A History of the Commandments of the Church

발행: 1915년

분량: 389페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


though not adoptedin is Angelo de Clavasio


penitentiam, ne eoa oogatis jejunam tantum, quantum diviteat quia non sunt in sua potestate; idomuo medietatem eis imponite.' Saoramentarium Fiaden. SCHMITE, Dis Buaa Oheri t. ΙΙ, p. 6s,


Dispensations Tho laWs of fasti and abstinet ence Were the sirst Dom Which the ecclesiastical -- thorities granted dispensations. The bishopa atan early date reseoed to themselves the poWer of

pense themsolves.' The question os dispensationfrom tho fast osten recura in the corresponden

so 'Si liber homo justum jejunium dissolvat, solvas invictam, Vel


suli re competent superior. Who Was ins compe

oonscienoes of those Whose remons for exemption


a proos that the preospi remalas in foros;

gortes of dispensed persons is obliged in fast umder pari os sim In the fixin centum St. Caesariussaid: Not to fast in Lent is a sin; Our moralisisSay the fame and thereis m bach to the originaltradition. Is there any probability that os Churin Will r turn to that tradition is shortening Lenti A r turn to the Ηoly Quarantius os a si days' faSt, RS Observed in os inita centum, is most unlihely. But the Churin, Whils preserving the liturgicia Quarantine, could mino the fast obligatory oesyon certain days; in fare, ine has Hready dono this for certain regiona. An induit of Μay 6, 1899, forinstance, granis to the bis ps of Latin America for ten years the follining poWers Whi in they ha the right to delegate to pastors and confessors : in dispense ins fiathlal, upon request, from fast and Silasnce, on condition, hoWGer, that they faston the Wednesdays and FHMys of Lent, On HesyThurstay, and on the Fridays of Advent. Is the Churin lihely to extend this privilege in othermuniriesi There is no reason at present to b liisve so. In ins unification of ths indulis in fastand abstinencs Which ins Hesy Ses has recent made for Italy,'' the fasis of Lint, of ths Umber


Dara, and of the nus principia vigils, have been inurely maintained. The Fast of Advent The deorse iust cited -- poses fasting on the Fridays and Saturdus os Aduint. This discimius, Mich at tho presses duis observed by Italy Mons among ths nations of ths West, is ins last vestim os a Very ancient fast, ins fast of Advent. On ins antiquiw of this institution the samo


274 THE COMMANDMENTS OF Tm mmmand preelas. Among the institutions of St. ει

sumessors, SL Gregorri remaris the est lishment

φ. Historia Frano I. X, e. xxxl. Migne, P. L., t. LXXI, 666.s7 Ut a feria sancti Martini usque natale Domini Meunda, quarta et aeria Sabbati jejunetur et sacrifieia quadragesimalideboant ordine eaelebrari.' Corio. Matia n. i583 , o. ix. MAAS--N, P. 167. . Do Institutione merisorum I. ΙΙ, e. xxii. Migne, P. L., t.


even abstinenos in Advent a matter of simple mun-set, espectat ly addr sed to olerios and soldiere. '' In Rome, the observanoe stili existed, but in Pori

φ C. iv. P. L., L CXIX, 98I. 100 In adventu Domini, omnibus qui poterunt, maxime autem elarieis et militibus, jejunium et abstinentia carnium indieatur.' M. Abrinoem 11723, c. H. ΜANAI, t. XXII, 140. 101 O. nauium, Obae M. ieiuniorum. his la thortaumg WHeh Innocent ΙΙΙ givea in the parsea decisae to thoquestion askω : 'Utrum etiam jejunandum ait in Adventu, quum indo sentiant diversi diversa, quibusdam dicentibus, ain paucioribus, jejunandum esse tune temporis, pluribus vero M ad Mo

amerentibus non teneri. . . . Jejunium apud nos in Adventu Domini agitur . . .'1oa Loo. stupra estat.


876 THB COMMAGMENTS OF THE CHURCHos T rs for ius monis of December v in christ-mas ; '' in other muniries it Was rogardin mersi as a penitentiat Work of supererogatiun and pure devotion. In the eighteenth centu Ferraris cites as obsolete ths precept by Whiin Urban V imposedine abstinence of Advent on his Mole muri, oleries and lay peopis altius. Το-d , sara Ferraris, this observanos is confined to the religious ordere ; and he is borne out in this statement is Benediet XIV, in his Institutions. But it is oesy With regret that the Churin permus her institutions to dis pestri Me Mines to

has done for Italy by ths decres of September L


This precem is tho Iast of the list in the Frenin catechisma. It is, as it Were, but a continuationos tho preceding ons. Ita requirementS, UO ared With inoso of the fidit centuries, ars Very modest; iis observanoe is stili easter; for practios has longsinos ceased to bs in accordanes With tho iniunmtions of ths iam is indoed it Ger Was generalty Ob-