장음표시 사용
also the public avin a good time. Ut, also, at my right an a statue os, wise Fortunata holdin a ove, and et her e
And with bar feet he got up and egant folio Trimalchio, ho applauded his
the anitor, ho, on his arrivat, quiete thedo an dragge us hivering to the drysoor Giton ad atready preserve himselffroin the do by a very shrew device for hen the animal barhed the o had thrownto him verything that had been iven him by us frona the table, and the dog, attracted
by the ood, ad stoppe his barking. But
man to conductis to the ath-room; and
there throwin aside ur clothing, hicli Giton et himself to dry at the entrance, eentered the bath. It was very narrow like a cistern and incit Trimalchio as standingupright. Not even in his siluation couldhe sto his absurd boasting for e Leptsaying that here a nothingaeiter than tobathe par fio the ob and that iaceupo a time in his ver place there had been a bakery Presently gro in Weary, he Satdown and attracted by the echo of thebath-room, he pened his runken mouthloward the cellin and egan to murde the
Aster sonae triflin dainties ad been consumed Trimalchio, looking round at
Trimalchio ouncedipon him and egan tokis him for a long time. Whereupons ortunata, in orde to prove her equat right in the liousehold, began to abuse Trimalchio, stylin him the cum of the arti, an adisgracem person At ast he called ima dog. Talain offence at this Vitupera tion, Trimalchio thre a cu in her face, and she, a though he had os an ye,
be re her face. Scintilla also a very much disturbed and hid the cowering omanin her robe. A flaverat Onc in an ossicious manne placed a coid jug against her cheela, leaning pon hicli Fortunata egan to