장음표시 사용
iube, discovered a litile nitrogeu in iis composition, and hasgi ii the lallowing ns tho proportions of iis elements : carbon 63. 65, Oxygen 37.85, hydrogeii 14.9l, nitrogeii 3. 52. But with regarit to tho resulis of this analysis, it rematas aliatogether uncertain, What proportions os oxygen aud hydro- gen exist in the composition of the a Ohol as immediate principies, and what exist 1u it in the state of water. The process sor obtaining aikohol, consisis in submittingvinous or formonted liquors to distillation. It disti is overivitii a quantity of water, and in this manner are formed the spiritous liquors of commerce, these deriving peculiis flavolarfroin the substances froin whicli the semented liquor lius been prepared. These spirituus liquors, by repeMed distil- .
lations, afford aikohol in a more concentraled state, disserent substances heing added tu facilitate the concentration undrectiscation. The process belongs to the pharmaceuticali part of the M oin.
Ιt had usually been supposed, that tho aikohol obtainedi by distillation spom fermented liquors, pro-eXisis in them. l The opposite opinion, that it is sormed during the distis tion, Was advanced by Fabroni, principalty froni his findingi that no portion os allioliol can be dete ted in Mune proviOuql to distillation, by dissolving potast in it to saturation, thoughl by this method a sinali quantity of aikohol addod to the
taining spirit Dom wine without distillation, by siast precipitating the extractivo and colouring matter by acetate Oflead, and then adding sub arbonate os potasti in large quan-
tity, whicli combines With the water and separates the spirit. It is singulis, however, that the intoxicuting po ver of vine is not equat to what iniit be expected froni the portion os spirit it yieliis by distillation. Brandy, sor example, according to Brandu's experiment, amoriis abolit 53 per cent. of eskohol, whilo Pori Wine yieliis Ironi 21 to 25 per cent. Yet the spiritous strength of the lalter, estimated by iis actionon the living system, is certainly not eques to one half that of the former. Is the wholo of the allioliol, thero re, obtainedfroni ivine by distillation, pre-exist in it, iis powers must bematerialb modissed by the other principies xvith whicli it is
combine l. Pure ullioliol is colourless and transparent; iis odour is
fragrant, and iis taste hi j pungent it is lighter thau Wa-ior, the disserenoe being greater as the aikohol is more pureand concentra ted, and heiace the specific gravity is the besti est of iis strength. As prepared by the usual processes, it lis Of the specisio gravity . 835, and it is of this strongili iliat lit is ordored in the Pharmacopoeias, as fit for pharmaceuticat purp0Ses. My careful rectification, however, it may hohrought to . SI 5, and even to .800 ; and stili, when of this id ree Os concentration, we have no method os discovering hat quantity of V ater is contained in it: henoe, we do noti no iv What constitutes real aikohol. When of the commonstrength, it is So volatile as to evaliora te speciiij at the lcommon temperature of the atmosphere; it botis at 1650
Qkalis, and severat neutral salts. It likewise dissolves siestaplim and pla0sphorus ; and is tho solvent of a number of the vegetable proximate principies, such aS resin, Camplior, eS- Senties oti, balsam, extraci, and sacchuine matter. From this solvent power, aikohol is a very imp0rtant pha maceutic agent, particularly as applied to the vegetable a
ticles of the Materia Medica ; the principies whicli it dissolves buing those in whicli medicinal po vera frequently re fide, and being dissolved by it in such quantity as to afford
Very active preparations. It has another importarat pro perty, that of counteracting the spontaneous Changes toti hicli vegetabies are liable froni the reaction of their et e- .ments ; and hen e these solutions or tinctures retain thoir
properties unimpatred. When diluted with an equat weight of wator, it stili exeris iis Solvent power to a Certain extent, added to the solvent power of the water; and this dilui dulkohol, or Proos Spirit, as it is named, the standard sp c sic gravio Of. whicli is .935, is even more generalty em pl0yed in pharmacy as a s0lvent of vegetable mattei', thau
creases the Arce of the circulation, communiCates a great Pdegree Oi muscular vigo , and excites exhilaration os minit :these gradually subside, and are soll0wed by proportionallanguor. Is the quantity is more considerabie, iis excitin gestiecis are more qui Uy produced, and axe followed by iu
toxication, temporary delirium, and stupor : and in a turge lose it occasions death, with scarcely any symptom os pre-Vious excitement. Iis analogy in producing these effecis toother narcottos is sufficiently obvious. Iis CXCiting potver h0Wever, appears to be rather more permanent than that oss0me of the medicines of this class ; and helice, Whilo it can
NARCOTIC s. be successsully employed to xouse the poWers of the system, it can scareely be used Mili inual aduantam to repress irregular action, diministi irritation, or induce stem. Alkohol, in iis pure state, can scarcely be said to be cin-ployed in medicine. Sometimes it is used as an applicationto buriis, and to certa in states of locat inflammation not connected with increased action ; it is applied by fi)iction to re-llevi muscular patris ; or to blecding wo ds to rostrain haemorrhage.
