A History of the Commandments of the Church

발행: 1915년

분량: 389페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


iffiin With vegetabies and the fruit of trees Whichabound in that country; but another diet must bsali in the inhabitants of countries Whi in do not


missi, not only for the principes meat but also for

stitutes that hiud os abstinenos istin is callod


Jesus Christ sald, by ths mouis of His Apostle:


neessR fiunt. . . . Sed postquam oriatus, qui est principium et finis, apparuit, hoc quod in principio suspenderat etiam in

temporum fine retraxit loquens par Apostolum suum: Bonum est non manducare carnem, et non bibere Vinum. Et iterum: qui infirmus est, olera manducet Non igitur quia earnea malae sunt, ideo prohibentur, sed quia eorum epulae earnis luxuriam gignunt, fomea enim sto nutrimentum omnium vitiorum, esea ventri et Venter escis, quia scriptum est: -- -- ει Ma daa μει. Piscem sane, quia cum post resurrectionem aecepit Dominus, Possumus manducare. Hoc anim nec Salvator, nec vostoli vetu

runt.' De Mesea. O ., I. I, e. xlv. Migne, P. Δ, t. LXXXIII, 777.


There is no longer in the West any obligationfor the faithful in abstain from cooked λοds oncertain days, though the practice is stili observed by mous Christian families in Good Friday asan act of Voluntary mortification.

Abstinence from Wine Abstinence from Wius Was a part of the fast in the nrst centuries, as We have Aeen from the texi of the Apostolio Constit tions. But it Was not long maintained as obligato . At the fame period When St. Isidors of Se-

This prohibition, of .hiis no tram ia found in tho lagial tion anterior to Benediet XIV, Waa made explieit is him, pecialty in tho conatitution Liabentissime, Where he ava thatali dispensationa from abstinenoe munt mention in expreas termatho prohibition os eating nsh and meat at tha -- moia duri Lent and on other Iaa, ys of the year. It mili suffos to esto the two Iouowing texta. ε 3 Decrevimus ne ulla in materum,aius peculiaris, sive generalia pro aliqua eivitate vel oppido ooncedatur laeulina adhibendi carnea ad mensam tempore jejunii vesquadragesimas, nisi conditio aervandi jejunil . . . interponatur; et iIlud quoque monitum addatur, nequaquam licere mensam e-dem carne ac placibua instruero.' ε s Νε illi quibus Itost eam edere, cum jejunium tempore quadragesimae vel extis quadragesimam fidelibus praeaeribitur unius eomestionia limitea ex dant, ac ne placibua simul et carnibua parari sibi menam patiantur.'


homicides. ψε


puro Or dilutin With Water, Was pars of the regularfare of the monks, and the scholastic theologians did not forbid it on fastinays sven oesside of menis. A fortiori, they permitted other liquore, symps and the lutes of apples or other fruit, Michths Fathers of the laurin and fifth centurios hin


ali inose Who ais flesh meat on fast-days. ''The Capitularies of Charismagne are stili mors Se re, and their Severity ean only be explainedis remembering that contempt os abstine samong the Saxons Was equi Valent to apostasy and that apostasy in this cass usualty resulted in re-Volt against ins hing and in civit War. Contemptos Lent, When it partook of the naturo os ridicule of the Christian religion, Was punished by

20 Si quis servia auis in jejunio earnem det, tam liberia quam aereia collistrigium redimat. i servus ederit carnem sua sponte, eligat sex solidos, Vel outem suam poenas Ioeo.' Cono. B-9Mmatis. 6973, c. xv et xvi. BRUNS, t. II, 312.107 Si quia sanctum quadragesimale jejunium pro despectu riatianitatis contempserit et earnem comederit, moris moriatur; aed tamen consideretur a sacerdote, ne forte causa ne Mitatis Moouilibet proveniat ut carnem comedat.' Oapitulatio de Partibvs Saaeoniae, in IV. BOMITUS, t. I, 68.10 Malum eat tempore veri jejunti ante prandium edere, et


siasti eat tam inflicted purely spiritual penalties,

adhue priua ae*aum earno defoedare. Si aereua hoo secarit vapulet, Vel pretium Verberum pro ratione riua quod factum est Ilvati. ' o. H. M NAI, t. XIX, 562.10. Cf. 8tatvis Conomansnais i 1247 et 'Sub poena exeommunieationia inhibeant sacerdotea, maximo in tempore Quadragesimas praeeedenti ne quis in dominica prima quadragesimae earnes manduom praesumat . . .' MANSI, t. XXIII, 750. M aamo text