장음표시 사용
door, and rushed in illi Xes and water, aswas thei right. Set Zing this ery favourable opportunity, e gaVe Agamemnon the stip, and made ur escape a hastily a thoughwe were reali fleein frona a conflagration. There a no light in front of the ouset stio Us the way a We Wandere about, nor id the intense stilines of the night give Us any hope of meetin Wayfarers illi torches. The effect of the wine, moreOVer, and our ignorance of the localit would have confused us even ad it been in the daytime an so, after e ad dragged urbieedin stet for almos an our ver thesharrisiones and iis of roken potier that lay in the street, e ere at ast aved by
the ingenuity o Giton for he, earin tolos his way even in daylight had leveri ymarhed ali the illars an columns of the