are employed as generat stimulanis to excite tho actions of the system. Their stimulant operation,. however, is not Suia
ition. Ita administration is regulated, theres ore, by the onfecis it produces ; ad vaniuge being Hways derived Dom it, i, heii it vendera the pulse more flow and sirin ;'When the recurrence of delirium is prevented ; whon irritation is tessen-ed, and fleep induced. Ii the pulse is quickened, and the
I ie winos prepared froin other Duits stan the grape, areleSS. SpiritOuS and more acescent, and are holice inserior intonio potver. Ferinented liquors, especialty porter, are Sometimes substitutod sev lvine, Where this is necessa Domidi asyncracy, and their po vers ave s0meu liat modisied by their other qualities, particularly by their bittorness, and by the pungoncy arising frum their excess of carbonic acid. I bcir narcotic potver tuo is osten Deuter than is proportion- cd to their vinous strenula, o ving to tho addition of narcotic substances whicli they osten receive in iliciu proparation. Frona the immoderate and long continued use of vinous
NAROOTIC S. nammation of the livor, and goui, porbid states probablyarising cithor froin the incruased actioin it excites, giviug riseto organio duraugement, or Dom thi: exhaustion of Ρ0wer, general or locat, produced by Stimuli ut operation uianecessarib excited or too long continued. In an excessive doSe, spiritous liquors produce a state of c ,i apoplexy, Whicli has sonactimes a fatal termination. of the stomach by a principes emetic, is the rein viousty indi-
caled, and Dona what has been stated unc. U generat account of the operation of narcotics, page li8.), the pr0priety os sustaining respiration hy artificiat inflatiou of the lungs, is necessary, is equalty ObViOUS. i EΤΗΕR SULPHURIcus. Si/lphuretc Ather ALI OHOL Susters dccomposition froni the action of the more powerfici acides upon it; and substances axe formed by these decompositions which have a resemblance in the P generes propexties, though, as produced by the action of the disserent acids, they have also peculiar po vers. They axe denomina ted Ethers. Sulphurio ether, formed by the action os sulphurio acid on aikohol, is the one that has heenchieny applied to any medicinal purp0Se ; and iis po vers arethose of a narcotic. Nitrio ether, in the state in Whicli ithas been used, diluto, and with a portion of free acid, som-ing the spirit os Nitrous ether, or Dulcillest Spirit os Nitre,acis principalty as a diuretic, and is there re placed under that cIass. Tho other et hors are os more diificult preparation, and have scarcely been introduced into the Materia Modica. Sulphurio ether is obtained by exposing a intutuis of Sulphvi ic acid and aikohol in equat Geighis, to a licat sufficientio produce ebullition ; ne ether is the produci os the action
NARCOTIC S. 135 by a second distillation, any Dee acid being abstracted by anathali. Tho process is considered more ivlty in the phar- i uaccutical part of the wOPE. A dilutod preparation is or-dered in the pharmacopoeias, in Whicli tho rectificii ethor is mixed with two paris of aikoliol; and in tho London Pharmacopoeia there is unother preparation, in Malch a productiliat is obtained at tho Ond of the distillation, of an ody V-Ρearance, eth lal oti as it is nam ed, is added to this dilut
ed ether : notthor os illese prepavations is of any importauce. Sulphurio ether is colourless and transparent, ii ighlv Odo-rous and pungent, and of a specific gravi ty inferior even to that of aikohol, being, When highly rectised, not more than o.730, compared with the standard specific yavity of water. It is very Volatile, so as to evaporate spee lily at natural tem- ' peratures ; and Dona iis rapid transition to Vapoui', it produces much cold diuing iis evaporation.' In vacuo it holis below the Deering potnt of Water, and truder the atmosphe--ric pressure it holis at 98ς. It is also hi ly inflammabio, and assoriis by iis combustion writer anil cui bonio acid. Itillifers fioni ulla hol, principalis in containing a largor proportion of hydrogeia, and to this iis greater levity and . volutility axe probably owing. The propoletions os iis elemenis,as assigned by Saussure, are carbon 59, oxygen I9, hydrogeii 22. Sulphuric ether is a potvertat diffusibio stimulant, Some-What analogous to aikohol in iis action, anil, lilio it, capableos producing intoxication. Iis stimulant operation appe sto be even more suddenly exerted. and to bo Iess durable :hence iis superiority as a narcotic and antispasmodic. As asstimulant, it is Sometimes givon in occasiones dosos in typhus lever, more particularly in those casos Where Sympionis are pre-
dic, it is employed in spasmodic asthina, und Sometimes anfords sudilon and complete velles, producing ser a time atteast remisSion of the paroxysin: it is also given with ad-vantage in the hysterio paroxysm: it is one of the mostpowerfui remedies in cramp of the stomach, and singultus ;
