장음표시 사용
112 Vendentes etiam earnea pubIieo, in supradictis temporibus, eo ip- aententiam excommunicationis ineurrant.' OOno. Palantin.
Frenin catechisms have omittin for ins last hundred years one of the commandminis of the Churta much insisted upon in precessing centuries and Which is stili enforced, in some fori or Other, in those countries Where res support of the es gyis not entirely insured by ths State; at present, Frenta Catholica, too, need again to bo remi edos it. Wo Wisi in speak of tithes, not ho ever in the sense of a definite tax, as it Was understood in former times:
Pavant tes dimes iustement; or as expressed in French-Canadian catechisms: Droius et dimes tu poeiems
The historians os scelesiasticia discipline tracaths precept of paying tithes to the very begimning of ths Chureh. Thomassin finds iis fidit application in the aes of those early Christiana Who sold their gooda and gave the proceωs totho A postles for their οὐ suppori and that of
is the tithos piad insin by the other trinos; insvoluntary offerino of the Christians Would be insuths insuring the nocessities of liti for the Levites of the Ν- Lam Thua the ministers of ths Gos-
os Samosata, Mose ossice of procurator addedsecular to his spiritual Oares, and Who is reasonos his righ salary acquirin a dangemus in Pendenos, must hme been a strining Iesson. t these considerations os an inferior order ere Scareely needed. Besore Paul of Samosata
tians concerning the tithes. In his eleventh hom-
. Sed in honoro sportulantium fratrum tanquam decimaa ex fructibus accipientes, ab altari et sacrificiis non remdent.' M. CYPRIAN, Epist. LXVI. Migne, P. L., t. IV, 398-398.
Deret enim et utile est etiam saeordotibus Evangelii offerri primitas. Ita enim et Dominus disposuit, ut qui Evangelium annuntiant, de Evangelio vivant, et qui altari deserviunt, de altari pRrticipent. . . . Quod ergo Vult fieri a Pharisaesa multo magis et majore eum abundantist vult a diseipulis impleri; quod autem fieri a discipulis non vult, nec Pharisaeis impersti taciendum. . . . Quomodo ergo abundat iustitia nostra plus quam Seribarum et Pharisaeorum, si illi de fructibus terras suae gustaro non audent priusquam primitias sacerdotibus offerant et levitia decimaa κγarent; et ego nihil horum faciens fructibus terrae ita abutar ut Di0jtigod by OOOle
--rdoa neseiat, levitea ignoret, divinum altare non aentiat. Migne, P. f., t. XII, 640-645. Si ego pars Domini tum et funiculua haereditatis ejus, neoaeeipio partem inter eaete a tribua, sed quaai levita et aa in vivo de decimia, et altari aerviena altaria oblatione a tentor.' Aa Νepotian. de Vita Olaricori, no 5. P. L., t. XXII, 53I. Cf. In Malaox, e. llL: 'Quod da deeimia primitiisque diximus, quae olim dabantur a populo aacerdotibus ae levitia, in Meleaiae quoquo populis intelligite.' M., t. XXV, 167I; In καιια, e. xxii, ad is smo quae avnι Maris . . . a., t. XXVI, 163; In Epist. ad Tit., e. lavit, Caua. XVI, queat. I, in Gratian a moratum.
only in the olero, as rightly fheir duo, but in thehermus of the deseri as Wen At times even themonks thought that they had a right to them a
demanded a share in the offerino made to the Churta, Without a atting the consent of the biinopor of the administrators amointed by him. Sothat it Was necessary to raiso against them Prο- testations lino inose of the Coundit os sinoes and ths Canons of the Amsuos. ηΤhis interferenos ino a that the principis of the tiths had Men generalty accepted. hme amother interesting testimo . St. Gregory of Nyssa describes his mother as offering to sod as fimbfruits and litho tWo of her children, the oldestand the tenta. t thmo ars nos iuridieat texta. They s Ws Me ina notes of Friectem in his edition of the Corma inuria, Cause XVI, queat. I. e. lxvi aqq.; queat. VII, e. lis and Viii. 10 o et lanas ovium Christi, oblationibus quotidianis aedoeimis fidelium gaudentes Molpimus.' Lib. I, o. xxl. Migno, P. L., t. LIX, 437. 11 Can. vii and viii
that the clero and the monys Were supported by the contributions of the faithful, as ins prissis and Levites of the Ancient La , but not stat inare Was an express legat obligation for every Christian to give a lanin es his possessions Or ine sto tho Churin or to the clero. The Word tithe, applied is theso contributions, is uter an only a metamor, at lsast in the East. In savi, at instime of St. Caesarius, the term is used Seem-inny in iis strici sense, though it has not yet be- come the reat tithe of a later age; for the duty