장음표시 사용
the abstinencs of Saturday Was, for the Churinat large, dg honesto, nos de praeospto; but the majority fosso ed the principies of Innoeent III and decided, With Abbas and Silvester, that it Was
the ancient tradition regarding the origin os inspenitentiat practios in question had likely been fom
ducod: the Saturday abstinencs Was proclaimedio M in honor of the Blossed Virgin. Dispens tion, for remons, Was len to the individual conscience, but dis edience Without sussicient caussWas punishin With a monthys interdici ' This legislation Was endorsed by the Cou H of Begiersos 1351'y and that of Lava of 1368 ; '' and it is in the samo form that this abstinenoe aresars inmodern times.
uali noatro arbitrio imponenda. ' Constitutionea Eoo riae LMoanasi 135I , e. laviii. MANEI, t. XXVI, 28I. - Statuimus quod eleriel boneflciati, aut in saeris ordinibus natituti, ab indo in antea semper in diebus sabbati, pro honore B. Mariae, earnibus abstineant: niai ex causa necessitatia; de quammodentia eo olantiae relinquatur, vel nisi festum Natalia Domini in die sabbati contigerit ovenire. Alioquin contrarium facientes, pro quolibet die a bati, quo earnes comedere attent Verint, per unum mensem ipso facto ab ingressu Messalae sint suspensi. M. Avenἐ--. s 1337 , e. V. MANSI, t. XXV, 108s.. C. vll. MANSI, t. XXVI, 246. Cono. Favren. s1368 , o. Te, ibis 622.
In the beginning of the stalaenin century, thesmodat statutes of Stephen Poncher, in Paris,
confine themselves to a mere exhortation to ob
malaed a J- up to recent times, ins Ηod Sespreferring to dispense laom it by temporary indulta miner than to abrogate R. In 1840 a re- quest of tho bis ps of ths Mited States for a
perpetuat dispensation from the Saturday abstinence WRS ans red by an induit gran g this smor for tWenty years. In France, lar some fortyyeWs past, indefinitely rene ed indulis havsmads the suppression os abstinencs regular in actice. In Italy, ins biinop of Concordia, in a Postvsitum presented to tho Vatican Coum cit, asked for ins abrogatiou of ths iam ;yy but insPostulatum did not come up for discussion. T decree of September 7, 1906, made no modification
America, gaus permission is omit tho Satues abstinenos for ten Mars. Will ins precem liseu
testris Preces of Abstinenos. hat the Churin
Abstinenos fram Meat. hia is suin an es- sontiat pari os abstine e that it is alWays included in the term. There is no Med of Ouing the in
8 Quum autem quaeatoria, quae ait illla poenitentia in ungenda, qui diebus quadragesimalibus quo tempore tantae lamia inedia ingruebat, quod magnR para populi propter inopiam annonao periret, earn eomedere sunt eoaeti, tibi breviter repondemus quod in taliarticulo tuos non erodimus puniendos, quoa tam urgens ne astina exeu-rit . . e. Conatuum, X, de Obas . JH----, in Fres- m, Comma Juria, t. ΙΙ, Who inisa the eomplete text. 8a Seo tho Lentin Pastoral of tho Arisbiahop of Toura, 1847.
centum, a Very sensibis relaxation Was mine.
ing in the West. Jonas, the successor of Theodes seems in attach stili Iesa importa e to tho cholas of food, for he says that there is mors true pen-anoe in tising delicate meais in Amali quantities than in Drging oneseu With permittin fooda. The practice of ths Deopis corresponded to thotheories of Theodulf and Jonas; Eneas of Paris admits this in his discussion With ins Greeks, and
87 Qui vero ovis, inaeo, piscibus et Vino abstinere potest, m-nae virtutis gat; qui autem his, aut infirmitato interveniente, aut quolibet opere, abstinere non potest, utatur. Tantum ut jejunium usque ad Vesperum solemniter celebret; et vinum non ad ebriet tem, aed ad refectionem eorporis aut aumat. A caseo Vero, lacte, butyro et ovis abstinere, et non jejunam, dementisaimum est, et omni ratione semotum. Vini enim ebrietas et luxuria prohibita sunt, non Iae et ova. Non enim ait Apostolus: Noliis oomo reiso M Ova, sed: Foliis inebriari vino, in quo sat ruinuria.