and it somelimes relleves some of the symptotus of cholera,
Ospecialty the vomiting. Ιis usual dose is a tea spoonsul, equul to about a drachm; but iis beneficiat essecis are sec-quently not obta ined, unieas it bo ven in a larger dose, oruntii the dose has been repeated at inori intervalS. In dysp- iacea and cat arta iis vapoux inhaled into the lungs affortis relies, proba ly froni iis antispasmodio power. Externaei lyapplied, it relicves muscular palus ; it is uili excellent application to burus ; and Doni the degree os cold whicli attentilis evaporation, it has been employed to favour the reductionos strangulated hernia, being da opi on the tumor, and allowedio evapor te Deely. CAMPHORA, Camphor. Lam us Camphora, Lin. G. En-neandria. Ord. Monogyiira. Nas. Ord. Oleracem. Habitat, India . . CAMPHOR is not the produce exclusively of one vegetabie, but is contained in many planis, cspecialty thoSe of the aromatio liuid, diffused through their Wood or burti, and is onten deposited hom their essentiat Oils When these are longi ept. The olla of peppermnat, thyme, Sage, .nd a numberos othors, thus assord it. For the pui poses of dommerce, itis obtuined froni a species os laurei, tho Laurus camphoia, o native of Iapan und Sumati a. It exisis in natus in thewood of the root and branches of this tr e. It is extracted
NARCOTIC S. 157 tity of water, and the temperature thus communicated is susscient to volatilige the camplior; in Europe, it is purisiodis a second sublimation, With the addition of Ono-twentieth of its weight of time.
Somowhat tinctiious to the touch ; iis sineti is strong aud fragrant ; iis tastu pi ingent and bliter. It is volatile at natuarii temperatures, and soon dimini Shos in bulla froni exposui eto the air; it melis at a heat a litile superior to 2129; isti ighb inflammable; it is very spuringly Solubie in ivator, hut is entireb solubie in alkohol, ether, and Oils essentiat orex' sed . The aikalis do not aci upon it. The weukeraesds dissolve it, and the more pora exsul acids decompose it. These properties are suffcient to distinguisti it froni illeother proximate principies of Veget les. It approachesne est in iis charactera to essentiat od, and appears to dinfer Dom oti in chemicat composition, principalty in containing a lai Aer proportion os carbon. Heiace, When iis volatialiZation is provented, and it is subjected to a temperature solito as to decompose it, as may he done lis exposing it inmixture u illi pure clay to a heat suddenly raised, it afford sa liquid, having ali the properties of an essentiat oti, odor sand pungent. There remutias a Considerable proportion ofchai coal; carbonic acid, and carburetted hydrogeu gases are discngaged, and an acid liquid is obta ined, named cumphorion id. I liis acid, whicli is also formed irona Camplior by coin- bustion, and by the action os nitrio acid, has Some TCS
blance to benZoic acid. In a moderate dose, camplior produces effecis Similar tothose of other narcotics. Iis stimulant Operation, ho evor,
is nut considui ablo ; and in a large . doso it diminishes ili fl
As a stimulant, camplior lias beon ubed in typhus, cymanche maligna, confluent Small-poX, and Other febrile a sections accompanted with debili ; in retrocedent goiit, andio checla tho pro ess of gangrene ; but iis Stimulant oper tion is scuroely sufficiently pcrmanent to admit os heing easilyregulated. As a sedative, it is used in assections os an Opposite nature, as in pneumonia, rheumati Siaa, and gonorrhina, combined with nitre or intimonials, or by it self, Where EVRCuations have been previousty employed, though in thesu cases also it is litile empi ed in modern practice. In m
spasmodic, it has been used in asthina, chorea, and epilepSy. The dose of camplior is from 5 to 20 gratias, but it is Sel- doni that it is giv n at once in so large a dose as the lalter' quautity, Doni bcing liable to produce nausea and laritation. In Smali doses, on the other haud, it produces litile effeci; unlcsS they a re frequently repeMed. In divided doses, it ma be sven to the extent of a draclian or more in the d . Iis pomer of checking the progi 'ess of gangrene has been SuppOSed to he augmented by combination avitii muSk, or carbonateos, ammonia : combined with opium, it fornis a potve ut dia-phoretio ; and iis ossicacy in inflammatory diseu's is promoted by antimonialS.Camphor ought to he given in a state os mixtinet in Someliquid foriae, as in tho solid state it is liable to excite nausea. t may be diffused in ivator by trituration With Sngar, mu-cilage, or almoniis. The camphoraled mixture of the London Pharmacopoeia, in Q hicli camplior is tritu aled with water, and Stra ined, is a preparation whicli, frona the ingsolubility of camplior in Hater, can havo Scamely any ΡOWer. Iu the pharmaccutio treatinent of camplior, it is neceSSa , in order to reduce it to potviter, to adit a se v drops of aiko-h0l during the trituration. Magnesia, by benig lxitu ted