensis, hoe est ante diem dominicam, quae prima in ipso menae illuxerit, litaniae, sicut ante Meenaionem Domini sancti patres fleri decreverunt, deinceps ab omnibus Melestia seu Parin Ohiis celebrentur.' Cono. Lugdunen. i567 or 6703, c. H, ib., p. 140. Ost 'Do jejuniis antiqua a monachia instituta conserventur, ut de Pascha usque quinquagessima excepto motiones omne die fratribua prandium praeparetur.' eam xviii, ibis 126.
year, on the 2bis of April, the pagan popuIalion celebrated the Robisalia, a feast Which consistinos a long procession, at the end of Which, in asmali grove consecrated to iam, Robigo, ths md of frost, Was i Mohed With petitions in pressoethe yοung planis fr- frost and to procum the protection of ths mds for ins harvest. Thempsis did nos deem it adrisabis to suppress thisceremo , bus, instein, alterin iis character auri by the invocation os ins trus sod and the salais, transformed it into a Christian celebration. In-
Mais, although it Was independent of the feast, as it stili continues to M. Sinee this Litany and the Procession Were actSos penanos, the day - Whi in they took place Was
Placuit nobis, ut laetanta major obaervanda ali a eunetia Christianis diabus tribua.' Cons. Mogunti , e. xxxiii. Monum. s--., Concilio, t. ΙΙ, 269. o. Non equitando, nec preolosis vestibua induti, sed discaleiati, cinero et cilicio induti, nisi infirmitas impedierit.' Ib.
dura as for ths Umber Days. When Burchard 's collectisn appeared, in inst euth centu , the observanes of the Major Libany and of the Rogation dara had reached the extremo os ita rigor. Not long after, iis obserVanos
t , inen in another; gradually the obligation of the fasi di suppearin and only that of abstinencs remat ned. Whilo Durand of Mendo out 1290ὶ spe s of the fast of tho Major Litany and of ths
os Rationare divinor. o i-., t. VI, e. eli, n. 4. 9 8modicon Conatant nae, e. liii. MANSI, t. XXV, 46; synod. Bai s , e. lxVi, ib., 71. vineatum est et plum, ut clerici in sacria ordinibus e-atituti, et maximo sacerdotes in disiua adventua Domini, et in diebus Iunas et martis ante cineres, et in die a lunas et martia ante Aacensionem Domini jejunarant. . . . Die a Rutem lunae et martia et mercurii anto Datum Moensionis Domini sat generaliter ab usu carnium abalinendum.' Suno I. statuta Caduroen. Ruthenem σι Tute n. Eoolamar., c. xxxi. MLNAI, t. XXIV, 10641065. In e. Conatuum X, de Observatione , uni ., n. 25.
that of 329, the fast staris on Μondari as in the Syriac Didascatio. The fosso ing year, Whus fasting figures among the penitentiaI practices of Lent, the only fasi os obligation is that of tho
es., in Milan during the episeopate of St. Αmbrose. Such Was generalty the case in the Eastalso, Where the fast of tho Quarantine Was distinet from that of Holy Weeh, except for some time in